% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/Onepunch-class.R \docType{class} \name{Onepunch-class} \alias{Onepunch} \alias{Onepunch-class} \title{Creat a Onepunch object} \arguments{ \item{input}{input Input (R Markdown or Shiny R markdown) file or shiny app folder.} \item{output_dir}{output_dir Directory to output \code{Dockerfile}.} \item{container}{container name} \item{image}{image name} \item{tag}{Docker image name to build, sent as docker argument \code{-t}. If not specified, it will use the same name as the input file.} \item{prebuild}{prebuild a command line string to call before docker build} \item{build_args}{build_args A character string specifying additional \code{docker build} arguments. For example, \code{--pull=true -m="1024m" --memory-swap="-1"}.} \item{liftr_template}{Rmarkdown template used to generate Dockerfile.} \item{dockerfile}{Dockerfile path.} \item{cache}{default TRUE, if FALSE, build with --no-cache=true} \item{rm}{efault FALSE, if TRUE build with --rm} \item{clean}{clean all container or not} \item{type}{"shinyapp" or "shinydoc" or "rmd"} \item{browseURL}{logical, default FALSE, to open browser automatically or not for shiny} \item{shiny_run}{how to launch shiny from command line} \item{url}{returned URL for browsing.} } \value{ Onepunch object } \description{ Onepunch object used for rendering } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{\code{deploy(script = NULL, ...)}}{deploy inside container} }} \examples{ \dontrun{ o = Onepunch("~/liftr_docker/ShinyDoc.Rmd") o$punch() o$clean() } }