/****************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 2021 by * The Salk Institute for Biological Studies * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style * license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at * https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT. * ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef API_GEN_NAMES #define API_GEN_NAMES namespace MCell { namespace API { const char* const NAME_CLASS_BASE_CHKPT_MOL = "BaseChkptMol"; const char* const NAME_CLASS_BNGL_UTILS = "bngl_utils"; const char* const NAME_CLASS_CHKPT_SURF_MOL = "ChkptSurfMol"; const char* const NAME_CLASS_CHKPT_VOL_MOL = "ChkptVolMol"; const char* const NAME_CLASS_COLOR = "Color"; const char* const NAME_CLASS_COMPLEX = "Complex"; const char* const NAME_CLASS_COMPONENT = "Component"; const char* const NAME_CLASS_COMPONENT_TYPE = "ComponentType"; const char* const NAME_CLASS_CONFIG = "Config"; const char* const NAME_CLASS_COUNT = "Count"; const char* const NAME_CLASS_COUNT_TERM = "CountTerm"; const char* const NAME_CLASS_DATA_UTILS = "data_utils"; const char* const NAME_CLASS_ELEMENTARY_MOLECULE = "ElementaryMolecule"; const char* const NAME_CLASS_ELEMENTARY_MOLECULE_TYPE = "ElementaryMoleculeType"; const char* const NAME_CLASS_GEOMETRY_UTILS = "geometry_utils"; const char* const NAME_CLASS_GEOMETRY_OBJECT = "GeometryObject"; const char* const NAME_CLASS_INITIAL_SURFACE_RELEASE = "InitialSurfaceRelease"; const char* const NAME_CLASS_INSTANTIATION = "Instantiation"; const char* const NAME_CLASS_INTROSPECTION = "Introspection"; const char* const NAME_CLASS_MODEL = "Model"; const char* const NAME_CLASS_MOLECULE = "Molecule"; const char* const NAME_CLASS_MOLECULE_RELEASE_INFO = "MoleculeReleaseInfo"; const char* const NAME_CLASS_MOL_WALL_HIT_INFO = "MolWallHitInfo"; const char* const NAME_CLASS_NOTIFICATIONS = "Notifications"; const char* const NAME_CLASS_OBSERVABLES = "Observables"; const char* const NAME_CLASS_REACTION_INFO = "ReactionInfo"; const char* const NAME_CLASS_REACTION_RULE = "ReactionRule"; const char* const NAME_CLASS_REGION = "Region"; const char* const NAME_CLASS_RELEASE_PATTERN = "ReleasePattern"; const char* const NAME_CLASS_RELEASE_SITE = "ReleaseSite"; const char* const NAME_CLASS_RNG_STATE = "RngState"; const char* const NAME_CLASS_RUN_UTILS = "run_utils"; const char* const NAME_CLASS_SPECIES = "Species"; const char* const NAME_CLASS_SUBSYSTEM = "Subsystem"; const char* const NAME_CLASS_SURFACE_CLASS = "SurfaceClass"; const char* const NAME_CLASS_SURFACE_PROPERTY = "SurfaceProperty"; const char* const NAME_CLASS_SURFACE_REGION = "SurfaceRegion"; const char* const NAME_CLASS_VIZ_OUTPUT = "VizOutput"; const char* const NAME_CLASS_WALL = "Wall"; const char* const NAME_CLASS_WALL_WALL_HIT_INFO = "WallWallHitInfo"; const char* const NAME_CLASS_WARNINGS = "Warnings"; const char* const NAME___ADD__ = "__add__"; const char* const NAME___MUL__ = "__mul__"; const char* const NAME___SUB__ = "__sub__"; const char* const NAME_AA = "aa"; const char* const NAME_ADD_COUNT = "add_count"; const char* const NAME_ADD_ELEMENTARY_MOLECULE_TYPE = "add_elementary_molecule_type"; const char* const NAME_ADD_GEOMETRY_OBJECT = "add_geometry_object"; const char* const NAME_ADD_INSTANTIATION = "add_instantiation"; const char* const NAME_ADD_OBSERVABLES = "add_observables"; const char* const NAME_ADD_REACTION_RULE = "add_reaction_rule"; const char* const NAME_ADD_RELEASE_SITE = "add_release_site"; const char* const NAME_ADD_SPECIES = "add_species"; const char* const NAME_ADD_SUBSYSTEM = "add_subsystem"; const char* const NAME_ADD_SURFACE_CLASS = "add_surface_class"; const char* const NAME_ADD_VERTEX_MOVE = "add_vertex_move"; const char* const NAME_ADD_VIZ_OUTPUT = "add_viz_output"; const char* const NAME_AFFECTED_COMPLEX_PATTERN = "affected_complex_pattern"; const char* const NAME_ALPHA = "alpha"; const char* const NAME_APPEND_TO_COUNT_OUTPUT_DATA = "append_to_count_output_data"; const char* const NAME_APPLY_VERTEX_MOVES = "apply_vertex_moves"; const char* const NAME_AREA = "area"; const char* const NAME_AS_SPECIES = "as_species"; const char* const NAME_BB = "bb"; const char* const NAME_BIRTHDAY = "birthday"; const char* const NAME_BLUE = "blue"; const char* const NAME_BNG_VERBOSITY_LEVEL = "bng_verbosity_level"; const char* const NAME_BOND = "bond"; const char* const NAME_CC = "cc"; const char* const NAME_CENTER_MOLECULES_ON_GRID = "center_molecules_on_grid"; const char* const NAME_CHECK_OVERLAPPED_WALLS = "check_overlapped_walls"; const char* const NAME_CHECKPOINTED_MOLECULES = "checkpointed_molecules"; const char* const NAME_COLLECT_WALL_WALL_HITS = "collect_wall_wall_hits"; const char* const NAME_COLOR = "color"; const char* const NAME_COMPARTMENT_NAME = "compartment_name"; const char* const NAME_COMPLEX = "complex"; const char* const NAME_COMPONENT_TYPE = "component_type"; const char* const NAME_COMPONENTS = "components"; const char* const NAME_CONCENTRATION = "concentration"; const char* const NAME_CONFIG = "config"; const char* const NAME_CONTEXT = "context"; const char* const NAME_CONTINUE_AFTER_SIGALRM = "continue_after_sigalrm"; const char* const NAME_CONTINUE_SIMULATION = "continue_simulation"; const char* const NAME_COUNT = "count"; const char* const NAME_COUNTS = "counts"; const char* const NAME_CREATE_BOX = "create_box"; const char* const NAME_CREATE_ICOSPHERE = "create_icosphere"; const char* const NAME_CUSTOM_DIR = "custom_dir"; const char* const NAME_CUSTOM_SPACE_STEP = "custom_space_step"; const char* const NAME_CUSTOM_TIME_STEP = "custom_time_step"; const char* const NAME_DEFAULT_RELEASE_REGION = "default_release_region"; const char* const NAME_DENSITY = "density"; const char* const NAME_DIFFUSION_CONSTANT_2D = "diffusion_constant_2d"; const char* const NAME_DIFFUSION_CONSTANT_3D = "diffusion_constant_3d"; const char* const NAME_DIFFUSION_TIME = "diffusion_time"; const char* const NAME_DISPLACEMENT = "displacement"; const char* const NAME_DUMP_INTERNAL_STATE = "dump_internal_state"; const char* const NAME_EDGE_DIMENSION = "edge_dimension"; const char* const NAME_ELEMENTARY_MOLECULE_TYPE = "elementary_molecule_type"; const char* const NAME_ELEMENTARY_MOLECULE_TYPES = "elementary_molecule_types"; const char* const NAME_ELEMENTARY_MOLECULES = "elementary_molecules"; const char* const NAME_END_SIMULATION = "end_simulation"; const char* const