DEFAULT rancheros-${LABEL} LABEL rancheros-${LABEL} SAY rancheros-${LABEL}: RancherOS ${VERSION} ${KERNEL_VERSION} MENU LABEL RancherOS ${VERSION} ${KERNEL_VERSION} KERNEL ../vmlinuz-${KERNEL_VERSION} INITRD ../initrd-${VERSION} # see global.cfg for kernel boot parameters LABEL rancheros-${LABEL}-autologin SAY rancheros-${LABEL}-autologin: autologin RancherOS ${VERSION} ${KERNEL_VERSION} MENU LABEL Autologin on tty1 and ttyS0 MENU INDENT 2 COM32 cmd.c32 APPEND rancheros-${LABEL} rancher.autologin=tty1 rancher.autologin=ttyS0 LABEL rancheros-${LABEL}-debug SAY rancheros-${LABEL}-debug: debug RancherOS ${VERSION} ${KERNEL_VERSION} MENU LABEL Debug logging MENU INDENT 2 COM32 cmd.c32 APPEND rancheros-${LABEL} rancher.debug=true LABEL rancheros-${LABEL}-debug-autologin SAY rancheros-${LABEL}-debug-autolgin: debug and autologin RancherOS ${VERSION} ${KERNEL_VERSION} MENU LABEL Autologin on tty1 and ttyS0 plus Debug logging MENU INDENT 2 COM32 cmd.c32 APPEND rancheros-${LABEL} rancher.autologin=tty1 rancher.autologin=ttyS0 rancher.debug=true LABEL rancheros-${LABEL}-recovery SAY rancheros-${LABEL}-recovery: recovery console RancherOS ${VERSION} ${KERNEL_VERSION} MENU LABEL Recovery console MENU INDENT 2 COM32 cmd.c32 APPEND rancheros-${LABEL} rancher.recovery=true MENU SEPARATOR