1. Package: llr
  2. Title: A lisp like language on top of R
  3. Version:
  4. Authors@R:
  5. person(given = "Dirk",
  6. family = "Schumacher",
  7. role = c("aut", "cre"),
  8. email = "[email protected]")
  9. Description: A lisp-like language that compiles to R. Just for fun.
  10. License: MIT + file LICENSE
  11. Encoding: UTF-8
  12. LazyData: true
  13. Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE)
  14. RoxygenNote: 7.1.1
  15. Suggests:
  16. testthat,
  17. dplyr,
  18. knitr
  19. Config/testthat/edition: 3
  20. Imports:
  21. coro,
  22. fastmap,
  23. purrr,
  24. vctrs,
  25. digest,
  26. rlang,
  27. utils,
  28. R6,
  29. methods
  30. Collate:
  31. 'ast-translator.R'
  32. 'format.R'
  33. 'boolean.R'
  34. 'constants.R'
  35. 'double.R'
  36. 'list.R'
  37. 'hasheq.R'
  38. 'map.R'
  39. 'reader.R'
  40. 'vector.R'
  41. 'std-lib.R'
  42. 'eval.R'
  43. 'integer.R'
  44. 'knitr.R'
  45. 'macros.R'
  46. 'namespace.R'
  47. 'nodes.R'
  48. 'string.R'
  49. 'tokenize.R'