NAME_EVERY_N_TIMESTEPS = "every_n_timesteps"; const char* const NAME_EXPORT_DATA_MODEL = "export_data_model"; const char* const NAME_EXPORT_GEOMETRY = "export_geometry"; const char* const NAME_EXPORT_TO_BNGL = "export_to_bngl"; const char* const NAME_EXPORT_VIZ_DATA_MODEL = "export_viz_data_model"; const char* const NAME_EXPRESSION = "expression"; const char* const NAME_FILE = "file"; const char* const NAME_FILE_NAME = "file_name"; const char* const NAME_FIND_COUNT = "find_count"; const char* const NAME_FIND_ELEMENTARY_MOLECULE_TYPE = "find_elementary_molecule_type"; const char* const NAME_FIND_GEOMETRY_OBJECT = "find_geometry_object"; const char* const NAME_FIND_REACTION_RULE = "find_reaction_rule"; const char* const NAME_FIND_RELEASE_SITE = "find_release_site"; const char* const NAME_FIND_SPECIES = "find_species"; const char* const NAME_FIND_SURFACE_CLASS = "find_surface_class"; const char* const NAME_FIND_SURFACE_COMPARTMENT_OBJECT = "find_surface_compartment_object"; const char* const NAME_FIND_VOLUME_COMPARTMENT_OBJECT = "find_volume_compartment_object"; const char* const NAME_FLAGS = "flags"; const char* const NAME_FUNCTION = "function"; const char* const NAME_FWD_RATE = "fwd_rate"; const char* const NAME_GEOMETRY_OBJECT = "geometry_object"; const char* const NAME_GEOMETRY_OBJECTS = "geometry_objects"; const char* const NAME_GET_CURRENT_VALUE = "get_current_value"; const char* const NAME_GET_LAST_CHECKPOINT_DIR = "get_last_checkpoint_dir"; const char* const NAME_GET_MOLECULE = "get_molecule"; const char* const NAME_GET_MOLECULE_IDS = "get_molecule_ids"; const char* const NAME_GET_PAIRED_MOLECULE = "get_paired_molecule"; const char* const NAME_GET_PAIRED_MOLECULES = "get_paired_molecules"; const char* const NAME_GET_SPECIES_NAME = "get_species_name"; const char* const NAME_GET_VERTEX = "get_vertex"; const char* const NAME_GET_VERTEX_UNIT_NORMAL = "get_vertex_unit_normal"; const char* const NAME_GET_WALL = "get_wall"; const char* const NAME_GET_WALL_COLOR = "get_wall_color"; const char* const NAME_GET_WALL_UNIT_NORMAL = "get_wall_unit_normal"; const char* const NAME_GREEN = "green"; const char* const NAME_GRID_TILE_INDEX = "grid_tile_index"; const char* const NAME_HIGH_REACTION_PROBABILITY = "high_reaction_probability"; const char* const NAME_ID = "id"; const char* const NAME_ID1 = "id1"; const char* const NAME_ID2 = "id2"; const char* const NAME_INITIAL_COLOR = "initial_color"; const char* const NAME_INITIAL_ITERATION = "initial_iteration"; const char* const NAME_INITIAL_PARTITION_ORIGIN = "initial_partition_origin"; const char* const NAME_INITIAL_REACTIONS_COUNT = "initial_reactions_count"; const char* const NAME_INITIAL_RNG_STATE = "initial_rng_state"; const char* const NAME_INITIAL_SURFACE_RELEASES = "initial_surface_releases"; const char* const NAME_INITIAL_TIME = "initial_time"; const char* const NAME_INITIALIZE = "initialize"; const char* const NAME_INST = "inst"; const char* const NAME_INSTANTIATION = "instantiation"; const char* const NAME_INTERACTION_RADIUS = "interaction_radius"; const char* const NAME_INTERMEMBRANE_INTERACTION_RADIUS = "intermembrane_interaction_radius"; const char* const NAME_IS_BNGL_COMPARTMENT = "is_bngl_compartment"; const char* const NAME_IS_INTERMEMBRANE_SURFACE_REACTION = "is_intermembrane_surface_reaction"; const char* const NAME_IS_MOVABLE = "is_movable"; const char* const NAME_ITERATION = "iteration"; const char* const NAME_ITERATION_REPORT = "iteration_report"; const char* const NAME_ITERATIONS = "iterations"; const char* const NAME_LEFT_NODE = "left_node"; const char* const NAME_LOAD_BNGL = "load_bngl"; const char* const NAME_LOAD_BNGL_COMPARTMENTS_AND_SEED_SPECIES = "load_bngl_compartments_and_seed_species"; const char* const NAME_LOAD_BNGL_MOLECULE_TYPES_AND_REACTION_RULES = "load_bngl_molecule_types_and_reaction_rules"; const char* const NAME_LOAD_BNGL_OBSERVABLES = "load_bngl_observables"; const char* const NAME_LOAD_BNGL_PARAMETERS = "load_bngl_parameters"; const char* const NAME_LOAD_DAT_FILE = "load_dat_file"; const char* const NAME_LOCATION = "location"; const char* const NAME_MEMORY_LIMIT_GB = "memory_limit_gb"; const char* const NAME_MM = "mm"; const char* const NAME_MODE = "mode"; const char* const NAME_MODEL = "model"; const char* const NAME_MOLECULE_ID = "molecule_id"; const char* const NAME_MOLECULE_LIST = "molecule_list"; const char* const NAME_MOLECULE_PLACEMENT_FAILURE = "molecule_placement_failure"; const char* const NAME_MOLECULES_ORDER_RANDOM_SHUFFLE_PERIODICITY = "molecules_order_random_shuffle_periodicity"; const char* const NAME_MOLECULES_PATTERN = "molecules_pattern"; const char* const NAME_MOVE = "move"; const char* const NAME_MT = "mt"; const char* const NAME_MULTIPLIER = "multiplier"; const char* const NAME_NAME = "name"; const char* const NAME_NODE_TYPE = "node_type"; const char* const NAME_NOTIFICATIONS = "notifications"; const char* const NAME_NUMBER_OF_TRAINS = "number_of_trains"; const char* const NAME_NUMBER_TO_RELEASE = "number_to_release"; const char* const NAME_O = "o"; const char* const NAME_OBJECT = "object"; const char* const NAME_OBSERVABLES = "observables"; const char* const NAME_OBSERVABLES_OUTPUT_FORMAT = "observables_output_format"; const char* const NAME_OBSERVABLES_PATH_OR_FILE = "observables_path_or_file"; const char* const NAME_OP2 = "op2"; const char* const NAME_ORIENTATION = "orientation"; const char* const NAME_OTHER = "other"; const char* const NAME_OUTPUT_FILES_PREFIX = "output_files_prefix"; const char* const NAME_OUTPUT_FORMAT = "output_format"; const char* const NAME_PAIR_MOLECULES = "pair_molecules"; const char* const NAME_PARAMETER_OVERRIDES = "parameter_overrides"; const char* const NAME_PARTITION_DIMENSION = "partition_dimension"; const char* const NAME_PATHS = "paths"; const char* const NAME_PATTERN = "pattern"; const char* const NAME_POS = "pos"; const char* const NAME_POS2D = "pos2d"; const char* const NAME_POS3D = "pos3d"; const char* const NAME_POS3D_BEFORE_HIT = "pos3d_before_hit"; const char* const NAME_PRINT_COPYRIGHT = "print_copyright"; const char* const NAME_PRINT_FINAL_REPORT = "print_final_report"; const char* const NAME_PRODUCT_IDS = "product_ids"; const char* const NAME_PRODUCTS = "products"; const char* const NAME_PROPERTIES = "properties"; const char* const NAME_R = "r"; const char* const NAME_RADIUS = "radius"; const char* const NAME_RANDCNT = "randcnt"; const