12345678910111213141516171819202122232425 |
- % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
- % Please edit documentation in R/lift.R
- \name{parse_rmd}
- \alias{parse_rmd}
- \title{parse Rmarkdown header}
- \usage{
- parse_rmd(input)
- }
- \arguments{
- \item{input}{Rmd file to be parsed into a list}
- }
- \description{
- parse Rmarkdown header and return a list
- }
- \details{
- The header section is use three hyphens --- as start line & end line,
- or three hyphens --- as start line with three dots ...
- as end line
- }
- \examples{
- fl = system.file("examples/docker.Rmd", package = "liftr")
- parse_rmd(fl)
- }