123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393 |
- #!/usr/bin/perl
- # renumberpdb.pl - generate a PDB file with renumbered indices that match residue indices in input sequence
- # Usage: renumberpdb.pl [options] infile [outfile]
- # Example: renumberpdb.pl d1hz4a_.a3m d1hz4a_.pdb
- # (C) Johannes Soeding, 2012
- #
- # HHsuite version 3.0.0 (15-03-2015)
- #
- # Reference:
- # Remmert M., Biegert A., Hauser A., and Soding J.
- # HHblits: Lightning-fast iterative protein sequence searching by HMM-HMM alignment.
- # Nat. Methods, epub Dec 25, doi: 10.1038/NMETH.1818 (2011).
- # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- # (at your option) any later version.
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- # We are very grateful for bug reports! Please contact us at [email protected]
- use lib $ENV{"HHLIB"}."/scripts";
- use HHPaths; # config file with path variables for nr, blast, psipred, pdb, dssp etc.
- use Align; # Needleman-Wunsch and Smith-Waterman alignment functions
- use File::Temp qw/ tempfile /;
- use strict;
- $|=1; # autoflush on
- # Default parameters for Align.pm
- our $d=3; # gap opening penalty for Align.pm
- our $dx=20; # gap opening penalty for sequence x Align.pm
- our $e=0.1; # gap extension penalty for Align.pm
- our $g=0.09; # endgap penalty for Align.pm
- our $v=2; # verbose mode
- our $matrix="identity";
- my $TEMPDIR = $ENV{'TEMP'};
- # Global variables
- my $infile; # input file
- my $outfile; # output file
- my $line; # input line
- my $nameline=""; # characters following '>' in input file
- my $aaq=""; # amino acid sequence read from input file
- my $outdir; # directory path of input file
- my $program=$0; # name of perl script
- my $replaceMSE=1; # replace HETATM MSE records by ATOM MET
- my $dopt=0;
- my $altloc="A";
- my $pdbfile;
- $program=~s/.*\///; # remove path
- if (scalar(@ARGV)<1) {
- print("
- $program - generate a PDB file with renumbered indices that match residue indices in
- input sequence
- The program reads an input sequence in FASTA/A3M which must have a SCOP domain, PDB chain, or DALI
- domain identifier (e.g. d1hz4a_, 1hz4_A, or 1hz4A_1). It reads the corresponding PDB file from the
- given pdb directory and generates a new PDB file by aligning the input sequence to the sequence
- extracted from the ATOM records of the corresponding pdb chain and renumbering the residues in
- columns 23-26 according to the position in the input sequence.
- (HETATM records for MSE (selenomethionine) will be interpreted as ATOM records for MET in the
- alignment. MSE will be changed to MET in the output file.)
- Usage: $program [options] infile [outfile]
- Example: $program d1hz4a_.a3m /cluster/tmp/d1hz4a_.pdb
- Options:
- -o <file> output file (default: <infile_wo_extension>.pdb
- -d <pdbdir> give directory of pdb files (default=$pdbdir)
- -a [A|B] filter alternative location identifier (e.g. A or B)
- \n");
- exit;
- }
- my $options="";
- for (my $i=0; $i<@ARGV; $i++) {$options.=" $ARGV[$i] ";}
- # General options
- if ($options=~s/ -d\s*(\S+) / /) {$pdbdir=$1; $dopt=1;}
- if ($options=~s/ -a\s*(\S+) / /) {$altloc=$1;}
- if ($options=~s/ -i\s*(\S*) //) {$infile=$1;}
- if ($options=~s/ -o\s*(\S*) //) {$outfile=$1;}
- if ($options=~s/ -v\s+(\d+) / /g) {$v=$1;}
- if (!$infile && $options=~s/^\s*([^-]\S*)\s* / /) {$infile=$1;}
- if (!$outfile && $options=~s/^\s*([^-]\S*)\s* / /) {$outdir=$1;}
- if (!$outfile) {
- $outfile=$infile;
