skeleton.Rmd 10 KB

  1. ---
  2. journal: jacsat
  3. type: article
  4. author:
  5. - name: Andrew N. Other
  6. altaff: A shared footnote
  7. - name: Fred T. Secondauthor
  8. altaff: "Current address: Some other place, Germany"
  9. - name: I. Ken Groupleader
  10. altaff: A shared footnote
  11. email: \email{[email protected]}
  12. phone: +123 (0)123 4445556
  13. fax: +123 (0)123 4445557
  14. aff: Department of Chemistry, Unknown University, Unknown Town
  15. alsoaff: Department of Chemistry, Second University, Nearby Town
  16. - name: Susanne K. Laborator
  17. email: \email{[email protected]}
  18. aff: Lead Discovery, BigPharma, Big Town, USA
  19. - name: Kay T. Finally
  20. aff: Department of Chemistry, Unknown University, Unknown Town
  21. alsoaff: Department of Chemistry, Second University, Nearby Town
  22. title:
  23. formatted: A demonstration of the \textsf{achemso} \LaTeX\
  24. class\footnote{A footnote for the title}
  25. short: An \textsf{achemso} demo
  26. abbr: IR,NMR,UV
  27. keywords: American Chemical Society, \LaTeX
  28. abstract: |
  29. This is an example document for the \textsf{achemso} documentclass, intended for submissions to the American Chemical Society for publication. The class is based on the standard \LaTeXe\ \textsf{report} file, and does not seek to reproduce the appearanceof a published paper.
  30. This is an abstract for the \textsf{achemso} document class demonstration document. An abstract is only allowed for certain manuscript types. The selection of \texttt{journal} and \texttt{manuscript} will determine if an abstract is valid. If not, the class will issue an appropriate error.This is the abstract.
  31. bibliography: acstest.bib
  32. output: rticles::acs_article
  33. ---
  34. \begin{tocentry}
  35. Some journals require a graphical entry for the Table of Contents.
  36. This should be laid out ``print ready'' so that the sizing of the
  37. text is correct.
  38. Inside the \texttt{tocentry} environment, the font used is Helvetica
  39. 8\,pt, as required by \emph{Journal of the American Chemical
  40. Society}.
  41. The surrounding frame is 9\,cm by 3.5\,cm, which is the maximum
  42. permitted for \emph{Journal of the American Chemical Society}
  43. graphical table of content entries. The box will not resize if the
  44. content is too big: instead it will overflow the edge of the box.
  45. This box and the associated title will always be printed on a
  46. separate page at the end of the document.
  47. \end{tocentry}
  48. # Introduction
  49. This is a paragraph of text to fill the introduction of the
  50. demonstration file. The demonstration file attempts to show the
  51. modifications of the standard \LaTeX\ macros that are implemented by
  52. the \textsf{achemso} class. These are mainly concerned with content,
  53. as opposed to appearance.
  54. # Results and discussion
  55. ## Outline
  56. The document layout should follow the style of the journal concerned.
  57. Where appropriate, sections and subsections should be added in the
  58. normal way. If the class options are set correctly, warnings will be
  59. given if these should not be present.
  60. ## References
  61. The class makes various changes to the way that references are
  62. handled. The class loads \textsf{natbib}, and also the
  63. appropriate bibliography style. References can be made using
  64. the normal method; the citation should be placed before any
  65. punctuation, as the class will move it if using a superscript
  66. citation style [@Garnier2007].
  67. The use of \textsf{natbib} allows the use of the various citation
  68. commands of that package have shown
  69. something. Long lists of authors will be
  70. automatically truncated in most article formats, but not in
  71. supplementary information or reviews. If you
  72. encounter problems with the citation macros, please check that
  73. your copy of \textsf{natbib} is up to date. The demonstration
  74. database file \texttt{achemso-demo.bib} shows how to complete
  75. entries correctly. Notice that ``\latin{et al.}'' is auto-formatted
  76. using the \texttt{\textbackslash latin} command.
  77. Multiple citations to be combined into a list can be given as
  78. a single citation. This uses the \textsf{mciteplus} package.
  79. Citations other than the first of the list should be indicated
  80. with a star.
  81. The class also handles notes to be added to the bibliography. These
  82. should be given in place in the document. As with
  83. citations, the text should be placed before punctuation. A note is
  84. also generated if a citation has an optional note. This assumes that
  85. the whole work has already been cited: odd numbering will result if
  86. this is not the case .
  87. ## Floats
  88. New float types are automatically set up by the class file. The
  89. means graphics are included as follows (Scheme \ref{sch:example}). As
  90. illustrated, the float is ``here'' if possible.
  91. \begin{scheme}
  92. Your scheme graphic would go here: \texttt{.eps} format\\
  93. for \LaTeX\, or \texttt{.pdf} (or \texttt{.png}) for pdf\LaTeX\\
  94. \textsc{ChemDraw} files are best saved as \texttt{.eps} files:\\
  95. these can be scaled without loss of quality, and can be\\
  96. converted to \texttt{.pdf} files easily using \texttt{eps2pdf}.\\
  97. %\includegraphics{graphic}
  98. \caption{An example scheme}
  99. \label{sch:example}
  100. \end{scheme}
  101. ```{r,echo=FALSE,fig.cap='test'}
  102. plot(1:10)
  103. ```
  104. \begin{figure}
  105. As well as the standard float types \texttt{table}\\
  106. and \texttt{figure}, the class also recognises\\
  107. \texttt{scheme}, \texttt{chart} and \texttt{graph}.
