--- title: Short Paper author: - name: Alice Anonymous email: alice@example.com affiliation: Some Institute of Technology footnote: Corresponding Author - name: Bob Security email: bob@example.com affiliation: Another University address: - code: Some Institute of Technology address: Department, Street, City, State, Zip - code: Another University address: Department, Street, City, State, Zip abstract: | This is the abstract. It consists of two paragraphs. journal: "An awesome journal" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" bibliography: mybibfile.bib output: rticles::elsevier_article --- _Text based on elsarticle sample manuscript, see [http://www.elsevier.com/author-schemas/latex-instructions#elsarticle](http://www.elsevier.com/author-schemas/latex-instructions#elsarticle)_ The Elsevier article class ========================== #### Installation If the document class *elsarticle* is not available on your computer, you can download and install the system package *texlive-publishers* (Linux) or install the LaTeX package *elsarticle* using the package manager of your TeX installation, which is typically TeX Live or MikTeX. #### Usage Once the package is properly installed, you can use the document class *elsarticle* to create a manuscript. Please make sure that your manuscript follows the guidelines in the Guide for Authors of the relevant journal. It is not necessary to typeset your manuscript in exactly the same way as an article, unless you are submitting to a camera-ready copy (CRC) journal. #### Functionality The Elsevier article class is based on the standard article class and supports almost all of the functionality of that class. In addition, it features commands and options to format the - document style - baselineskip - front matter - keywords and MSC codes - theorems, definitions and proofs - lables of enumerations - citation style and labeling. Front matter ============ The author names and affiliations could be formatted in two ways: (1) Group the authors per affiliation. (2) Use footnotes to indicate the affiliations. See the front matter of this document for examples. You are recommended to conform your choice to the journal you are submitting to. Bibliography styles =================== There are various bibliography styles available. You can select the style of your choice in the preamble of this document. These styles are Elsevier styles based on standard styles like Harvard and Vancouver. Please use BibTeX to generate your bibliography and include DOIs whenever available. Here are two sample references: @Feynman1963118 [@Dirac1953888]. References {#references .unnumbered} ==========