- $outfile=~s/^(.*)\..*?$/$1.pdb/;
- }
- # Read infile
- if ($v>=3) {print("Reading $infile...\n");}
- my @infile_lines;
- if($infile ne "stdin") {
- open(INFILE,"<$infile") or die("Error: can't open $infile: $!\n");
- @infile_lines = <INFILE>;
- close(INFILE);
- }
- else {
- @infile_lines = <STDIN>;
- }
- # Read query sequence in infile
- my $line_index = 0;
- for ($line_index = 0; $line_index < scalar(@infile_lines); $line_index++) {
- $line = $infile_lines[$line_index];
- if ($line =~ /^>/ && $line !~ /^>(aa|ss)_/) {
- last;
- }
- }
- $line=~/^>(.*)/;
- $nameline=$1;
- # Read query sequence
- for ($line_index += 1; $line_index < scalar(@infile_lines); $line_index++) {
- $line = $infile_lines[$line_index];
- if($line =~ /^>/) {
- last;
- }
- chomp($line);
- $aaq .= $line;
- }
- # Prepare output file if stdout
- my $is_stdout_output = 0;
- if ($outfile eq "stdout") {
- $is_stdout_output = 1;
- (undef, $outfile) = tempfile(UNLINK => 1, OPEN => 0, DIR => $TEMPDIR);
- }
- if (&MakePdbFile($nameline,$aaq,$outfile) !=0) {exit(1);}
- # Print outfile to stdout if specified by the user
- if ($is_stdout_output == 1) {
- open(FH, "<$outfile") or die("Error: can't open temporary $outfile: $!\n");
- while( my $line = <FH>) {
- print($line);
- }
- close(FH);
- }
- if ($v>=2) {print("Done\n");}
- exit(0);
- ##################################################################################
- # Make a pdb file $base.pdb with correct resdiue numbers from query sequence in $base.hhm
- ##################################################################################
- sub MakePdbFile()
- {
- # >g1avo.1 a.24.8.1 (A:,B:) Proteasome activator reg(alpha) {Human (Homo sapiens)}
- my $nameline=$_[0]; # everything in line following '>' in infile
- my $aaq=$_[1]; # query amino acids
- my $outfile=$_[2]; # query amino acids
- my $pdbcode; # e.g. 1hz4
- my $chain; # chain id of query sequence for hmmfile
- my $line; # currently read input line
- my $header; # PDB file header
- my @remarks; # PDB file remarks
- my $date=`date`;
- chomp($date);
- $nameline=~/^(\S+)/;
- my $name=$1;
- # SCOP ID? (d3lkfa_,d3grs_3,d3pmga1,g1m26.1)
- if ($nameline=~/^[d-u](\d[a-z0-9]{3})([a-z0-9_.])[a-z0-9_]\b/) {
- $pdbcode=lc($1);
- $chain=uc($2);
- if ($chain eq "_") {$chain="[A ]";} else {$chain=uc($2);}
- $header="HEADER SCOP domain $name $date";
- }
- # DALI ID? (8fabA_0,1a0i_2)
- elsif ($nameline=~/^(\d[a-z0-9]{3})([A-Za-z0-9])?_\d+\s+\d+\.\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+/) {
- $pdbcode=lc($1);
- $chain=$2;
- if ($chain eq "") {$chain="A";}
- $header="HEADER DALI domain $name $date";
- }
- # PDB ID? (8fab_A, 1a0i, 1a0i_2)
- elsif ($nameline=~/^(\d[a-z0-9]{3})_?(\S?)\b/) {
- $pdbcode=lc($1);
- $chain=$2;
- if ($chain eq "") {$chain="[A ]";}
- $header="HEADER PDB chain $name $date";
- }
- # T0289_B or similar
- elsif ($dopt && $nameline=~/^([^_\s]+)/) {
- $pdbcode=$1;
- if ($nameline=~/^[^_\s]+_(\S)/) {$chain=$1;} else {$chain=".";}
- $header="HEADER $pdbcode $date";
- }
- else {
- die("Error: no pdb code found in sequence '$nameline'\n");
- }
- my $i; # index for residues in scop sequence
- my $l; # index for residue record in pdb file: l-1'st character in $aapdb <=> l'th record of $pdbline
- my @pdbline; # $pdbline[$l][$natom] = line in pdb file for l'th residue in $aapdb and atom N, CB, or O
- my $natom; # runs from 0 up to 2 (N, CB, O)
- my $res; # residue in pdb line
- my $atom; # atom code in pdb file (N, CA, CB, O, ...)
