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  66. <a href="../articles/liftr-addins.html">RStudio Addins for liftr</a>
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  69. <a href="../articles/liftr-intro.html">A Quick Introduction to liftr</a>
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  72. <a href="../articles/liftr-tidyverse.html">Explore tidyverse with liftr</a>
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  94. <h1>Change log <small>All releases</small></h1>
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  96. <div class="contents">
  97. <div id="liftr-0-8-2017-12-12" class="section level1">
  98. <h1 class="hasAnchor">
  99. <a href="#liftr-0-8-2017-12-12" class="anchor"></a>liftr 0.8 (2017-12-12)</h1>
  100. <div id="new-features" class="section level2">
  101. <h2 class="hasAnchor">
  102. <a href="#new-features" class="anchor"></a>New Features</h2>
  103. <ul>
  104. <li>Add a new argument <code>prune</code> in <code><a href="../reference/render_docker.html">render_docker()</a></code> to automatically clean up dangling containers and images in case the image build or compilation was not successful (<a href="">#27</a>). We thank Nicolas Roelandt for suggesting this feature (<a href="">#25</a>).</li>
  105. <li>Added functions <code><a href="../reference/prune_container_auto.html">prune_container_auto()</a></code>, <code><a href="../reference/prune_image_auto.html">prune_image_auto()</a></code>, and <code><a href="../reference/prune_all_auto.html">prune_all_auto()</a></code> for automatic pruning of dangling containers or images without particular names specified.</li>
  106. <li>Added function <code><a href="../reference/install_docker.html">install_docker()</a></code> for guiding the installation of Docker.</li>
  107. <li>Added function <code><a href="../reference/check_docker_install.html">check_docker_install()</a></code>for checking if Docker is properly installed and discoverable.</li>
  108. <li>Added function <code><a href="../reference/check_docker_running.html">check_docker_running()</a></code> for checking if Docker daemon is running.</li>
  109. </ul>
  110. </div>
  111. <div id="improvements" class="section level2">
  112. <h2 class="hasAnchor">
  113. <a href="#improvements" class="anchor"></a>Improvements</h2>
  114. <ul>
  115. <li>The argument <code>purge_info</code> was renamed to <code>prune_info</code> in <code><a href="../reference/render_docker.html">render_docker()</a></code>.</li>
  116. <li>Previous functions for cleaning up specific Docker containers and images <code><a href="../reference/prune_container.html">purge_container()</a></code> and <code><a href="../reference/prune_image.html">purge_image()</a></code> are now renamed to <code><a href="../reference/prune_container.html">prune_container()</a></code> and <code><a href="../reference/prune_image.html">prune_image()</a></code>.</li>
  117. <li>RStudio addin: the old addin for removing Docker images was refactored into two new addins: one for removing dangling containers and images, one for removing the successfully built image that corresponds to the current document.</li>
  118. <li>Added two new vignettes. Check out <code><a href="../articles/liftr-addins.html">vignette("liftr-addins")</a></code> and <code><a href="../articles/liftr-tidyverse.html">vignette("liftr-tidyverse")</a></code>.</li>
  119. </ul>
  120. </div>
  121. </div>
  122. <div id="liftr-0-7-2017-09-29" class="section level1">
  123. <h1 class="hasAnchor">
  124. <a href="#liftr-0-7-2017-09-29" class="anchor"></a>liftr 0.7 (2017-09-29)</h1>
  125. <div id="improvements-1" class="section level2">
  126. <h2 class="hasAnchor">
