/* Color Palette ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Greys (lighter to darker) #eee : Unselected tabs #d5d5d5 : Background #555 : h3 #222 : Body Text Reds #F7CBCA : Light Red (Message bar errors) #900 : Bright Red (h1, a) #700 : Darker Red (a:visited) */ @media screen { body { background-color: #e6e6e6; color: #444; font:87.5%/1.42857143em "Lucida Grande", Verdana, sans-serif; margin:0; padding: 0 0 40px; } body { max-width:1060px; margin:auto; } body.library { max-width:1920px; margin:0; } h1 { line-height: 1.5em; } h2 { color: #666; } a:link {color: #38c;} a:visited {color: #38c;} a:hover {color: #369;} a:active {color: #333;} a img {border:none;} /* Navigation defaults */ nav ul { list-style:none; padding:0; margin:0; } nav li { display:inline-block; } nav a { text-decoration:none; } /* Table defaults */ table { border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0; width:100%; } th, td { vertical-align:top; text-align:left; padding: 4px; } th { text-transform: capitalize; border-bottom: 1px dotted #ccc; } thead th { border-bottom: 2px solid #ccc; } td { border-bottom: 1px dotted #ccc; } td * { margin:0 0 1em; } tr:nth-child(2n) { background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.05); } /* Definition list defaults */ dt { font-weight:bold; } dd { margin-bottom:1em; margin-left:0; } /* -- Forms -- */ form { margin-bottom: 1.6em; } fieldset { border:none; padding:0; margin:0; } legend { margin:0; padding:0 0 1em; text-indent:0; font-weight:bold; } form ol, form ul { list-style:none; margin-left:0; padding-left:0; } form li { margin-bottom:1em; } label, input, select { display:block; } input[type=text], input[type=password] { display:block; padding: 4px; border-radius: 4px; border:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.2); } label input[type=checkbox], label input[type=radio] { float:left; margin-left:0; } form .hint, #slugpreview, p.hint { font-size: 0.785714286em; color: rgba(0,0,0,0.6); margin:0; display:inline; } form textarea { display:block; } /** * Added because of iframe showing up on registration form, supposedly * because of the ReCaptcha field. */ iframe[src="about:blank"]{ display:none; } meter { width:100%; } /* -- Notifications -- */ .messages { font-weight:bold; padding:18px 18px 3px 18px; text-align:center; margin:9px 0px; } .messages ul{ list-style:none; } #confirm {background:#CBF7CA;} #notice {background:#F7F7CA;} #error {background:#F7CBCA;} ul#js-message-list { list-style:none; } li.jsNotificationMessage-confirm { background-color:#CBF7CA; } li.jsNotificationMessage-notice { background-color:#F7F7CA; } li.jsNotificationMessage-error { background-color:#F7CBCA; } /* -- Miscellaneous Classes -- */ .container:after, form:after, .action-links:after, .nugget-user:after, .plugin_translation:after { content: "."; display: block; height: 0; clear: both; visibility: hidden; } .center { width: 85%; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; max-width: 1200px; } .library .center { max-width: none !important; } .clickable { cursor:pointer; } .deck { font-style:normal; font-weight:bold; font-size: 0.857142857em; color: #999; } .paginationControl { font-size: 0.857142857em; } .sticky-note ul { list-style:none; margin-left:0; padding-left:0; } .sticky-note li { margin-bottom:1em; } a#screencast-link { display:block; } #screencast-link img { max-width:100%; } input[type=submit], input[type=button], button, a.button, input.button { border-width: 1px; border-style:solid; -moz-border-radius: 4px; -webkit-border-radius: 4px; border-radius: 4px; background-image: -webkit-gradient( linear, 0% 0%, 0% 100%, color-stop(0, rgba(255, 255, 255, .05)), color-stop(0.5, rgba(255, 255, 255, .25)), color-stop(0.5001, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)), color-stop(1, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)) ); background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient( top, rgba(255,255,255,0.05), rgba(255,255,255,0.25) 