- my $aapdb=""; # template amino acids from ATOM record of pdb file
- my $col; # column of alignment query (from hhm file) versus pdb-residues
- my $nres; # residue number in pdb file
- if ($v>=3) {print("Looking for pdb file with pdb code $pdbcode ...\n");}
- $pdbfile = &OpenPDBfile($pdbcode);
- if ($v>=3) {print("Opening pdb file $pdbfile ...\n");}
- if ($pdbfile eq "") {return 1;}
- $l=0;
- $nres=-1e6;
- while ($line=<PDBFILE>) {
- # ATOM 1 N GLY A 1 -19.559 8.872 4.925 1.00 16.44 N
- # ATOM 2 CA GLY A 1 -19.004 8.179 6.112 1.00 14.30 C
- if ($line=~/^ENDMDL/) {last;} # if file contains NMR models read only first
- if ($line=~/^ATOM \s*\d+ (....)[ $altloc](\w{3}) $chain\s*(-?\d+\w?).*/ ||
- $line=~/^HETATM\s*\d+ (....)[ $altloc](MSE) $chain\s*(-?\d+\w?).*/) {
- $atom=$1;
- $res=$2;
- # New residue?
- if ($3 ne $nres) { # $3<$nres if new chain (A:,B:)
- $nres=$3;
- $l++;
- $res=&Three2OneLetter($res);
- $aapdb.=$res;
- $natom=0;
- }
- if ($replaceMSE) {
- $line=~s/^(HETATM\s*\d+ )SE(...MSE)/$1 S$2/ && $line=~s/SE(\s*)$/ S$1/;
- $line=~s/^HETATM(\s*\d+ .....)MSE/ATOM $1MET/;
- }
- $pdbline[$l][$natom++]=$line;
- }
- }
- close (PDBFILE);
- # Align scop query sequence ($aaq) with query sequence in pdb ($aapdb)
- my $xseq=$aaq;
- my $yseq=$aapdb;
- my ($imin,$imax,$lmin,$lmax);
- my $Sstr;
- my $score;
- my (@i,@l); # The aligned characters are returend in $j[$col] and $l[$col]
- if ($v>=3) {print("Aligning query sequence with sequence from pdb ATOM records \n");}
- $score=&AlignNW(\$xseq,\$yseq,\@i,\@l,\$imin,\$imax,\$lmin,\$lmax,\$Sstr);
- if ($v>=3) {print("Generating renumbered pdbfile \n");}
- # Set remarks etc.
- my $author ="AUTHOR J. Soeding johannes\@soeding.com";
- push(@remarks,"REMARK This file was generated by $program. Its residue numbers refer");
- push(@remarks,"REMARK to the following SEQRES sequence, for which $program was called:");
- push(@remarks,"REMARK >$nameline");
- $line=uc($aaq);
- while ($line) {
- $line=~s/^(\S{1,60})//;
- push(@remarks,"REMARK $1");
- }
- # Print scop-pdb file
- if (!open (OUTFILE,">$outfile")) {warn("Error: can't open $outfile: $!\n"); return 3;}
- printf(OUTFILE "%-80.80s\n",$header);
- printf(OUTFILE "%-80.80s\n",$author);
- foreach my $remark (@remarks) {printf(OUTFILE "%-80.80s\n",$remark);}
- my $match=0;
- my $len=length($aaq);
- for ($col=0; $col<@i; $col++) {
- if ($i[$col] && $l[$col]) {
- $match++;
- for ($natom=0; $natom<scalar(@{$pdbline[$l[$col]]}); $natom++) {
- $pdbline[$l[$col]][$natom]=~/(^......\s*\d+ .....\w{3} $chain).{5}(.*)/;
- if ($v>=4) {printf("%s%4i %s\n",$1,$i[$col],$2);}
- $line=sprintf("%s%4i %s\n",$1,$i[$col],$2);
- # $pdbline[$l[$col]][$natom]=~/(^......\s*\d+ .....\w{3} $chain).{4}(.*)/;
- # if ($v>=4) {printf("%s%4i%s\n",$1,$i[$col],$2);}
- # $line=sprintf("%s%4i%s\n",$1,$i[$col],$2);
- print(OUTFILE $line);
- }
- }
- }
- $line=~/^ATOM\s+(\d+)......(.........)/;
- printf(OUTFILE "TER %5i %s \n",1+$1,$2);
- print(OUTFILE "END \n");
- close (OUTFILE);
- # Warn?