char* const NAME_RANDOMIZE_ORDER = "randomize_order"; const char* const NAME_RANDSLR = "randslr"; const char* const NAME_REACTANT_IDS = "reactant_ids"; const char* const NAME_REACTANTS = "reactants"; const char* const NAME_REACTION_CLASS_CLEANUP_PERIODICITY = "reaction_class_cleanup_periodicity"; const char* const NAME_REACTION_RULE = "reaction_rule"; const char* const NAME_REACTION_RULES = "reaction_rules"; const char* const NAME_RED = "red"; const char* const NAME_REGION = "region"; const char* const NAME_REGISTER_MOL_WALL_HIT_CALLBACK = "register_mol_wall_hit_callback"; const char* const NAME_REGISTER_REACTION_CALLBACK = "register_reaction_callback"; const char* const NAME_RELEASE_INTERVAL = "release_interval"; const char* const NAME_RELEASE_MOLECULES = "release_molecules"; const char* const NAME_RELEASE_PATTERN = "release_pattern"; const char* const NAME_RELEASE_PROBABILITY = "release_probability"; const char* const NAME_RELEASE_SITE = "release_site"; const char* const NAME_RELEASE_SITES = "release_sites"; const char* const NAME_RELEASE_TIME = "release_time"; const char* const NAME_REMOVE = "remove"; const char* const NAME_REMOVE_CWD = "remove_cwd"; const char* const NAME_REV_NAME = "rev_name"; const char* const NAME_REV_RATE = "rev_rate"; const char* const NAME_RGBA = "rgba"; const char* const NAME_RIGHT_NODE = "right_node"; const char* const NAME_RNGBLOCKS = "rngblocks"; const char* const NAME_RUN_ITERATIONS = "run_iterations"; const char* const NAME_RUN_REACTION = "run_reaction"; const char* const NAME_RXN_AND_SPECIES_REPORT = "rxn_and_species_report"; const char* const NAME_RXN_PROBABILITY_CHANGED = "rxn_probability_changed"; const char* const NAME_S = "s"; const char* const NAME_SAVE_CHECKPOINT = "save_checkpoint"; const char* const NAME_SC = "sc"; const char* const NAME_SCHEDULE_CHECKPOINT = "schedule_checkpoint"; const char* const NAME_SEED = "seed"; const char* const NAME_SET_WALL_COLOR = "set_wall_color"; const char* const NAME_SHAPE = "shape"; const char* const NAME_SIMULATION_METHOD = "simulation_method"; const char* const NAME_SIMULATION_STATS_EVERY_N_ITERATIONS = "simulation_stats_every_n_iterations"; const char* const NAME_SITE_DIAMETER = "site_diameter"; const char* const NAME_SITE_RADIUS = "site_radius"; const char* const NAME_SORT_MOLECULES = "sort_molecules"; const char* const NAME_SPECIES = "species"; const char* const NAME_SPECIES_CLEANUP_PERIODICITY = "species_cleanup_periodicity"; const char* const NAME_SPECIES_ID = "species_id"; const char* const NAME_SPECIES_LIST = "species_list"; const char* const NAME_SPECIES_PATTERN = "species_pattern"; const char* const NAME_STATE = "state"; const char* const NAME_STATES = "states"; const char* const NAME_SUBDIVISIONS = "subdivisions"; const char* const NAME_SUBPARTITION_DIMENSION = "subpartition_dimension"; const char* const NAME_SUBSYSTEM = "subsystem"; const char* const NAME_SURFACE_CLASS = "surface_class"; const char* const NAME_SURFACE_CLASSES = "surface_classes"; const char* const NAME_SURFACE_COMPARTMENT_NAME = "surface_compartment_name"; const char* const NAME_SURFACE_GRID_DENSITY = "surface_grid_density"; const char* const NAME_SURFACE_REGIONS = "surface_regions"; const