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  82. <div id="liftr" class="section level1">
  83. <div class="page-header"><h1 class="hasAnchor">
  84. <a href="#liftr" class="anchor"></a>liftr <a href=""><img src="" align="right" alt="logo" height="180" width="180"></a>
  85. </h1></div>
  86. <p>liftr aims to solve the problem of <em>persistent reproducible reporting</em>. To achieve this goal, it extends the <a href="">R Markdown</a> metadata format, and uses Docker to containerize and render R Markdown documents.</p>
  87. <div id="installation" class="section level2">
  88. <h2 class="hasAnchor">
  89. <a href="#installation" class="anchor"></a>Installation</h2>
  90. <p>Install liftr from CRAN:</p>
  91. <div class="sourceCode"><pre class="sourceCode r"><code class="sourceCode r"><span class="kw">install.packages</span>(<span class="st">"liftr"</span>)</code></pre></div>
  92. <p>Or try the development version on GitHub:</p>
  93. <div class="sourceCode"><pre class="sourceCode r"><code class="sourceCode r"><span class="co"># install.packages("devtools")</span>
  94. devtools<span class="op">::</span><span class="kw"><a href="">install_github</a></span>(<span class="st">"road2stat/liftr"</span>)</code></pre></div>
  95. <p><a href="">Browse the vignettes</a> or the <a href="">demo video</a> for a quick-start.</p>
  96. </div>
  97. <div id="workflow" class="section level2">
  98. <h2 class="hasAnchor">
  99. <a href="#workflow" class="anchor"></a>Workflow</h2>
  100. <p><img src="" width="100%" alt="Containerize R Markdown Documents with liftr"></p>
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  102. <div id="events" class="section level2">
  103. <h2 class="hasAnchor">
  104. <a href="#events" class="anchor"></a>Events</h2>
  105. <table class="table">
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  111. <thead><tr class="header">
  112. <th align="left">Time</th>
  113. <th align="left">Event</th>
  114. <th align="left">Location</th>
  115. </tr></thead>
  116. <tbody>
  117. <tr class="odd">
  118. <td align="left">July 27, 2017</td>
  119. <td align="left">
  120. <a href="">BioC 2017</a> (<a href="">poster</a> for <a href=""></a>)</td>
  121. <td align="left">Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA</td>
  122. </tr>
  123. <tr class="even">
  124. <td align="left">May 20, 2017</td>
  125. <td align="left">
  126. <a href="">The 10th China-R Conference</a> (talk)</td>
  127. <td align="left">Tsinghua University, Beijng, China</td>
  128. </tr>
  129. <tr class="odd">
  130. <td align="left">April 18, 2017</td>
  131. <td align="left">
  132. <a href="">DockerCon 2017</a> (<a href="">talk</a>)</td>
  133. <td align="left">Austin Convention Center, Austin, TX</td>
  134. </tr>
  135. <tr class="even">
  136. <td align="left">December 3, 2015</td>
  137. <td align="left">
  138. <a href="">CRI Bioinformatics Workshop</a> (talk)</td>
  139. <td align="left">The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL</td>
  140. </tr>
  141. <tr class="odd">
  142. <td align="left">July 21, 2015</td>
  143. <td align="left">
  144. <a href="">BioC 2015</a> (workshop)</td>
  145. <td align="left">Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA</td>
  146. </tr>
  147. </tbody>
  148. </table>
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  150. <div id="contribute" class="section level2">
  151. <h2 class="hasAnchor">
  152. <a href="#contribute" class="anchor"></a>Contribute</h2>
  153. <p>To contribute to this project, please take a look at the <a href="">Contributing Guidelines</a> first. Please note that this project is released with a <a href="">Contributor Code of Conduct</a>. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.</p>
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  155. <div id="license" class="section level2">
  156. <h2 class="hasAnchor">
  157. <a href="#license" class="anchor"></a>License</h2>
  158. <p>liftr is free and open source software, licensed under GPL-3.</p>
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  163. <h2>Links</h2>
  164. <ul class="list-unstyled">
  165. <li>Download from CRAN at <br><a href="">https://​​package=liftr</a>
  166. </li>
  167. <li>Browse source code at <br><a href="">https://​​road2stat/​liftr</a>
  168. </li>
  169. <li>Report a bug at <br><a href="">https://​​road2stat/​liftr/​issues</a>
  170. </li>
  171. </ul>
  172. <h2>License</h2>
  173. <p><a href="">GPL-3</a> | file <a href="LICENSE.html">LICENSE</a></p>
  174. <h2>Developers</h2>
  175. <ul class="list-unstyled">
  176. <li>Nan Xiao <br><small class="roles"> Author, maintainer </small> <br><small>(0000-0002-0250-5673)</small>
  177. </li>
  178. <li><a href="authors.html">All authors...</a></li>
  179. </ul>
  180. <h2>Dev status</h2>
  181. <ul class="list-unstyled">
  182. <li><a href=""><img src="" alt="Build Status"></a></li>
  183. <li><a href=""><img src=";svg=true" alt="AppVeyor Build Status"></a></li>
  184. <li><a href=""><img src="" alt="CRAN Version"></a></li>
  185. <li><a href=""><img src="" alt="Downloads from the RStudio CRAN mirror"></a></li>
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  190. <p>Developed by Nan Xiao.</p>
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