  127. <a href="#improvements-1" class="anchor"></a>Improvements</h2>
  128. <ul>
  129. <li>Use system font stack instead of Google Fonts in vignettes to avoid pandoc SSL issue.</li>
  130. </ul>
  131. </div>
  132. </div>
  133. <div id="liftr-0-6-2017-07-23" class="section level1">
  134. <h1 class="hasAnchor">
  135. <a href="#liftr-0-6-2017-07-23" class="anchor"></a>liftr 0.6 (2017-07-23)</h1>
  136. <div id="new-features-1" class="section level2">
  137. <h2 class="hasAnchor">
  138. <a href="#new-features-1" class="anchor"></a>New Features</h2>
  139. <ul>
  140. <li>Supports parsing the liftr metadata from a standalone YAML congfiguration file. This feature makes it possible to run liftr without editing the original R Markdown file [<a href="">#22</a>].</li>
  141. </ul>
  142. </div>
  143. </div>
  144. <div id="liftr-0-5-2017-04-11" class="section level1">
  145. <h1 class="hasAnchor">
  146. <a href="#liftr-0-5-2017-04-11" class="anchor"></a>liftr 0.5 (2017-04-11)</h1>
  147. <div id="new-features-2" class="section level2">
  148. <h2 class="hasAnchor">
  149. <a href="#new-features-2" class="anchor"></a>New Features</h2>
  150. <ul>
  151. <li>Added RStudio addins as shortcuts to containerize and render R Markdown documents.</li>
  152. <li>Added new argument <code>cache</code> in <code><a href="../reference/render_docker.html">render_docker()</a></code> to improve rendering speed significantly by caching Docker image layers [<a href="">#18</a>].</li>
  153. <li>Added new argument <code>purge_info</code> to <code><a href="../reference/render_docker.html">render_docker()</a></code>. This argument controls whether to output the Docker image and container name into an YAML file for purging purposes later.</li>
  154. <li>Separate the creation and removal of Docker containers and images: removed the old argument <code>reset</code> in <code><a href="../reference/render_docker.html">render_docker()</a></code>; added <code><a href="../reference/prune_container.html">purge_container()</a></code> and <code><a href="../reference/prune_image.html">purge_image()</a></code> for cleaning up.</li>
  155. <li>The <code>ghpkg</code> field is now deprecated. The new <code>remotes</code> field supports <a href="">devtools remote package name format</a>. Now packages can be installed from GitHub, Bitbucket, Git/SVN servers, URLs, etc.</li>
  156. <li>Added new metadata field <code>include</code> for including any custom Dockerfile snippets into the final Dockerfile. This also fixes <a href="">#21</a>.</li>
  157. </ul>
  158. </div>
  159. <div id="improvements-2" class="section level2">
  160. <h2 class="hasAnchor">
  161. <a href="#improvements-2" class="anchor"></a>Improvements</h2>
  162. <ul>
  163. <li>Renamed <code><a href="../reference/render_docker.html">drender()</a></code> to <code><a href="../reference/render_docker.html">render_docker()</a></code>. <code><a href="../reference/render_docker.html">drender()</a></code> is now deprecated.</li>
  164. <li>Better naming scheme for <code>liftr</code> metadata fields.</li>
  165. <li>Tidy up the output Dockerfile by <code><a href="../reference/lift.html">lift()</a></code>.</li>
  166. <li>Added two new examples in <code>inst/examples/</code>: explore tidyverse and Bioconductor RNA-Seq workflow.</li>
  167. <li>New website (<a href="" class="uri"></a>) generated by pkgdown, with a full set of function documentation and vignettes available.</li>
  168. <li>Added Appveyor support for continuous integration under Windows.</li>
  169. <li>Removed Rabix support temporarily to embrace its new version in the future.</li>
  170. <li>Added a new demo video.</li>
  171. </ul>
  172. </div>
  173. <div id="bug-fixes" class="section level2">