char* const NAME_TARGET_ONLY = "target_only"; const char* const NAME_TIME = "time"; const char* const NAME_TIME_BEFORE_HIT = "time_before_hit"; const char* const NAME_TIME_STEP = "time_step"; const char* const NAME_TO_BNGL_STR = "to_bngl_str"; const char* const NAME_TOTAL_ITERATIONS = "total_iterations"; const char* const NAME_TRAIN_DURATION = "train_duration"; const char* const NAME_TRAIN_INTERVAL = "train_interval"; const char* const NAME_TRANSLATE = "translate"; const char* const NAME_TYPE = "type"; const char* const NAME_UNIMOL_RXN_TIME = "unimol_rxn_time"; const char* const NAME_UNIT_NORMAL = "unit_normal"; const char* const NAME_UNPAIR_MOLECULES = "unpair_molecules"; const char* const NAME_USE_BNG_UNITS = "use_bng_units"; const char* const NAME_VACANCY_SEARCH_DISTANCE = "vacancy_search_distance"; const char* const NAME_VALIDATE_VOLUMETRIC_MESH = "validate_volumetric_mesh"; const char* const NAME_VARIABLE_RATE = "variable_rate"; const char* const NAME_VERTEX_INDEX = "vertex_index"; const char* const NAME_VERTEX_LIST = "vertex_list"; const char* const NAME_VERTICES = "vertices"; const char* const NAME_VIZ_OUTPUT = "viz_output"; const char* const NAME_VIZ_OUTPUTS = "viz_outputs"; const char* const NAME_WALL1 = "wall1"; const char* const NAME_WALL2 = "wall2"; const char* const NAME_WALL_INDEX = "wall_index"; const char* const NAME_WALL_INDICES = "wall_indices"; const char* const NAME_WALL_LIST = "wall_list"; const char* const NAME_WALL_OVERLAP_REPORT = "wall_overlap_report"; const char* const NAME_WARNINGS = "warnings"; const char* const NAME_WITH_COMPARTMENT = "with_compartment"; const char* const NAME_WITH_GEOMETRY = "with_geometry"; const char* const NAME_XYZ_DIMENSIONS = "xyz_dimensions"; const char* const NAME_ENUM_B_N_G_SIMULATION_METHOD = "BNGSimulationMethod"; const char* const NAME_ENUM_COUNT_OUTPUT_FORMAT = "CountOutputFormat"; const char* const NAME_ENUM_EXPR_NODE_TYPE = "ExprNodeType"; const char* const NAME_ENUM_MOLECULE_TYPE = "MoleculeType"; const char* const NAME_ENUM_NOTIFICATION = "Notification"; const char* const NAME_ENUM_ORIENTATION = "Orientation"; const char* const NAME_ENUM_REACTION_TYPE = "ReactionType"; const char* const NAME_ENUM_REGION_NODE_TYPE = "RegionNodeType"; const char* const NAME_ENUM_SHAPE = "Shape"; const char* const NAME_ENUM_SURFACE_PROPERTY_TYPE = "SurfacePropertyType"; const char* const NAME_ENUM_VIZ_MODE = "VizMode"; const char* const NAME_ENUM_WARNING_LEVEL = "WarningLevel"; const char* const NAME_EV_ABSORPTIVE = "ABSORPTIVE"; const char* const NAME_EV_ADD = "ADD"; const char* const NAME_EV_ANY = "ANY"; const char* const NAME_EV_ASCII = "ASCII"; const char* const NAME_EV_AUTOMATIC_FROM_EXTENSION = "AUTOMATIC_FROM_EXTENSION"; const char* const NAME_EV_BRIEF = "BRIEF"; const char* const NAME_EV_CELLBLENDER = "CELLBLENDER"; const char* const NAME_EV_CELLBLENDER_V1 = "CELLBLENDER_V1"; const char* const NAME_EV_COMPARTMENT = "COMPARTMENT"; const char* const NAME_EV_CONCENTRATION_CLAMP = "CONCENTRATION_CLAMP"; const char* const NAME_EV_DAT = "DAT"; const char* const NAME_EV_DEFAULT = "DEFAULT"; const char* const NAME_EV_DIFFERENCE = "DIFFERENCE"; const char* const NAME_EV_DOWN = "DOWN"; const