--- title: Bare Demo of IEEEtran.cls for IEEE Conferences author: - name: Michael Shell affiliation: Georgia Institute of Technology department: Computer Engineering location: Atlanta, Georgia 30332--0250 email: ieetran@michaelshell.org - name: Daniel Emaasit affiliation: University of Nevada department: Civil Engineering location: Las Vegas, Nevada 89119 email: daniel.emaasit@gmail.com - name: Alice Wonderland affiliation: Another University department: Your Department location: City, State Zip email: alice@host.com abstract: | The abstract goes here. bibliography: mybibfile.bib output: rticles::ieee_article --- Introduction ============= This demo file is intended to serve as a ``starter file'' for IEEE conference papers produced under \LaTeX\ using IEEEtran.cls version 1.8b and later. I wish you the best of success. ## Subsection Heading Here Subsection text here. ### Subsubsection Heading Here Subsubsection text here. Conclusion ============ The conclusion goes here. Acknowledgment {#acknowledgment} ============== The authors would like to thank... Bibliography styles =================== Here are two sample references: @Feynman1963118 [@Dirac1953888]. \newpage References {#references .numbered} ==========