'use strict'; module.exports = function(grunt) { grunt.initConfig({ concat: { options: { sourceMap: true }, dist: { dest: 'dist/jsoneditor.js', src: [ // License & version info, start the containing closure 'src/intro.js', // Simple inheritance 'src/class.js', // IE9 polyfills 'src/ie9.js', // Utils like extend, each, and trigger 'src/utilities.js', // The main JSONEditor class 'src/core.js', // JSON Schema validator 'src/validator.js', // All the editors 'src/editor.js', 'src/editors/null.js', 'src/editors/string.js', 'src/editors/hidden.js', 'src/editors/number.js', 'src/editors/integer.js', 'src/editors/rating.js', 'src/editors/object.js', 'src/editors/array.js', 'src/editors/table.js', 'src/editors/multiple.js', 'src/editors/enum.js', 'src/editors/select.js', 'src/editors/selectize.js', 'src/editors/multiselect.js', 'src/editors/base64.js', 'src/editors/upload.js', 'src/editors/checkbox.js', 'src/editors/array/selectize.js', // All the themes and iconlibs 'src/theme.js', 'src/themes/*.js', 'src/iconlib.js', 'src/iconlibs/*.js', // The JS templating engines 'src/templates/*.js', // Set the defaults 'src/defaults.js', // Wrapper for $.fn style initialization 'src/jquery.js', // End the closure 'src/outro.js' ], } }, uglify: { dist: { src: 'dist/jsoneditor.js', dest: 'dist/jsoneditor.min.js' }, options: { preserveComments: 'some', sourceMap: true } }, watch: { scripts: { files: ["src/**/*.js"], tasks: ["concat"] } }, jshint: { options: { browser: true, indent: 2, devel:true, nonbsp: true, nonew: true, immed: true, latedef: true }, beforeconcat: [ 'src/class.js', 'src/ie9.js', // Utils like extend, each, and trigger 'src/utilities.js', // The main JSONEditor class 'src/core.js', // JSON Schema validator 'src/validator.js', // All the editors 'src/editor.js', 'src/editors/*.js', // All the themes and iconlibs 'src/theme.js', 'src/themes/*.js', 'src/iconlib.js', 'src/iconlibs/*.js', // The JS templating engines 'src/templates/*.js', // Set the defaults 'src/defaults.js', // Wrapper for $.fn style initialization 'src/jquery.js' ], afterconcat: { options: { undef: true }, files: { src: ['dist/jsoneditor.js'] } } }, connect: { default: { options: { port: 9000, hostname: '', debug: true, keepalive: true } }, testing: { options: { port: 9001, hostname: '', debug: true, keepalive: true } } }, run: { options: { // Task-specific options }, mocha: { cmd: 'mocha', args: [ 'tests/selenium/*.js', '--reporter=nyan' ] } } }); // These plugins provide necessary tasks. grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-uglify'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-watch'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-jshint'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-concat'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-connect'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-run'); // Serve files grunt.registerTask('serve', 'connect:default'); grunt.registerTask('serve-test', 'connect:testing'); // Run mocha tests grunt.registerTask('test', ['run:mocha']); // Default task. grunt.registerTask('default', ['jshint:beforeconcat','concat','jshint:afterconcat','uglify']); grunt.registerTask('rawbuild', ['concat','uglify']); };