# liftr 0.8 (2017-12-12) ## New Features - Add a new argument `prune` in `render_docker()` to automatically clean up dangling containers and images in case the image build or compilation was not successful ([#27](https://github.com/road2stat/liftr/issues/27)). We thank Nicolas Roelandt for suggesting this feature ([#25](https://github.com/road2stat/liftr/issues/25)). - Added functions `prune_container_auto()`, `prune_image_auto()`, and `prune_all_auto()` for automatic pruning of dangling containers or images without particular names specified. - Added function `install_docker()` for guiding the installation of Docker. - Added function `check_docker_install()`for checking if Docker is properly installed and discoverable. - Added function `check_docker_running()` for checking if Docker daemon is running. ## Improvements - The argument `purge_info` was renamed to `prune_info` in `render_docker()`. - Previous functions for cleaning up specific Docker containers and images `purge_container()` and `purge_image()` are now renamed to `prune_container()` and `prune_image()`. - RStudio addin: the old addin for removing Docker images was refactored into two new addins: one for removing dangling containers and images, one for removing the successfully built image that corresponds to the current document. - Added two new vignettes. Check out `vignette("liftr-addins")` and `vignette("liftr-tidyverse")`. # liftr 0.7 (2017-09-29) ## Improvements - Use system font stack instead of Google Fonts in vignettes to avoid pandoc SSL issue. # liftr 0.6 (2017-07-23) ## New Features - Supports parsing the liftr metadata from a standalone YAML congfiguration file. This feature makes it possible to run liftr without editing the original R Markdown file [[#22](https://github.com/road2stat/liftr/issues/22)]. # liftr 0.5 (2017-04-11) ## New Features - Added RStudio addins as shortcuts to containerize and render R Markdown documents. - Added new argument `cache` in `render_docker()` to improve rendering speed significantly by caching Docker image layers [[#18](https://github.com/road2stat/liftr/issues/18)]. - Added new argument `purge_info` to `render_docker()`. This argument controls whether to output the Docker image and container name into an YAML file for purging purposes later. - Separate the creation and removal of Docker containers and images: removed the old argument `reset` in `render_docker()`; added `purge_container()` and `purge_image()` for cleaning up. - The `ghpkg` field is now deprecated. The new `remotes` field supports [devtools remote package name format](https://github.com/hadley/devtools/blob/master/vignettes/dependencies.Rmd). Now packages can be installed from GitHub, Bitbucket, Git/SVN servers, URLs, etc. - Added new metadata field `include` for including any custom Dockerfile snippets into the final Dockerfile. This also fixes [#21](https://github.com/road2stat/liftr/issues/21). ## Improvements - Renamed `drender()` to `render_docker()`. `drender()` is now deprecated. - Better naming scheme for `liftr` metadata fields. - Tidy up the output Dockerfile by `lift()`. - Added two new examples in `inst/examples/`: explore tidyverse and Bioconductor RNA-Seq workflow. - New website (https://liftr.me) generated by pkgdown, with a full set of function documentation and vignettes available. - Added Appveyor support for continuous integration under Windows. - Removed Rabix support temporarily to embrace its new version in the future. - Added a new demo video. ## Bug Fixes - Removed `-t` and `-i` from `docker run` to fix [#17](https://github.com/road2stat/liftr/issues/17). # liftr 0.4 (2016-08-05) ## Improvements - Maintainer email updates. # liftr 0.3 (2015-10-10) ## New Features - Support specifying CRAN package version precisely. ## Improvements - Modified examples in documentation to comply with the lastest CRAN Repository Policy. - Installing packages with https. # liftr 0.2 (2015-07-30) ## Bug Fixes - [Correctly rendered](https://github.com/rstudio/rmarkdown/issues/470) the vignette with Pandoc ## New Features - Added new R Markdown header option `pandoc` to control Pandoc installation. Automatically set this to `false` for `rocker/rstudio` and `bioconductor/...` images. This solves [#12](https://github.com/road2stat/liftr/issues/12). # liftr 0.1 (2015-07-10) ## New Features - Initial version of liftr. This version implemented two functions `lift()` and `drender()`. They provide basic support for dockerizing R Markdown documents, with support for running Rabix workflows/tools before rendering R Markdown documents in Docker containers.