  108. \caption{An example figure}
  109. \label{fgr:example}
  110. \end{figure}
  111. Charts, figures and schemes do not necessarily have to be labelled or
  112. captioned. However, tables should always have a title. It is
  113. possible to include a number and label for a graphic without any
  114. title, using an empty argument to the \texttt{\textbackslash caption}
  115. macro.
  116. The use of the different floating environments is not required, but
  117. it is intended to make document preparation easier for authors. In
  118. general, you should place your graphics where they make logical
  119. sense; the production process will move them if needed.
  120. ## Math(s)
  121. The \textsf{achemso} class does not load any particular additional
  122. support for mathematics. If packages such as \textsf{amsmath} are
  123. required, they should be loaded in the preamble. However,
  124. the basic \LaTeX\ math(s) input should work correctly without
  125. this. Some inline material $y = mx + c$ or $1 + 1 = 2$
  126. followed by some display. $$ A = \pi r^2 $$
  127. It is possible to label equations in the usual way (Eq. \ref{eqn:example}).
  128. \begin{equation}
  129. \frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}x} \, r^2 = 2r \label{eqn:example}
  130. \end{equation}
  131. This can also be used to have equations containing graphical
  132. content. To align the equation number with the middle of the graphic,
  133. rather than the bottom, a minipage may be used.
  134. \begin{equation}
  135. \begin{minipage}[c]{0.80\linewidth}
  136. \centering
  137. As illustrated here, the width of \\
  138. the minipage needs to allow some \\
  139. space for the number to fit in to.
  140. %\includegraphics{graphic}
  141. \end{minipage}
  142. \label{eqn:graphic}
  143. \end{equation}
  144. # Experimental
  145. The usual experimental details should appear here. This could
  146. include a table, which can be referenced as Table \ref{tbl:example}.
  147. Notice that the caption is positioned at the top of the table.
  148. \begin{table}
  149. \caption{An example table}
  150. \label{tbl:example}
  151. \begin{tabular}{ll}
  152. \hline
  153. Header one & Header two \\
  154. \hline
  155. Entry one & Entry two \\
  156. Entry three & Entry four \\
  157. Entry five & Entry five \\
  158. Entry seven & Entry eight \\
  159. \hline
  160. \end{tabular}
  161. \end{table}
  162. Adding notes to tables can be complicated. Perhaps the easiest
  163. method is to generate these using the basic
  164. \texttt{\textbackslash textsuperscript} and
  165. \texttt{\textbackslash emph} macros, as illustrated (Table \ref{tbl:notes}).
  166. \begin{table}
  167. \caption{A table with notes}
  168. \label{tbl:notes}
  169. \begin{tabular}{ll}
  170. \hline
  171. Header one & Header two \\
  172. \hline
  173. Entry one\textsuperscript{\emph{a}} & Entry two \\
  174. Entry three\textsuperscript{\emph{b}} & Entry four \\
  175. \hline
  176. \end{tabular}
  177. \textsuperscript{\emph{a}} Some text;
  178. \textsuperscript{\emph{b}} Some more text.
  179. \end{table}
  180. The example file also loads the optional \textsf{mhchem} package, so
  181. that formulas are easy to input: \texttt{\textbackslash ce\{H2SO4\}}
  182. gives \ce{H2SO4}. See the use in the bibliography file (when using
  183. titles in the references section).
  184. The use of new commands should be limited to simple things which will
  185. not interfere with the production process. For example,
  186. \texttt{\textbackslash mycommand} has been defined in this example,
  187. to give italic, mono-spaced text: \mycommand{some text}.
  188. # Extra information when writing JACS Communications
  189. When producing communications for \emph{J.~Am.\ Chem.\ Soc.}, the
  190. class will automatically lay the text out in the style of the
  191. journal. This gives a guide to the length of text that can be
  192. accommodated in such a publication. There are some points to bear in
  193. mind when preparing a JACS Communication in this way. The layout
  194. produced here is a \emph{model} for the published result, and the
  195. outcome should be taken as a \emph{guide} to the final length. The
  196. spacing and sizing of graphical content is an area where there is
  197. some flexibility in the process. You should not worry about the
  198. space before and after graphics, which is set to give a guide to the
  199. published size. This is very dependant on the final published layout.
  200. You should be able to use the same source to produce a JACS
  201. Communication and a normal article. For example, this demonstration
  202. file will work with both \texttt{type=article} and
  203. \texttt{type=communication}. Sections and any abstract are
  204. automatically ignored, although you will get warnings to this effect.
  205. \begin{acknowledgement}
  206. Please use ``The authors thank \ldots'' rather than ``The
  207. authors would like to thank \ldots''.
  208. The author thanks Mats Dahlgren for version one of \textsf{achemso},
  209. and Donald Arseneau for the code taken from \textsf{cite} to move
  210. citations after punctuation. Many users have provided feedback on the
  211. class, which is reflected in all of the different demonstrations
  212. shown in this document.
  213. \end{acknowledgement}
  214. \begin{suppinfo}
  215. This will usually read something like: ``Experimental procedures and
  216. characterization data for all new compounds. The class will
  217. automatically add a sentence pointing to the information on-line:
  218. \end{suppinfo}
  219. ## References