\documentclass[9pt,twocolumn,twoside,$if(lineno)$lineno$endif$]{pnas-new} %% Some pieces required from the pandoc template \providecommand{\tightlist}{% \setlength{\itemsep}{0pt}\setlength{\parskip}{0pt}} % Use the lineno option to display guide line numbers if required. % Note that the use of elements such as single-column equations % may affect the guide line number alignment. \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} $if(tables)$ \usepackage{longtable} $endif$ $for(header-includes)$ $header-includes$ $endfor$ $if(pnas_type)$ \templatetype{$pnas_type$} % Choose template $else$ \templatetype{pnasresearcharticle} $endif$ \title{$title$} $for(author)$ \author[$author.affiliation$]{$author.name$} $endfor$ $for(address)$ \affil[$address.code$]{$address.address$} $endfor$ % Please give the surname of the lead author for the running footer \leadauthor{$lead_author_surname$} % Please add here a significance statement to explain the relevance of your work \significancestatement{$significance$} \authorcontributions{$author_contributions$} $if(conflict_of_interest)$ \authordeclaration{$conflict_of_interest$} $endif$ $if(equal_authors)$ \equalauthors{\textsuperscript{$equal_authors.code$} $equal_authors.text$} $endif$ \correspondingauthor{\textsuperscript{$corresponding_author.code$} $corresponding_author.text$} % Keywords are not mandatory, but authors are strongly encouraged to provide them. If provided, please include two to five keywords, separated by the pipe symbol, e.g: $if(keywords)$ \keywords{ $for(keywords)$ $keywords$ $sep$| $endfor$ $endif$ } \begin{abstract} $abstract$ \end{abstract} \dates{This manuscript was compiled on \today} \doi{\url{www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.XXXXXXXXXX}} \begin{document} % Optional adjustment to line up main text (after abstract) of first page with line numbers, when using both lineno and twocolumn options. % You should only change this length when you've finalised the article contents. \verticaladjustment{-2pt} \maketitle \thispagestyle{firststyle} \ifthenelse{\boolean{shortarticle}}{\ifthenelse{\boolean{singlecolumn}}{\abscontentformatted}{\abscontent}}{} % If your first paragraph (i.e. with the \dropcap) contains a list environment (quote, quotation, theorem, definition, enumerate, itemize...), the line after the list may have some extra indentation. If this is the case, add \parshape=0 to the end of the list environment. \acknow{$acknowledgements$} $body$ $for(include-after)$ $include-after$ $endfor$ % Bibliography % \bibliography{pnas-sample} \end{document}