% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/lift.R \name{lift} \alias{lift} \title{Containerize R Markdown Documents} \usage{ lift(input = NULL, use_config = FALSE, config_file = "_liftr.yml", output_dir = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{input}{Input (R Markdown) file.} \item{use_config}{If \code{TRUE}, will parse the liftr metadata from a YAML file, if \code{FALSE}, will parse such information from the metadata section in the R Markdown file. Default is \code{FALSE}.} \item{config_file}{Name of the YAML configuration file, under the same directory as the input file. Default is \code{"_liftr.yml"}.} \item{output_dir}{Directory to output \code{Dockerfile}. If not provided, will be the same directory as \code{input}.} } \value{ \code{Dockerfile}. } \description{ Containerize R Markdown documents. This function generates \code{Dockerfile} based on the liftr metadata in the RMD document. } \details{ After running \link{lift}, run \link{render_docker} on the document to render the containerized R Markdown document using Docker containers. See \code{vignette('liftr-intro')} for details about the extended YAML front-matter metadata format used by liftr. } \examples{ # copy example file dir_example = paste0(tempdir(), '/liftr-minimal/') dir.create(dir_example) file.copy(system.file("examples/liftr-minimal.Rmd", package = "liftr"), dir_example) # containerization input = paste0(dir_example, "liftr-minimal.Rmd") lift(input) \dontrun{ # render the document with Docker render_docker(input) # view rendered document browseURL(paste0(dir_example, "liftr-minimal.html")) # purge the generated Docker image purge_image(paste0(dir_example, "liftr-minimal.docker.yml"))} }