char* const NAME_EV_ERROR = "ERROR"; const char* const NAME_EV_FLUX_CLAMP = "FLUX_CLAMP"; const char* const NAME_EV_FULL = "FULL"; const char* const NAME_EV_GDAT = "GDAT"; const char* const NAME_EV_IGNORE = "IGNORE"; const char* const NAME_EV_INTERSECT = "INTERSECT"; const char* const NAME_EV_LEAF = "LEAF"; const char* const NAME_EV_LEAF_GEOMETRY_OBJECT = "LEAF_GEOMETRY_OBJECT"; const char* const NAME_EV_LEAF_SURFACE_REGION = "LEAF_SURFACE_REGION"; const char* const NAME_EV_LIST = "LIST"; const char* const NAME_EV_NF = "NF"; const char* const NAME_EV_NONE = "NONE"; const char* const NAME_EV_NOT_SET = "NOT_SET"; const char* const NAME_EV_ODE = "ODE"; const char* const NAME_EV_PLA = "PLA"; const char* const NAME_EV_REACTIVE = "REACTIVE"; const char* const NAME_EV_REFLECTIVE = "REFLECTIVE"; const char* const NAME_EV_REGION_EXPR = "REGION_EXPR"; const char* const NAME_EV_SPHERICAL = "SPHERICAL"; const char* const NAME_EV_SSA = "SSA"; const char* const NAME_EV_SUB = "SUB"; const char* const NAME_EV_SURFACE = "SURFACE"; const char* const NAME_EV_SURFACE_SURFACE = "SURFACE_SURFACE"; const char* const NAME_EV_TRANSPARENT = "TRANSPARENT"; const char* const NAME_EV_UNIMOL_SURFACE = "UNIMOL_SURFACE"; const char* const NAME_EV_UNIMOL_VOLUME = "UNIMOL_VOLUME"; const char* const NAME_EV_UNION = "UNION"; const char* const NAME_EV_UNSET = "UNSET"; const char* const NAME_EV_UP = "UP"; const char* const NAME_EV_VOLUME = "VOLUME"; const char* const NAME_EV_VOLUME_SURFACE = "VOLUME_SURFACE"; const char* const NAME_EV_VOLUME_VOLUME = "VOLUME_VOLUME"; const char* const NAME_EV_WARNING = "WARNING"; const char* const NAME_CV_ALL_MOLECULES = "ALL_MOLECULES"; const char* const NAME_CV_ALL_SURFACE_MOLECULES = "ALL_SURFACE_MOLECULES"; const char* const NAME_CV_ALL_VOLUME_MOLECULES = "ALL_VOLUME_MOLECULES"; const char* const NAME_CV_AllMolecules = "AllMolecules"; const char* const NAME_CV_AllSurfaceMolecules = "AllSurfaceMolecules"; const char* const NAME_CV_AllVolumeMolecules = "AllVolumeMolecules"; const char* const NAME_CV_BOND_ANY = "BOND_ANY"; const char* const NAME_CV_BOND_BOUND = "BOND_BOUND"; const char* const NAME_CV_BOND_UNBOUND = "BOND_UNBOUND"; const char* const NAME_CV_DEFAULT_CHECKPOINTS_DIR = "DEFAULT_CHECKPOINTS_DIR"; const char* const NAME_CV_DEFAULT_COUNT_BUFFER_SIZE = "DEFAULT_COUNT_BUFFER_SIZE"; const char* const NAME_CV_DEFAULT_ITERATION_DIR_PREFIX = "DEFAULT_ITERATION_DIR_PREFIX"; const char* const NAME_CV_DEFAULT_SEED_DIR_DIGITS = "DEFAULT_SEED_DIR_DIGITS"; const char* const NAME_CV_DEFAULT_SEED_DIR_PREFIX = "DEFAULT_SEED_DIR_PREFIX"; const char* const NAME_CV_FLT_UNSET = "FLT_UNSET"; const char* const NAME_CV_ID_INVALID = "ID_INVALID"; const char* const NAME_CV_INT_UNSET = "INT_UNSET"; const char* const NAME_CV_NUMBER_OF_TRAINS_UNLIMITED = "NUMBER_OF_TRAINS_UNLIMITED"; const char* const NAME_CV_PARTITION_EDGE_EXTRA_MARGIN_UM = "PARTITION_EDGE_EXTRA_MARGIN_UM"; const char* const NAME_CV_RNG_SIZE = "RNG_SIZE"; const char* const NAME_CV_STATE_UNSET = "STATE_UNSET"; const char* const NAME_CV_STATE_UNSET_INT = "STATE_UNSET_INT"; const char* const NAME_CV_TIME_INFINITY = "TIME_INFINITY"; } // namespace API } // namespace MCell #endif // API_GEN_NAMES