12345678910111213141516171819202122232425 |
- # $Id: makefile,v 1.8 2010/03/24 13:17:06 stoecker Exp $
- # probably works not with all compilers. Thought this should be easy
- # fixable. There is nothing special at this source.
- ifdef windir
- CC = gcc
- LIBS = -lwsock32
- else
- OPTS = -Wall -W -O3
- endif
- ntripclient: ntripclient.c serial.c
- $(CC) $(OPTS) ntripclient.c -o $@ $(LIBS)
- clean:
- $(RM) ntripclient core*
- archive:
- zip -9 ntripclient.zip ntripclient.c makefile README serial.c
- tgzarchive:
- tar -czf ntripclient.tgz ntripclient.c makefile README serial.c