50%, rgba(255,255,255,0) 50.01%, rgba(255,255,255,0) ); background-image: -moz-linear-gradient( top, rgba(255,255,255,0.05), rgba(255,255,255,0.25) 50%, rgba(255,255,255,0) 50.01%, rgba(255,255,255,0) ); background-image: -o-linear-gradient( top, rgba(255,255,255,0.05), rgba(255,255,255,0.25) 50%, rgba(255,255,255,0) 50.01%, rgba(255,255,255,0) ); background-image: -ms-linear-gradient( top, rgba(255,255,255,0.05), rgba(255,255,255,0.25) 50%, rgba(255,255,255,0) 50.01%, rgba(255,255,255,0) ); background-image: linear-gradient( top, rgba(255,255,255,0.05), rgba(255,255,255,0.25) 50%, rgba(255,255,255,0) 50.01%, rgba(255,255,255,0) ); text-shadow:-1px -1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.2); text-align:center; color: #fff; font-weight:bold; background-color: #800; border-color: #800; border-radius: 4px; padding:4px 8px; text-decoration:none; } a.button:link, a.button:visited { color:#fff; } input[type=submit]:hover, button:hover, a.button:hover, input.button:hover { background-color: #900; border-color: #900; color: #fff; cursor:pointer; } input[type=submit]:active, button:active, a.button:active, input.button:active { background-color: #a00; border-color: #a00; color: #fff; } .button img { vertical-align:middle; } .action-links { margin-bottom:1.42857143em; } .action-links a { text-decoration:none; border-bottom: 1px dotted #aaa; padding-bottom: 3px; } .action-links li:not(:last-child):after { content: " · "; color: rgba(0,0,0,0.5); padding: 0 0.2em; } .action-links li.selected a { border-bottom: 2px solid #555; color: #555; } .feedlink { display:block; border:1px dotted #ccc; padding: 4px 0; } /* Nuggets!!!!!! */ .nugget-full { margin-bottom: 1.42857143em; } .nugget-full img { float:left; } .nugget-full .nugget-name { font-size:1.42857143em; font-weight:bold; margin-bottom:0.5em; } .nugget-full .nugget-name a { text-decoration:none; } .nugget-full .nugget-name, .nugget-full .nugget-affiliation, .nugget-full .action-links, .nugget-full dl { } .nugget-small img { float:left; } .nugget-small .nugget-affiliation, .nugget-small .nugget-name { margin-left: 60px; } .nugget-small .nugget-affiliation { font-size: 0.785714286em; color: #999; } #group-library-link-nav a { font-weight:bold; } /* == Header == */ header .center { padding-top: 20px; position:relative; } #logohead { float:left; clear:left; margin:0 0 0.3em; } #logohead { } #logohead img { max-width: 100%; } #purchase-storage-link, #login-links { float:right; text-align:right; clear:right; } #purchase-storage-link { background-color: #38c; border-color: #38c; color: #fff; text-decoration:none; border-radius: 6px; display:block; line-height: 2; font-size:0.857142857em; } #purchase-storage-link img { vertical-align:middle; width: 24px; padding-right: 6px; } #login-links { font-size:0.857142857em; margin-bottom:11px; } #login-links a { text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold; } #login-links a:not(:last-child):after { content: " · "; color: #999; text-decoration:none; padding: 0 2px; } #navbar { list-style:none; background: #333; padding:0 10px; font-size:0.857142857em; font-weight:bold; -moz-border-radius: 8px 8px 0 0; border-radius: 8px 8px 0 0; clear:both; } #sitenav { float:left; } #sitenav ul { margin:0; padding:0; word-spacing:0; line-height:3; } #sitenav li { display:inline-block; margin:0; } *:first-child+html #sitenav li { display:inline; } #sitenav a { -moz-border-radius: 8px 8px 0 0; border-radius: 8px 8px 0 0; padding: 15px 12px 12px; } #sitenav a:link, #sitenav a:visited { color: #eee; } #sitenav a:hover, #sitenav a:active { color: #fff; } #sitenav .selected a { background: #fff; color: #333; box-shadow:0 -1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.1); } #simple-search { float:right; text-align:right; clear:right; line-height: 3; margin:0; } #simple-search input { display:inline; margin:0; vertical-align:middle; } #simple-search .button { background-color: #aaa !important; border-color: #aaa !important; vertical-align:middle; } #simple-search input { font-size:0.95em; font: -webkit-small-control } #simple-search .clear-field-button { border: none; background: none !important; margin-left:-30px; position:relative; opacity:0.3; } #simple-search .clear-field-button:hover { border-color: #aaa !important; opacity:0.8; } /* == Content == */ #content .center { background: #fff; padding: 16px 40px 0; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 5px 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.5); -moz-box-shadow: 0 5px 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.5); box-shadow: 0 5px 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.5); -moz-border-radius: 10px 10px 0 0; -webkit-border-radius: 10px 10px 0 0; border-radius: 10px 10px 0 0; } .major-col { float:left; width: 66%; } .minor-col { float:right; width: 31%; } .single-col { float:left; } #breadcrumbs, .action-links { font-size:0.857142857em; } /* == Homepage, not logged in == */ #zotero-banner { font-size:115%; float:left; width: 65%; margin-bottom: 40px; line-height: 150%; } #download { width: 31%; float:right; display:block; text-decoration:none; padding: 20px 0; font-size: 1.8em; font-weight:bold; color: #fff; border-radius: 10px; } #download:link, #download:visited { border-color: #a00; background-color: #a00; } #download:hover, #download:active { border-color: #c00; background-color: #c00; } #features { clear:both; padding: 40px; margin: 0 -40px; border: 5px solid rgba(255,255,255, 0.5); background:rgba(51,136,204,0.2); border-width: 5px 0 0; } #features h3 { font-size:1.5em; text-align:center; } #features-tabs { list-style:none; text-align:center; margin: 0 0 1em; padding:0; font-size:1.14285714em; font-weight:bold; } #features-tabs li { display:inline-block; margin:0; } #features-tabs a { text-decoration:none; padding: 14px; line-height: 40px; position:relative; vertical-align:middle; -moz-border-radius: 10px; -webkit-border-radius: 10px; border-radius: 10px; } *:first-child+html #features-tabs li { display:inline; } #features-tabs a:link, #features-tabs a:visited { color:rgba(51,136,204,0.8); background-color: transparent; } #features-tabs a:hover, #features-tabs a:active { background:rgba(51,136,204,0.1); } #features-tabs a.selected { background:rgba(51,136,204,0.2); } #features-tabs a img { vertical-align:middle; } #features-lists { max-width: 960px; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; } .feature h3 { font-weight:bold; margin-bottom:1em; } .feature img { background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding: 5px; margin-bottom: 10px; float:left; margin-right: 10px; } #features-lists .feature:nth-child(2n) img { float:right; margin-left: 10px; margin-right:0; } #media { padding: 40px 0; } #media h2 { margin-top:0; } #media > div { float:left; width: 31%; margin-right: 3%; padding-bottom: 1em; } .news-list { list-style:none; margin:0; padding:0; } #connect ul { list-style:none; line-height: 2; margin:0; padding:0; } #connect li { margin-bottom:1em; } #connect a { text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold; } #connect a img { vertical-align:middle; margin-right: 8px; opacity: 0.75; width: 40px; height: 40px; } #connect a:hover img, #connect a:active img { opacity:1; } #get-involved { margin-right: 0 !important; } /* == Homepage, logged in == */ #download-logged-in { float:right; display:block; margin-left: 5%; } #profile-widget .nugget-user { float:left; margin-right: 10px; } #profile-widget h1 { margin-bottom:0.25em; } .home-widget { background: rgba(0,0,0,0.035); -moz-border-radius: 