title: Custom Kernels in RancherOS
layout: os-default
## Custom Kernels
### Changing the Kernel in RancherOS
By default, RancherOS ships with the kernel provided by the [os-kernel repository](https://github.com/rancher/os-kernel). Swapping out the default kernel can by done by [building your own custom RancherOS ISO]({{site.baseurl}}/os/configuration/custom-rancheros-iso/).
1. Create a clone of the main [RancherOS repository](https://github.com/rancher/os) to your local machine with a `git clone`.
$ git clone https://github.com/rancher/os.git
2. In the root of the repository, the "General Configuration" section of `Dockerfile.dapper` will need to be updated. Using your favorite editor, replace the appropriate `KERNEL_URL` value with a URL of your compiled custom kernel tarball. Ideally, the URL will use `HTTPS`.
`Dockerfile.dapper` file
# Update the URL to your own custom kernel tarball
ARG KERNEL_URL_amd64=https://github.com/rancher/os-kernel/releases/download/Ubuntu-4.4.0-23.41-rancher/linux-4.4.10-rancher-x86.tar.gz
ARG KERNEL_URL_arm64=https://github.com/imikushin/os-kernel/releases/download/Estuary-4.1.18-arm64-3/linux-4.1.18-arm64.tar.gz
> **Note:** `KERNEL_URL` settings should point to a Linux kernel, compiled and packaged in a specific way. You can fork [os-kernel repository](https://github.com/rancher/os-kernel) to package your own kernel.
Your kernel should be packaged and published as a set of files of the following format:
`.tar.gz` is the one KERNEL_URL should point to. It contains the kernel binary, core modules and firmware:
`build.tar.gz` contains build headers to build additional modules (e.g. using DKMS): it is a subset of the kernel sources tarball. These files will be installed into `/usr/src/` using the `kernel-headers-system-docker` and `kernel-headers` services.
`extra.tar.gz` contains extra modules and firmware for your kernel and should be built into a `kernel-extras` service:
3. After you've replaced the URL with your custom kernel, you can follow the steps in [building your own custom RancherOS ISO]({{site.baseurl}}/os/configuration/custom-rancheros-iso/).
### Packaging a Kernel to be used in RancherOS
We build the kernel for RancherOS at the [os-kernel repository](https://github.com/rancher/os-kernel). You can use this repository to help package your own custom kernel to be used in RancherOS.
1. Create a clone of the [os-kernel](https://github.com/rancher/os-kernel) repository to your local machine using `git clone`.
$ git clone https://github.com/rancher/os-kernel.git
2. In the `./scripts/build-common` file, update the `KERNEL_URL` and `KERNEL_SHA1`. `KERNEL_URL` points to Linux kernel sources archive, packaged as `.tar.gz` or `.tar.xz`. `KERNEL_SHA1` is the `SHA1` sum of the kernel sources archive.
`./scripts/build-common` file
set -e
: ${KERNEL_URL:="https://github.com/rancher/linux/archive/Ubuntu-3.19.0-27.29.tar.gz"}
: ${KERNEL_SHA1:="84b9bc53bbb4dd465b97ea54a71a9805e27ae4f2"}
: ${ARTIFACTS:=$(pwd)/assets}
: ${BUILD:=$(pwd)/build}
: ${CONFIG:=$(pwd)/config}
: ${DIST:=$(pwd)/dist}
3. After you've replaced the `KERNEL_URL` and `KERNEL_SHA1`, run `make` in the root `os-kernel` directory. After the build is completed, a `./dist/kernel` directory will be created with the freshly built kernel tarball and headers.
$ make
$ cd dist/kernel
$ ls
build.tar.gz extra.tar.gz .tar.gz
The `build.tar.gz` and `extra.tar.gz` files are used to build the `rancher/os-extras` and `rancher/os-headers` images for your RancherOS release - see https://github.com/rancher/os-images and https://github.com/rancher/os-services for how to build the images and make them available.