.PHONY: all test validate-dco validate-gofmt validate build LIBCOMPOSE_ENVS := \ -e OS_PLATFORM_ARG \ -e OS_ARCH_ARG \ -e DOCKER_TEST_HOST \ -e TESTDIRS \ -e TESTFLAGS \ -e TESTVERBOSE # (default to no bind mount if DOCKER_HOST is set) BIND_DIR := $(if $(DOCKER_HOST),,bundles) LIBCOMPOSE_MOUNT := $(if $(BIND_DIR),-v "$(CURDIR)/$(BIND_DIR):/go/src/github.com/docker/libcompose/$(BIND_DIR)") GIT_BRANCH := $(shell git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null) LIBCOMPOSE_IMAGE := libcompose-dev$(if $(GIT_BRANCH),:$(GIT_BRANCH)) DAEMON_VERSION := $(if $(DAEMON_VERSION),$(DAEMON_VERSION),"default") TTY := $(shell [ -t 0 ] && echo "-t") DOCKER_RUN_LIBCOMPOSE := docker run --rm -i $(TTY) --privileged -e DAEMON_VERSION="$(DAEMON_VERSION)" $(LIBCOMPOSE_ENVS) $(LIBCOMPOSE_MOUNT) "$(LIBCOMPOSE_IMAGE)" default: binary all: build ## validate all checks, build linux binary, run all tests\ncross build non-linux binaries $(DOCKER_RUN_LIBCOMPOSE) ./script/make.sh binary: build ## build the linux binary $(DOCKER_RUN_LIBCOMPOSE) ./script/make.sh binary cross-binary: build ## cross build the non linux binaries (windows, darwin) $(DOCKER_RUN_LIBCOMPOSE) ./script/make.sh cross-binary test: build ## run the unit, integration and acceptance tests $(DOCKER_RUN_LIBCOMPOSE) ./script/make.sh binary test-unit test-integration test-acceptance test-unit: build ## run the unit tests $(DOCKER_RUN_LIBCOMPOSE) ./script/make.sh test-unit test-integration: build ## run the integration tests $(DOCKER_RUN_LIBCOMPOSE) ./script/make.sh binary test-integration test-acceptance: build ## run the acceptance tests $(DOCKER_RUN_LIBCOMPOSE) ./script/make.sh binary test-acceptance validate: build ## validate DCO, git conflicts marks, gofmt, golint and go vet $(DOCKER_RUN_LIBCOMPOSE) ./script/make.sh validate-dco validate-git-marks validate-gofmt validate-lint validate-vet shell: build ## start a shell inside the build env $(DOCKER_RUN_LIBCOMPOSE) bash # Build the docker image, should be prior almost any other goals build: bundles docker build -t "$(LIBCOMPOSE_IMAGE)" . bundles: mkdir bundles clean: $(DOCKER_RUN_LIBCOMPOSE) ./script/make.sh clean help: ## this help @awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "} /^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## / {sub("\\\\n",sprintf("\n%22c"," "), $$2);printf "\033[36m%-20s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}' $(MAKEFILE_LIST)