10px; -webkit-border-radius:10px; border-radius: 10px; padding: 10px; margin-bottom: 2em; word-wrap: break-word; } #widgets-form, #news-feed-form { float:left; width: 48%; } #news-feed-form { float:right; } .home-widget form li { list-style:none; padding-left:0; } .home-widget table, .home-widget p, .home-widget ul, .home-widget ol, .home-widget meter { font-size: 0.857142857em; margin: 1.66666667em 0; } .home-widget table { margin: 1em 0; } .home-widget h2 { margin:-10px -10px 0; padding: 10px; background: rgba(0,0,0,0.05); -moz-border-radius: 10px 10px 0 0; -webkit-border-radius:10px 10px 0 0; border-radius: 10px 10px 0 0; font-size:1em; line-height:1em; } .home-widget-title .widget-title-text { vertical-align:middle; } h2 .ui-button { height: 1.4em !important; width: 1.4em !important; float:right; } .home-widget-edit { margin: 0 -10px !important; padding: 10px 10px 0; background: rgba(0,0,0,0.05); } .home-widget-edit .widget-actions { padding-bottom:1em; } .home-widget ul { list-style:none; padding-left:0; } .home-widget li { padding: 8px 0; border-bottom: 1px dotted rgba(0,0,0,0.1); } .home-widget li:last-child { border:none; } .home-widget li img { vertical-align:middle; margin-right: 4px; } /* == Standalone Start Page == */ .download-section { /*background: rgba(51, 136, 204, 0.2);*/ background-color: #e6e6e6; border-radius:10px; -moz-border-radius:10px; -webkit-border-radius:10px; padding:5px; margin-bottom:10px; } .download-section ul { list-style:none; } .download-section li { margin-bottom: 12px; } .download-link { display:block; width:250px; } /* == Zotero Plugins Page == */ .plugin-section { /*width:100%;*/ padding: 20px 5%; margin-bottom:1em; border-radius: 8px 8px 8px 8px; border: 1px solid #A8B8D1; box-shadow: 0 1px 3px rgba(58, 78, 103, 0.15) inset, 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 3px rgba(58, 78, 103, 0.15) inset, 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 3px rgba(58, 78, 103, 0.15) inset, 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); } div.plugin-nugget { border-radius:10px; border:1px solid black; width:28%; padding:5px; margin:12px; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 5px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); -moz-box-shadow: 0 5px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); float:left; background-image:-moz-linear-gradient(#FFFFFF, #ECF1F7); background-image:-webkit-linear-gradient(#FFFFFF, #ECF1F7); } .plugin-author { } .plugin-description { } /* == User Pages == */ #profile-picture { float:left; width: 50px; margin-right: 8px; } #profile-picture img { max-width: 100%; } /* == User CV == */ div.csl-entry { margin-bottom:1em; } /* == User Library == */ #library .minor-col{ float:left; } #library .major-col{ float:right; } #collection-list-div ul { list-style:none; margin:0; padding:0; } #collection-list-div ul ul { margin-left: 1em; } #library-items-div th { border-bottom: 2px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.2); text-align: center; } #library-items-div th:not(:last-child) { border-right:1px dotted rgba(0,0,0,0.2); } #library-items-div td * { margin-bottom: 0; } .sprite-icon { float: left; margin-right: 5px; } .item-select-link { position: relative; } .item-select-link span.sprite-icon { /*position: absolute;*/ top: 0; left: 0; margin-right:8px; } span.localized-date-span { white-space: nowrap; display: inline-block; } #items-pane td[data-itemkey]:not(.edit-checkbox-td) { cursor: pointer; max-width: 50%; word-wrap:break-word; } #control-panel-container { padding-bottom:1em; /* clear:both;*/ } #control-panel form{ margin-bottom:0; } #move-item-links-buttonset { margin-left:1em; margin-right:3em; } .ui-selectmenu-status { font-size:0.9em; } .remove-from-collection-link .ui-button-text { font-size:0.9em; padding-top:0.1em !important; padding-bottom:0.1em !important; } .creator-input-div { margin:0; line-height:1.4em; } .creator-input-div input { float:left; } .creator-input-div span.creator-separator { float:left; margin-top:.42857143em; margin-right: 4px; } .itemDetailForm input { margin-right:2px; } td.creator * { margin:0 2px .25em; } .edit-tag-div { margin:0; line-height:1.4em; } .edit-tag-div input { float:left; } .edit-tag-div span { float:left; } .taginput{ clear:left; } td.tags * { margin:0 2px .25em; } #library-settings-div { } #item-pagination-div li{ display:inline-block; } #item-pagintation-div a.paginator{ display:inline-block; } /* #item-pagination-div li:not(:last-child):after{ content: " · "; } */ /* == Item Details == */ ul#notes-and-attachments { list-style:none; } ul#notes-and-attachments li { margin-top: 5px; } /* == Login page == */ #login fieldset { display:block; float: left; width: 48%; } #login fieldset:not(:last-child) { margin-right: 4%; } /* == Registration page == */ #register #form-description { float:right; width: 48%; } #register form { margin-right: 52%; } #register input[type=text] { width: 50%; min-width: 200px; } /* == Library styles == */ ul.item-pagination { padding-left:0; margin-left:0; } #notes-and-attachments .item-select-link { padding:0; display:inline; position:inherit; } #tag-filter-input, #show-all-tags-label { margin-bottom:1em; display:block; } #show-all-tags-label input[type="checkbox"] { float:none !important; display:inline !important; } #tags-list, #selected-tags-list { list-style:none; margin:1em 0; padding-left:0; font-weight:normal; /*font-size: 0.857142857em;*/ font-size: 0.8em; } #tags-list a, #selected-tags-list a { /*display:block;*/ text-decoration:none; /*border-bottom: 1px dotted #ccc;*/ padding: 5px; color: #16B; border:1px solid #ccc; border-radius:10px; margin:5px 0px 5px 2px; } #tags-list li, #selected-tags-list li { display:list-item; float:left; margin-bottom:8px; } /* #tags-list a span, #selected-tags-list a span { float:right; text-align:right; } */ #tags-list a:hover, #tags-list a:active { background-color: rgba(51,136,204,0.2); } #selected-tags-list a:link, #selected-tags-list a:visited { background-color: #fff09e; color: #444; } #selected-tags-list a:hover, #selected-tags-list a:active { background-color: #fff09e; color: #900; } label[for='show-all-tags']{ font-size: 0.8em; } #tag-filter-input { margin-bottom:25px; } #more-tags-links { clear: both; } #tag-lists-container { /* overflow:scroll; max-height:300px; */ } td.tags ul { list-style:none; padding:0; margin:0; } td.tags li { display:inline-block; } td.tags a { text-decoration:none; border-bottom: 1px dotted #aaa; } td.tags li:not(:last-child):after { content: " · "; color: rgba(0,0,0,0.5); } #collection-list-container { clear: both; } #collection-edit-div { padding-bottom:1em; /* clear:both;*/ } #collection-list { list-style:none; margin-left:0; padding-left:0; font-weight:normal; font-size: 0.857142857em; } #collection-list a { display:block; text-decoration:none; border-bottom: 1px dotted #ccc; padding: 5px; color: #16B; } #collection-list a:hover, #collection-list a:active { background-color: rgba(51,136,204,0.2); } #collection-list a.current-collection { /*text-decoration: underline;*/ font-weight: bold; background-color: rgba(51,136,204,0.2); } #collection-list span{ margin-top:6px; } #library-items-div table { margin-left:0; padding-left:0; font-size: 0.857142857em; } #library-items-div a { /*display:block;*/ text-decoration:none; } /* #library-items-div a:hover, #library-items-div a:active { background-color: rgba(51,136,204,0.2); } */ #library-items-div tbody tr:hover { background-color: rgba(51,136,204,0.2); } #library-items-div th.clickable:hover { background-color: rgba(51,136,204,0.2); } #library-items-div div.no-results-message { text-align:center; margin-top:1em; } /*item details*/ .itemDetailForm