template.tex 2.0 KB

  1. %% Author_tex.tex
  2. %% V1.0
  3. %% 2012/13/12
  4. %% developed by Techset
  5. %%
  6. %% This file describes the coding for rsproca.cls
  7. \documentclass[]{rsos}%%%%where rsos is the template name
  8. $if(lineno)$
  9. \usepackage{lineno}
  10. \linenumbers
  11. $endif$
  12. \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
  13. \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
  14. $for(header-includes)$
  15. $header-includes$
  16. $endfor$
  17. %%%% *** Do not adjust lengths that control margins, column widths, etc. ***
  18. %%%%%%%%%%% Defining Enunciations %%%%%%%%%%%
  19. \newtheorem{theorem}{\bf Theorem}[section]
  20. \newtheorem{condition}{\bf Condition}[section]
  21. \newtheorem{corollary}{\bf Corollary}[section]
  22. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  23. \begin{document}
  24. %%%% Article title to be placed here
  25. \title{$title$}
  26. \author{
  27. $for(author)$
  28. $author.name$$$^{$author.affiliation$}$$$sep$,
  29. $endfor$
  30. }
  31. \address{
  32. $for(address)$
  33. $$^{$address.code$}$$$address.address$$sep$\\
  34. $endfor$
  35. }
  36. %%%% Subject entries to be placed here %%%%
  37. \subject{
  38. $for(subject)$
  39. $subject$$sep$,
  40. $endfor$
  41. }
  42. %%%% Keyword entries to be placed here %%%%
  43. \keywords{
  44. $for(keywords)$
  45. $keywords$$sep$,
  46. $endfor$
  47. }
  48. %%%% Insert corresponding author and its email address}
  49. \corres{
  50. $corresp_author_name$\\
  51. e-mail: $corresp_author_email$
  52. }
  53. %%%% Abstract text to be placed here %%%%%%%%%%%%
  54. \begin{abstract}
  55. $abstract$
  56. \end{abstract}
  57. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  58. %% Some pieces required from the pandoc template
  59. \providecommand{\tightlist}{%
  60. \setlength{\itemsep}{0pt}\setlength{\parskip}{0pt}}
  61. \providecommand{\EndFirstPage}{%
  62. }
  63. \maketitle
  64. $body$
  65. $if(ethics)$
  66. \ethics{$ethics$}
  67. $endif$
  68. $if(data_accessibility)$
  69. \dataccess{$data_accessibility$}
  70. $endif$
  71. \aucontribute{$author_contributions$}
  72. $if(conflict_of_interest)$
  73. \competing{$conflict_of_interest$}
  74. $endif$
  75. $if(funding)$
  76. \funding{$funding$}
  77. $endif$
  78. $if(disclaimer)$
  79. \disclaimer{$disclaimer$}
  80. $endif$
  81. $if(acknowledgements)$
  82. \ack{$acknowledgements$}
  83. $endif$
  84. $if(natbib)$
  85. \bibliographystyle{RS}
  86. \bibliography{$bibliography$}
  87. $endif$
  88. $for(include-after)$
  89. $include-after$
  90. $endfor$
  91. \end{document}