bibfile.bib 780 B

  1. @article{Knupp1999,
  2. author = "Knupp, PM",
  3. title = "Winslow smoothing on two-dimensional unstructured meshes",
  4. year = "1999",
  5. journal = "Eng {C}omput",
  6. volume = "15",
  7. pages = "263--268"
  8. }
  9. @techreport{kamm2000,
  10. author = "Kamm, J",
  11. title = "Evaluation of the {S}edov-von {N}eumann-{T}aylor blast wave solution",
  12. institution = "Los {A}lamos {N}ational {L}aboratory",
  13. year = "2000",
  14. number = "Technical {R}eport LA-UR-00-6055"
  15. }
  16. @article{Taylor1937,
  17. author = "Taylor, GI and Green, AE",
  18. title = "Mechanism of the production of small eddies from large ones",
  19. year = "1937",
  20. journal = "P {R}oy {S}oc {L}ond {A} {M}at",
  21. volume = "158",
  22. number = "895",
  23. pages = "499--521"
  24. }