skeleton.Rmd 1.2 KB

  1. ---
  2. title: Capitalized Title Here
  3. author:
  4. - name: Author One
  5. affiliation: Affiliation
  6. address:
  7. - line 1
  8. - line 2
  9. email: author1@work
  10. - name: Author Two
  11. affiliation: Affiliation
  12. address:
  13. - line 1
  14. - line 2
  15. email: author2@work
  16. abstract: >
  17. An abstract of less than 150 words.
  18. output:
  19. rticles::rjournal_article:
  20. includes:
  21. in_header: preamble.tex
  22. ---
  23. ## Introduction
  24. Introductory section which may include references in parentheses
  25. \citep{R}, or cite a reference such as \citet{R} in the text.
  26. ## Section title in sentence case
  27. This section may contain a figure such as Figure \ref{figure:rlogo}.
  28. \begin{figure}[htbp]
  29. \centering
  30. \includegraphics{Rlogo}
  31. \caption{The logo of R.}
  32. \label{figure:rlogo}
  33. \end{figure}
  34. ## Another section
  35. There will likely be several sections, perhaps including code snippets, such as:
  36. ```{r}
  37. x <- 1:10
  38. x
  39. ```
  40. ## Summary
  41. This file is only a basic article template. For full details of _The R Journal_ style and information on how to prepare your article for submission, see the [Instructions for Authors](
  42. \bibliography{RJreferences}