--- title: Pre-packing Docker Images --- ## Pre-packing Docker Images --- On boot, RancherOS scans `/var/lib/rancher/preload/docker` and `/var/lib/rancher/preload/system-docker` directories and tries to load container image archives it finds there, with `docker load` and `system-docker load`. The archives are `.tar` files, optionally compressed with `xz` or `gzip`. These can be produced by `docker save` command, e.g.: ``` $ docker save my-image1 my-image2 some-other/image3 | xz > my-images.tar.xz ``` The resulting files should be placed into `/var/lib/rancher/preload/docker` or `/var/lib/rancher/preload/system-docker` (depending on whether you want it preloaded into Docker or System Docker). Pre-loading process only reads each new archive once, so it won't take time on subsequent boots (`.done` files are created to mark the read archives). If you update the archive (place a newer archive with the same name) it'll get read on the next boot as well. Pre-packing docker images is handy when you're customizing your RancherOS distribution (perhaps, building cloud VM images for your infrastructure).