  174. <h2 class="hasAnchor">
  175. <a href="#bug-fixes" class="anchor"></a>Bug Fixes</h2>
  176. <ul>
  177. <li>Removed <code>-t</code> and <code>-i</code> from <code>docker run</code> to fix <a href="">#17</a>.</li>
  178. </ul>
  179. </div>
  180. </div>
  181. <div id="liftr-0-4-2016-08-05" class="section level1">
  182. <h1 class="hasAnchor">
  183. <a href="#liftr-0-4-2016-08-05" class="anchor"></a>liftr 0.4 (2016-08-05)</h1>
  184. <div id="improvements-3" class="section level2">
  185. <h2 class="hasAnchor">
  186. <a href="#improvements-3" class="anchor"></a>Improvements</h2>
  187. <ul>
  188. <li>Maintainer email updates.</li>
  189. </ul>
  190. </div>
  191. </div>
  192. <div id="liftr-0-3-2015-10-10" class="section level1">
  193. <h1 class="hasAnchor">
  194. <a href="#liftr-0-3-2015-10-10" class="anchor"></a>liftr 0.3 (2015-10-10)</h1>
  195. <div id="new-features-3" class="section level2">
  196. <h2 class="hasAnchor">
  197. <a href="#new-features-3" class="anchor"></a>New Features</h2>
  198. <ul>
  199. <li>Support specifying CRAN package version precisely.</li>
  200. </ul>
  201. </div>
  202. <div id="improvements-4" class="section level2">
  203. <h2 class="hasAnchor">
  204. <a href="#improvements-4" class="anchor"></a>Improvements</h2>
  205. <ul>
  206. <li>Modified examples in documentation to comply with the lastest CRAN Repository Policy.</li>
  207. <li>Installing packages with https.</li>
  208. </ul>
  209. </div>
  210. </div>
  211. <div id="liftr-0-2-2015-07-30" class="section level1">
  212. <h1 class="hasAnchor">
  213. <a href="#liftr-0-2-2015-07-30" class="anchor"></a>liftr 0.2 (2015-07-30)</h1>
  214. <div id="bug-fixes-1" class="section level2">
  215. <h2 class="hasAnchor">
  216. <a href="#bug-fixes-1" class="anchor"></a>Bug Fixes</h2>
  217. <ul>
  218. <li>
  219. <a href="">Correctly rendered</a> the vignette with Pandoc</li>
  220. </ul>
  221. </div>
  222. <div id="new-features-4" class="section level2">
  223. <h2 class="hasAnchor">
  224. <a href="#new-features-4" class="anchor"></a>New Features</h2>
  225. <ul>
  226. <li>Added new R Markdown header option <code>pandoc</code> to control Pandoc installation. Automatically set this to <code>false</code> for <code>rocker/rstudio</code> and <code>bioconductor/...</code> images. This solves <a href="">#12</a>.</li>
  227. </ul>
  228. </div>
  229. </div>
  230. <div id="liftr-0-1-2015-07-10" class="section level1">
  231. <h1 class="hasAnchor">
  232. <a href="#liftr-0-1-2015-07-10" class="anchor"></a>liftr 0.1 (2015-07-10)</h1>
  233. <div id="new-features-5" class="section level2">
  234. <h2 class="hasAnchor">
  235. <a href="#new-features-5" class="anchor"></a>New Features</h2>
  236. <ul>
  237. <li>Initial version of liftr. This version implemented two functions <code><a href="../reference/lift.html">lift()</a></code> and <code><a href="../reference/render_docker.html">drender()</a></code>. They provide basic support for dockerizing R Markdown documents, with support for running Rabix workflows/tools before rendering R Markdown documents in Docker containers.</li>
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  247. <li><a href="#liftr-0-8-2017-12-12">0.8</a></li>
  248. <li><a href="#liftr-0-7-2017-09-29">0.7</a></li>
  249. <li><a href="#liftr-0-6-2017-07-23">0.6</a></li>
  250. <li><a href="#liftr-0-5-2017-04-11">0.5</a></li>
  251. <li><a href="#liftr-0-4-2016-08-05">0.4</a></li>
  252. <li><a href="#liftr-0-3-2015-10-10">0.3</a></li>
  253. <li><a href="#liftr-0-2-2015-07-30">0.2</a></li>
  254. <li><a href="#liftr-0-1-2015-07-10">0.1</a></li>
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