- if ($v>=2 || ($v>=1 && $len-$match>5)) {
- if ($v>=1 && $len-$match>1) {
- printf("\nWARNING: could not find coordinates for %i query residues:\n",$len-$match);
- } else { printf("\n"); }
- $nameline=~/^(\S+)/;
- printf("%-14.14s $xseq\n","Q $1:");
- printf("%-14.14s $Sstr\n","Identities:");
- printf("%-14.14s $yseq\n","T $pdbcode"."_$chain:");
- printf("\n");
- if ($v>=4) {
- for ($col=0; $col<@l && $col<200; $col++) {
- printf("%3i %3i %3i\n",$col,$i[$col],$l[$col]);
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- # End MakePdbFile()
- ##################################################################################
- # Convert three-letter amino acid code into one-letter code
- ##################################################################################
- sub Three2OneLetter {
- my $res=uc($_[0]);
- if ($res eq "GLY") {return "G";}
- elsif ($res eq "ALA") {return "A";}
- elsif ($res eq "VAL") {return "V";}
- elsif ($res eq "LEU") {return "L";}
- elsif ($res eq "ILE") {return "I";}
- elsif ($res eq "MET") {return "M";}
- elsif ($res eq "PHE") {return "F";}
- elsif ($res eq "TYR") {return "Y";}
- elsif ($res eq "TRP") {return "W";}
- elsif ($res eq "ASN") {return "N";}
- elsif ($res eq "ASP") {return "D";}
- elsif ($res eq "GLN") {return "Q";}
- elsif ($res eq "GLU") {return "E";}
- elsif ($res eq "CYS") {return "C";}
- elsif ($res eq "PRO") {return "P";}
- elsif ($res eq "SER") {return "S";}
- elsif ($res eq "THR") {return "T";}
- elsif ($res eq "LYS") {return "K";}
- elsif ($res eq "HIS") {return "H";}
- elsif ($res eq "ARG") {return "R";}
- elsif ($res eq "SEC") {return "U";}
- elsif ($res eq "ASX") {return "B";}
- elsif ($res eq "GLX") {return "Z";}
- elsif ($res eq "KCX") {return "K";}
- elsif ($res eq "MSE") {return "M";} # SELENOMETHIONINE
- elsif ($res eq "SEP") {return "S";} # PHOSPHOSERINE
- else {return "X";}
- }
- # Find the pdb file with $pdbcode in pdb directory
- sub OpenPDBfile() {
- my $pdbcode=lc($_[0]);
- if (! -e "$pdbdir") {
- print(STDERR "Error in $program: pdb directory '$pdbdir' does not exist!\n");
- return 1;
- }
- if (-e "$pdbdir/all") {$pdbfile="$pdbdir/all/";}
- elsif (-e "$pdbdir/divided") {$pdbfile="$pdbdir/divided/".substr($pdbcode,1,2)."/";}
- else {$pdbfile="$pdbdir/";}
- if ($pdbdir=~/divided.?$/) {$pdbfile.=substr($pdbcode,1,2)."/";}
- if (-e $pdbfile."pdb$pdbcode.ent") {$pdbfile.="pdb$pdbcode.ent";}
- elsif (-e $pdbfile."pdb$pdbcode.ent.gz") {$pdbfile="gunzip -c $pdbfile"."pdb$pdbcode.ent.gz |";}
- elsif (-e $pdbfile."pdb$pdbcode.ent.Z") {$pdbfile="gunzip -c $pdbfile"."pdb$pdbcode.ent.Z |";}
- elsif (-e $pdbfile."$pdbcode.pdb") {$pdbfile.="$pdbcode.pdb";}
- else {
- printf(STDERR "Error in $program: Cannot find pdb file $pdbfile"."pdb$pdbcode.ent!\n");
- return "";
- }
- if (!open (PDBFILE, "$pdbfile")) {
- printf(STDERR "Error in $program: Cannot open pdb file: $!\n");
- return "";
- }
- return $pdbfile;
- }