Molecule: superclass: BaseIntrospectionClass doc: | Representation of a molecule obtained from Model during simulation obtained through Model.get_molecule. Changes through changing attributes of this object are not allowed except for complete removal of this molecule. examples: tests/pymcell4_positive/1900_molecule_introspection/ items: - name: id type: int default: ID_INVALID doc: | Unique id of this molecule. MCell assigns this unique id to each created molecule. All reactions change ID of molecules even in reactions such as A@CP -> A@EC. - name: type type: MoleculeType default: MoleculeType.UNSET doc: | Type of this molecule, either volume or surface. - name: species_id type: int default: ID_INVALID doc: | Species id of this molecule. The species_id value is only temporary. Species ids are created and removed as needed automatically and if this species is removed, this particular species_id value won't be valid. This can happen when a following iteration is simulated. - name: pos3d type: List[float] default: unset doc: | Contains position of a molecule in 3D space. - name: orientation type: Orientation default: Orientation.NOT_SET doc: | Contains orientation for surface molecule. Volume molecules have always orientation set to Orientation.NONE. - name: pos2d type: List[float] default: unset doc: | Set only for surface molecules. Position on a wall in UV coordinates relative to the triangle of the wall. - name: geometry_object type: GeometryObject* default: unset doc: | Set only for surface molecules. Is set to a reference to the geometry object on whose surface is the molecule located. - name: wall_index type: int default: -1 doc: | Set only for surface molecules. Index of wall belonging to the geometry_object where is the molecule located. methods: - name: remove doc: | Removes this molecule from simulation. Any subsequent modifications of this molecule won't have any effect. examples: tests/pymcell4_positive/1920_molecule_remove/ Wall: superclass: BaseIntrospectionClass doc: | Constant representation of wall of a geometry object. Changes through changing attributes of this object are not allowed except for the attribute is_movable. examples: tests/pymcell4_positive/1330_get_wall/ items: - name: geometry_object type: GeometryObject* doc: Object to which this wall belongs. - name: wall_index type: int doc: Index of this wall in the object to which this wall belongs. - name: vertices type: List[List[float]] doc: Vertices of the triangle that represents this wall. - name: area type: float doc: Area of the wall in um^2. - name: unit_normal type: List[float] doc: | Normal of this wall with unit length of 1 um. There is also a method Model.get_wall_unit_normal that allows to retrieve just the normal value without the need to prepare this whole Wall object. - name: is_movable type: bool default: true doc: | If True, whis wall can be moved through Model.apply_vertex_moves, if False, wall moves are ignored. Can be set during simulation. WallWallHitInfo: superclass: BaseIntrospectionClass doc: | This class is used in the return type of Model.apply_vertex_moves. Contains pair of walls that collided. examples: tests/pymcell4_positive/1515_tetrahedron_box_collision_moving_3_w_wall_wall_hit/ items: - name: wall1 type: Wall* doc: First colliding wall. - name: wall2 type: Wall* doc: Second colliding wall. Introspection: doc: Only internal. This class is used only as a base class to Model, it is not provided through API. Defines interface to introspect simulation state. methods: - name: get_molecule_ids doc: | Returns a list of ids of molecules. If the arguments pattern is not set, the list of all molecule ids is returned. If the argument pattern is set, the list of all molecule ids whose species match the pattern is returned. examples: tests/pymcell4_positive/1910_get_molecule_ids_w_pattern/ return_type: List[int] params: - name: pattern type: Complex* default: unset doc: BNGL pattern to select molecules based on their species, might use compartments. - name: get_molecule doc: | Returns a information on a molecule from the simulated environment, None if the molecule does not exist. examples: tests/pymcell4_positive/1900_molecule_introspection/ return_type: Molecule* params: - name: id type: int doc: Unique id of the molecule to be retrieved. - name: get_species_name doc: | Returns a string representing canonical species name in the BNGL format. examples: tests/pymcell4_positive/1850_run_unimol_rxn_in_callback/ return_type: str params: - name: species_id type: int doc: Id of the species. # --- geometry --- - name: get_vertex doc: Returns coordinates of a vertex. examples: tests/pymcell4_positive/1340_get_vertex/ return_type: List[float] params: - name: object type: GeometryObject* - name: vertex_index type: int doc: This is the index of the vertex in the geometry object's walls (wall_list). - name: get_wall doc: Returns information about a wall belonging to a given object. examples: tests/pymcell4_positive/1330_get_wall/ return_type: Wall* params: - name: object type: GeometryObject* doc: Geometry object whose wall to retrieve. - name: wall_index type: int doc: This is the index of the wall in the geometry object's walls (wall_list). - name: get_vertex_unit_normal doc: | Returns sum of all wall normals that use this vertex converted to a unit vector of length 1 um (micrometer). This represents the unit vector pointing outwards from the vertex. examples: tests/pymcell4_positive/1320_get_vertex_unit_normal/ return_type: List[float] params: - name: object type: GeometryObject* doc: Geometry object whose vertex to retrieve. - name: vertex_index type: int doc: This is the index of the vertex in the geometry object's vertex_list. - name: get_wall_unit_normal doc: Returns wall normal converted to a unit vector of length 1um. examples: tests/pymcell4_positive/1310_get_wall_unit_normal/ return_type: List[float] params: - name: object type: GeometryObject* doc: Geometry object whose wall's normal to retrieve. - name: wall_index type: int doc: This is the index of the vertex in the geometry object's walls (wall_list). # --- display/export manipulation --- - name: get_wall_color doc: Returns color of a wall. return_type: Color* params: - name: object type: GeometryObject* doc: Geometry object whose wall's color to retrieve. - name: wall_index type: int doc: This is the index of the vertex in the geometry object's walls (wall_list). - name: set_wall_color doc: Sets color of a wall. params: - name: object type: GeometryObject* doc: Geometry object whose wall's color to retrieve. - name: wall_index type: int doc: This is the index of the vertex in the geometry object's walls (wall_list). - name: color type: Color* doc: Color to be set.