About pyModis ============= Requirements ------------ ``pyModis`` requires **Python GDAL**, **Numpy**, **requests** and **future** packages. If you want to use the Graphical User Interface you have to install also **wxPython** library. You can use also software is `MODIS Reprojection Tool `_ to convert or mosaic MODIS HDF files. .. _userpw-label: User and password ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To be able to download data you need user and password provided by NASA. Please **register at https://urs.earthdata.nasa.gov/users/new**; now login and move to your profile page. Go to "My application" tab and approve the following applications "LP DAAC Data Pool", "Earthdata Search" (for Snow products you have to enable also "NSIDC_DATAPOOL_OPS"). .. image:: _static/urs_earthdata_nasa_gov.png :scale: 60% :alt: GUI for modis_download.py :align: center :class: gui If you are an already registered user, login and enable the applications at https://urs.earthdata.nasa.gov/home How to install pyModis ---------------------- Using pip ^^^^^^^^^ From version 0.6.3 it is possible to install ``pyModis`` using `pip `_. You have to run the following command as administrator .. code-block:: none pip install pyModis If you need to update your ``pyModis`` version you have to run .. code-block:: none pip install --upgrade pyModis With ``pip`` it is also really simple to remove the library .. code-block:: none pip uninstall pyModis Compile from source ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Compile ``pyModis`` is very simple. First you need to download ``pyModis`` source code from `github repository `_. You can use `git `_ to download the latest code (with the whole history and so it contain all the different stable versions, from the last to the first) .. code-block:: none git clone https://github.com/lucadelu/pyModis.git or `download the latest stable version `_ from the repository and decompress it. Now enter the ``pyModis`` folder and launch as administrator of your computer .. code-block:: none python setup.py install If the installation doesn't return any errors you should be able to use ``pyModis`` library from a Python console. Then, launch a your favorite Python console (I really suggest ``ipython``) and digit :: import pymodis If the console doesn't return any error like this :: ImportError: No module named pymodis the ``pyModis`` library has been installed properly and you can use it or one of the tools distributed with ``pyModis``. If you want to install into /usr/local/, run .. code-block:: none python setup.py install --prefix=/usr/local In this case, if you get the following error .. code-block:: none TEST FAILED: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ does NOT support .pth files then you need to define the PYTHONPATH environmental variable :: export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages python setup.py install --prefix=/usr/local and now re-run the installation command. Install on Windows with osgeo4w ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. warning:: Using this way to install pyModis it will be possible to use pyModis only from OSGeo4W environment. It will not possible to use other versions of Python except the OSGeo4W one. The simple way to install ``pyModis`` on Windows is to use `OSGeo4W `_. .. note:: To execute OSGeo4W may be required to run it as Administrator. Choose *Advanced Install* in the first step of installation and set the corrected value until the packages selection. At this point select the following packages: * *gdal-python* * *python-numpy* * *python-requests* * *python-future* * *wxpython* OSGeo4W will install all the required dependencies. At this point, using the OSGeo4W shell, you can follow `Compile from source`_ section to install pyModis. Install on Windows without osgeo4w (old and not updated) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Another way to install ``pyModis`` on Windows is to install latest Python 2.7 from http://python.org/download/ Now you have to modify the "Path" environment variable using *powershell* running .. only:: html .. code-block:: none [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", "$env:Path;C:\Python27\;C:\Python27\Scripts\", "User") .. only:: latex .. code-block:: none [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", "$env:Path;C:\Python27\;C:\Python27\Scripts\", "User") Download and install the last version of Distribute for Windows from http://python-distribute.org/distribute_setup.py At this point you have to move to standard command line (*cmd*) and install *pip* using *easy_install* .. code-block:: none easy_install pip Now install `numpy `_ library using *easy_install* because installation from pip is broken (this is required only for version >= 0.7.1) .. code-block:: none easy_install numpy GDAL If you want the Graphical User Interface you have to install also **wxPython** .. code-block:: none easy_install WxPython WxPython-Common Finally install ``pyModis`` using *pip* .. code-block:: none pip install pyModis If you want use the GUI you have to `download and install wxPython `_ Troubleshooting --------------- Problem installing dependencies with pip ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. warning:: Sometimes *pip* return error when it try to install Python GDAL, Numpy or wxPython. You can solve this problem installing Python GDAL or Numpy using the version of your operating system. How to report a bug ------------------- If you find any problems in ``pyModis`` library you can report it using the `issues tracker of github `_. How to compile documentation ---------------------------- This documentation has been made with `Sphinx `_, so you need to install it to compile the original files to obtain different output formats. Please enter the ``docs`` folder of ``pyModis`` source and run :: make with one of the following target to obtain the desired output: - **html**: to make standalone HTML files - **dirhtml**: to make HTML files named index.html in directories - **singlehtml**: to make a single large HTML file - **pickle**: to make pickle files - **json**: to make JSON files - **htmlhelp**: to make HTML files and a HTML help project - **qthelp**: to make HTML files and a qthelp project - **devhelp**: to make HTML files and a Devhelp project - **epub**: to make an epub - **latex**: to make LaTeX files, you can set PAPER=a4 or PAPER=letter - **latexpdf**: to make LaTeX files and run them through pdflatex - **text**: to make text files - **man**: to make manual pages - **texinfo**: to make Texinfo files - **info**: to make Texinfo files and run them through makeinfo - **gettext**: to make PO message catalogs - **changes**: to make an overview of all changed/added/deprecated items - **linkcheck**: to check all external links for integrity - **doctest**: to run all doctests embedded in the documentation (if enabled) PDF link in HTML ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To insert a link to PDF file of pyModis documentation into HTML documentation (the link will be added on the sidebar) you have to compile first the PDF and after the HTML, so you need to launch:: make latexpdf make html If PDF file is missing no link will be added Ohloh statistics ---------------- .. only:: html .. raw:: html
.. only:: latex For more information about ``pyModis`` please visit the `pyModis Ohloh page `_