installing.txt 1.4 KB

  1. Installing android_core
  2. =======================
  3. These instructions assume that you have already completed the rosjava_core
  4. :ref:`installation <rosjava_core:installing>` and :ref:`build
  5. <rosjava_core:building>` instructions.
  6. These instructions also assume you are using Ubuntu. However, the differences
  7. between platforms should be minimal.
  8. There are a few additional dependencies required for building android_core:
  9. * the `Android SDK`_ and
  10. * `Apache Ant`_ (e.g. on Ubuntu Lucid: ``sudo apt-get install ant1.8 ant1.8-optional``)
  11. As with rosjava_core, the recommend installation procedure for android_core is
  12. to use rosws. See the `rosws tutorial`_ for more information if you find the
  13. following quick start instructions to be insufficient.
  14. .. code-block:: bash
  15. cd ~/my_workspace
  16. rosws merge
  17. rosws update
  18. source setup.bash
  19. .. note:: You should source the correct setup script for your shell (e.g.
  20. setup.bash for Bash or setup.zsh for Z shell).
  21. If you would like to build the android_core documentation, you will also need
  22. Pygments 1.5+ and Sphinx 1.1.3+.
  23. .. code-block:: bash
  24. sudo pip install --upgrade sphinx Pygments
  25. .. _rosws tutorial:
  26. .. _Apache Ant:
  27. .. _Android SDK: