123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445 |
- ---
- title: "Dockerized R Markdown Document"
- author: "Nan Xiao"
- date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
- output:
- html_document
- liftr:
- from: "rocker/r-base:latest"
- maintainer: "Nan Xiao"
- maintainer_email: "[email protected]"
- cranpkg:
- - kernlab
- extra:
- - ADD https://raw.githubusercontent.com/road2stat/liftr/master/inst/docker.Rmd /
- - COPY /Users/tengfei/Code/gitrepos/liftr/inst/Dockerfile.Rmd /
- ---
- ## Spectral clustering example
- This is an R Markdown document that could be rendered under a Docker container using `liftr`. The document requires the `specc()` function in the `kernlab` package on CRAN to perform a simple spectral clustering:
- ```{r specc, fig.cap = 'Spectral Clustering of Spirals Data'}
- library("kernlab")
- data(spirals)
- sc = specc(spirals, centers = 2)
- print(sc)
- plot(spirals, col = sc)
- ```
- ## Options of liftr in this document
- The document front-matter metadata includes the options for `liftr`, which is used for dockerizing the document:
- ```{r liftrmeta}
- rmarkdown::metadata$liftr
- ```
- ## System and session information
- The R session information of the Docker container is shown below.
- ```{r session}
- sessionInfo()
- ```