1. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  2. Changelog for package rosjava_bootstrap
  3. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  4. 0.1.24 (2015-06-19)
  5. ===================
  6. * Xml parser should also look for depend tags as well as build_depend tags.
  7. 0.1.23 (2015-06-16)
  8. ===================
  9. * Bugfix the xml parser to avoid whitespaces in returned elements.
  10. 0.1.22 (2014-07-10)
  11. ===================
  12. * Android gradle plugin 0.11.+->0.12.+ (studio 0.8.1)
  13. 0.1.21 (2014-06-09)
  14. -------------------
  15. * Android gradle plugin 0.9.+->0.11.+ (studio 0.6)
  16. * Android sdk build tools 19.0.3 -> 19.1 (studio 0.6)
  17. * Contributors: Daniel Stonier
  18. 0.1.20 (2014-03-20)
  19. -------------------
  20. * Trim maven repository list and backup with maven central.
  21. * Contributors: Daniel Stonier
  22. 0.1.19 (2014-03-19)
  23. -------------------
  24. * gradle 1.11, buildTools 19.0.3, gradle android plugin 0.9.+
  25. * remove unused debugging variables
  26. * Contributors: Daniel Stonier
  27. 0.1.18 (2014-02-09)
  28. -------------------
  29. * set default maven repo if variable is empty and bugfix dynamic property warnings.
  30. * Contributors: Daniel Stonier
  31. 0.1.16 [2013-12-26]
  32. -------------------
  33. * android plugin 0.6.1 -> 0.7.1
  34. 0.1.15 [2013-12-26]
  35. -------------------
  36. * message generation now has a single api for official and unofficial releases
  37. * message generation api smart enough to work out internal or external dependencies
  38. * fix dependency problems on non xxx_msg packages - i.e. check for build_depends on message_generation
  39. 0.1.14 [2013-12-11]
  40. -------------------
  41. * stop unofficial message generation accidentally picking up older versions of packages.
  42. 0.1.13 [2013-12-08]
  43. -------------------
  44. * fix unofficial message package internal/external dependency configuration.
  45. 0.1.12 [2013-11-08]
  46. -------------------
  47. * fix single artifact message generation when there is dependencies.
  48. 0.1.11 (2013-10-31)
  49. -------------------
  50. * catkin tree generator now takes latest versions only.
  51. 0.1.9 (2013-10-31)
  52. ------------------
  53. * utilise ROS_MAVEN_REPOSITORY
  54. 0.1.8 (2013-10-26)
  55. ------------------
  56. * bugfix upgrade version numbers for rosgraph_test_msgs.
  57. * gradle 1.7->1.8 and android_tools->18.1.1
  58. * avoid using .+ ranged dependencies as it breaks the repo
  59. 0.1.7 (2013-09-23)
  60. ------------------
  61. * use maven-publish plugin for publishing rosjava packages.
  62. * centralise last code snippets from android build.gradle's.
  63. 0.1.6 (2013-09-22)
  64. ------------------
  65. * disabling osgi.
  66. 0.1.5 (2013-09-18)
  67. ------------------
  68. * maven deployment path -> maven deployment repository.
  69. * bugfix install location.
  70. 0.1.4 (2013-09-17)
  71. ------------------
  72. * depend on message generation 0.1.+
  73. * use package.xml version.
  74. * run_depends for the build tools.
  75. 0.1.3 (2013-09-17)
  76. ------------------
  77. * added excludes to the ros android plugin.
  78. 0.1.2 (2013-09-17)
  79. ------------------
  80. * ros android plugin added
  81. * gradle wrapper -> 1.7
  82. 0.1.1 (2013-09-13)
  83. ------------------
  84. * message artifact creation bugfixes.
  85. 0.1.0 (2013-09-12)
  86. ------------------
  87. * several plugins for sharing of ros gradle logic
  88. * message generation code brought in from rosjava_core