td > input[type=text] { width:80%; } /* == Settings styles == */ /* == People page == */ #user-follow-list { list-style:none; padding-left:0; } .people-tiny-nuggets .nugget-user { float:left; margin-right: 5px; } .people-tiny-nuggets { clear:both; } .minor-col h2 { clear:both; } #people-discipline ul { list-style:none; margin-left:0; padding-left:0; font-weight:bold; font-size: 0.857142857em; float:left; width: 48%; } #people-discipline ul.last { float:right; } #people-discipline a { display:block; text-decoration:none; border-bottom: 1px dotted #ccc; padding: 5px; } #people-discipline a:hover, #people-discipline a:active { background-color: rgba(51,136,204,0.2); } .people-in-disciplines { list-style:none; margin-left:0; padding-left:0; } .people-in-disciplines li { padding: 0 0 9px; border-bottom: 1px dotted #ccc; margin-bottom:10px; } .people-in-disciplines li:last-child { border:none; margin-bottom:0; } /* == Groups pages == */ ul#groups { list-style:none; margin-left:0; padding-left:0; } ul#groups > li { margin-bottom: 1.42857143em; } ul#groups th { width: 25%; } ul#group-invitations { list-style:none; } /* New Group Form */ .group-select { border-radius: 10px; width:27%; float:left; margin-right: 3%; padding: 2%; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.05); } .group-select:last-child { margin-right:0; } .group-select h2 { font-size:1em; color: #333; margin: 0 0 1em; } .group-select p, .group-select label { font-size: 0.857142857em; } .group-select input, .group-select label { display:inline; font-weight:bold; } /* Messages Page */ #contact-section { padding-top:100px} #contact-list { width:150px } #inbox-spinner {display:none} .message-row {font-weight:bold;} .message-body { background-color:#FFF; padding:10px; display:none;} .read-message { background-color:#EAEAEA; font-weight:normal} .group-message-body {margin-left:5px; margin-top:10px; margin-bottom:10px; border-top:1px solid #ccc; border-bottom:1px solid #ccc; overflow:auto} .author-link {margin-right:30px; font-weight:bold} /* Admin Dashboard */ .admin-message-type-emerg {background-color:#3000ff;} .admin-message-type-alert {background-color:#9300ae;} .admin-message-type-crit {background-color:#d90042;} .admin-message-type-err {background-color:#ff1009;} .admin-message-type-warn {background-color:#fbd438;} .admin-message-type-notice {background-color:#84de40;} .admin-message-type-info {background-color:#79d6aa;} .admin-message-type-debug {background-color:#c0ecd8;} .admin-quicklink {width:100%; padding:5px; display:block; color:#FFF !important; text-align:center; font-size:14px; font-weight:bold;} .admin-message { padding:5px; position:relative; min-height:7px; margin-bottom:3px; } .admin-message-date { position:absolute; top:6px; right:15px; overflow:none; width:125px; text-align:right;} .admin-message-title { overflow:hidden; white-space:nowrap; width:435px; font-weight:bold; margin-bottom:2px; cursor: pointer;} .admin-message-body { background-color:#FFF; padding:10px; display:none;} .admin-trace {overflow: auto; white-space:nowrap; } .admin-value { font-family: monospace;} .admin-message-body tr {border-bottom:1px solid #eee;} .admin-message-body th { width:175px; } .admin-message-body th, .admin-message-body td { border:0px; padding:0px;} .admin-noresults {text-align:center; padding:100px;} .admin-search-form {margin:18px 0px;} .admin-pagination { text-align:center; position:relative; width:100%; margin:9px 0px;} .admin-pagination-next {position:absolute; right:0px; bottom:0px;} .admin-pagination-prev {position:absolute; left:0px; bottom:0px;} /* Admin User Storage */ .checkout-notification {border:1px solid #ccc; margin-top:7px; background-color:#ddd} .Role_2 {background-color:#fcc} /* == Support styles == */ #support .major-col { float:right; 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