#! /usr/bin/perl # # pdb2fasta.pl - generate FASTA nonredundant sequence file from SEQRES records of globbed pdb files. # HHsuite version 3.0.0 (15-03-2015) # # Reference: # Remmert M., Biegert A., Hauser A., and Soding J. # HHblits: Lightning-fast iterative protein sequence searching by HMM-HMM alignment. # Nat. Methods, epub Dec 25, doi: 10.1038/NMETH.1818 (2011). # (C) Johannes Soeding, 2012 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # We are very grateful for bug reports! Please contact us at soeding@mpibpc.mpg.de use lib $ENV{"HHLIB"}."/scripts"; use HHPaths; # config file with path variables for nr, blast, psipred, pdb, dssp etc. use strict; $|= 1; # Activate autoflushing on STDOUT # Default parameters my $v=2; my $help=" pdb2fasta.pl - Generate FASTA nonredundant sequence file from SEQRES records of globbed pdb files. For updating purposes, you can write only those sequences to pdb_new.fas that are not already contained in an old file by giving as third argument the old pdb.fas file. Usage: pdb2fasta.pl 'pdb-fileglob' pdb_newseqs.fas [options] Options: -u oldfile update: write only those sequences to pdb_new.fas that are not contained in oldfile -scop file read dir.cla.scop.txt_1.65 and list SCOP fold(s) in sequence name -dali dir read FoldIndex.html and domain_definitions.txt in DALI directory and list DALI fold(s) in sequence name -v int verbose mode -t MTH-YR use only structures released until the given month and year, e.g. APR-12 or SEP-99 -all include all sequences instead of nonredundant set Examples: pdb2fasta.pl '*.ent' /data/pdbfas/pdb_20Apr2012.fas pdb2fasta.pl '*.pdb' pdb_new.fas -u pdb.fas -dali /data/dali -scop /data/scop/dir.cla.scop.txt_1.75 \n"; my $TOTLEN=160; # maximum length of name, description, and keywords my $DESCLEN=80; # maximum length of description if (@ARGV<2) {die($help);} my @pdbfiles; my $newseqfile; my $oldfile=""; my $dalidir=""; my $scopfile=""; my $date=""; my %months=("JAN"=>1,"FEB"=>2,"MAR"=>3,"APR"=>4,"MAY"=>5,"JUN"=>6,"JUL"=>7,"AUG"=>8,"SEP"=>9,"OCT"=>10,"NOV"=>11,"DEC"=>12); my %oldpdbids=(); # hash contains all pdbids in $oldfile our $pdbfile; my $pdbid; # four-letter PDB identifier, e.g. 1hz4 my $resolution; # experimental resolution in Angstrom my $rvalue; # R-value my $free_rvalue; # free R-value my $molid=0; # molecule id (for multichain structures) my $length; # number of residues in a chain my @seqres=(); # three-letter code of chain currently read in my $seqres; # my %descript; # $descript{"A"} contains the description for chain A my $descript; my %organism; # $organism{"A"} contains the organism for chain A my $organism; my $organism_common; my @chain; # $chain[$molid] my $chain; # either A for chain A or "" if no chain id my @chains; # my @keywds; # keywords for the structure my $keywds; # keywords for the structure my $token; my $synonym; # read from COMPND SYNONYM records of pdb files my @synonyms; # read from COMPND SYNONYM records of pdb files my $line; # line read in from file my @sequences=(); # contains all sequences of chains to be printed to outfile my @resolution=(); # $resolution[$nc] contains resolution of $nc'th sequence, where $nc=$nchains{$seqres} my %nchains; # $nchains{$seqres} is index in @sequences of sequence with these residues my $nchains=0; # number of chains written to $newseqfile my $k=0; # counts pdb files processed my @equiv_pdbs; # list of pdbids (including _chain) with identical residues (maximum one pdbid_chain per pdb file) my %dalifamids=(); # $foldids{$pdbid} contains a list of (one or more) DALI or SCOP foldids my %scopfamids=(); # $foldids{$pdbid} contains a list of (one or more) DALI or SCOP foldids my $het; # $het contains list of hetero ligands with at least 10 atoms in current pdb file (e.g. "DAC,PTR") my %words; # for debugging upper case -> lower case my $nr=1; # 1: create nonredundant set 0:do not eliminate redundant sequences my %three2one=( "ALA"=>"A","VAL"=>"V","PHE"=>"F","PRO"=>"P","MET"=>"M","ILE"=>"I","LEU"=>"L","ASP"=>"D","GLU"=>"E","LYS"=>"K", "ARG"=>"R","SER"=>"S","THR"=>"T","TYR"=>"Y","HIS"=>"H","CYS"=>"C","ASN"=>"N","GLN"=>"Q","TRP"=>"W","GLY"=>"G", "2AS"=>"D","3AH"=>"H","5HP"=>"E","ACL"=>"R","AIB"=>"A","ALM"=>"A","ALO"=>"T","ALY"=>"K","ARM"=>"R","ASA"=>"D", "ASB"=>"D","ASK"=>"D","ASL"=>"D","ASQ"=>"D","AYA"=>"A","BCS"=>"C","BHD"=>"D","BMT"=>"T","BNN"=>"A","BUC"=>"C", "BUG"=>"L","C5C"=>"C","C6C"=>"C","CCS"=>"C","CEA"=>"C","CHG"=>"A","CLE"=>"L","CME"=>"C","CSD"=>"A","CSO"=>"C", "CSP"=>"C","CSS"=>"C","CSW"=>"C","CXM"=>"M","CY1"=>"C","CY3"=>"C","CYG"=>"C","CYM"=>"C","CYQ"=>"C","DAH"=>"F", "DAL"=>"A","DAR"=>"R","DAS"=>"D","DCY"=>"C","DGL"=>"E","DGN"=>"Q","DHA"=>"A","DHI"=>"H","DIL"=>"I","DIV"=>"V", "DLE"=>"L","DLY"=>"K","DNP"=>"A","DPN"=>"F","DPR"=>"P","DSN"=>"S","DSP"=>"D","DTH"=>"T","DTR"=>"W","DTY"=>"Y", "DVA"=>"V","EFC"=>"C","FLA"=>"A","FME"=>"M","GGL"=>"E","GLZ"=>"G","GMA"=>"E","GSC"=>"G","HAC"=>"A","HAR"=>"R", "HIC"=>"H","HIP"=>"H","HMR"=>"R","HPQ"=>"F","HTR"=>"W","HYP"=>"P","IIL"=>"I","IYR"=>"Y","KCX"=>"K","LLP"=>"K", "LLY"=>"K","LTR"=>"W","LYM"=>"K","LYZ"=>"K","MAA"=>"A","MEN"=>"N","MHS"=>"H","MIS"=>"S","MLE"=>"L","MPQ"=>"G", "MSA"=>"G","MSE"=>"M","MVA"=>"V","NEM"=>"H","NEP"=>"H","NLE"=>"L","NLN"=>"L","NLP"=>"L","NMC"=>"G","OAS"=>"S", "OCS"=>"C","OMT"=>"M","PAQ"=>"Y","PCA"=>"E","PEC"=>"C","PHI"=>"F","PHL"=>"F","PR3"=>"C","PRR"=>"A","PTR"=>"Y", "SAC"=>"S","SAR"=>"G","SCH"=>"C","SCS"=>"C","SCY"=>"C","SEL"=>"S","SEP"=>"S","SET"=>"S","SHC"=>"C","SHR"=>"K", "SOC"=>"C","STY"=>"Y","SVA"=>"S","TIH"=>"A","TPL"=>"W","TPO"=>"T","TPQ"=>"A","TRG"=>"K","TRO"=>"W","TYB"=>"Y", "TYQ"=>"Y","TYS"=>"Y","TYY"=>"Y","AGM"=>"R","GL3"=>"G","SMC"=>"C","ASX"=>"B","CGU"=>"E","CSX"=>"C","GLX"=>"Z", "LED"=>"L" ); # Read command line options my $options=""; for (my $i=0; $i<=$#ARGV; $i++) {$options.=" $ARGV[$i]";} if ($options=~s/ -u\s+(\S+)//) {$oldfile=$1;} if ($options=~s/ -dali\s+(\S+)//) {$dalidir=$1;} if ($options=~s/ -scop\s+(\S+)//) {$scopfile=$1;} if ($options=~s/ -v\s*(\d+)//) {$v=$1;} if ($options=~s/ -v//) {$v=2;} if ($options=~s/ -all//) {$nr=0;} if ($options=~s/ -t (\w\w\w)-(\d\d)//) {$date=($months{$1}-1)/12+$2+100*($2<50);} if ($options=~s/^\s*([^- ]\S+)\s*//) { if ($v>=2) {print("Globbing...")}; @pdbfiles=glob($1); if ($v>=2) {print(" found ".scalar(@pdbfiles)." files\n")}; } if ($options=~s/^\s*([^- ]\S+)\s*//) {$newseqfile=$1;} # Warn if unknown options found or no infile/newseqfile if ($options!~/^\s*$/) {$options=~s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/g; die("Error: unknown options '$options'\n");} if (!@pdbfiles) {print($help); print("Error: no input files given\n"); exit;} if (!$newseqfile) {print($help); print("Error: no output file given\n"); exit;} # Updating option? if ($oldfile) { # Reading pdb codes from $oldfile if ($v>=3) {printf("Reading pdb codes from $oldfile ... \n");} open (OLDFILE,"<$oldfile") || die ("ERROR: cannot open $oldfile for writing: $!\n"); while ($line=) { if ($line=~/^>(\S\S\S\S)/o) {$oldpdbids{$1}=1;} } close(OLDFILE); } # Add fold identifiers? if ($dalidir) {&ReadDaliFiles();} if ($scopfile) {&ReadScopFile();} ############################################################################################ # Read one pdb file after the other foreach $pdbfile (@pdbfiles) { $k++; if ($pdbfile=~/^.*\/(.*?)$/) {$pdbid=$1;} else {$pdbid=$pdbfile;} # remove path if ($pdbid=~/^(pdb)?(.*)\..*$/) {$pdbid=lc($2);} else {die("Error: globbed file $pdbfile has no extension\n");} if (exists $oldpdbids{$pdbid}) {next;} if ($v>=1) { print("."); if (!($k%100)) {print("$k\n");} } elsif ($v>=2) {printf("Reading %4i %s\n",$k,$pdbfile);} open (PDBFILE, "<$pdbfile") || die ("Error: couldn't open $pdbfile: $!\n"); if ($v>=4) {print("Reading $pdbfile...\n");} $line=; # Initialize before reading new pdb file $resolution=0; $rvalue=0; $free_rvalue=0; $molid=0; $token="MOLECULE"; $descript=""; $organism=""; $organism_common=""; $keywds=""; $chain=""; %organism=(); %descript=(); @keywds=(); @chain=(); @seqres=(); $synonym=""; @synonyms=(); $het=""; # will contain list of hetero groups (if found) # COMPND ASPARTATE AMINOTRANSFERASE (E.C. WILD TYPE COMPLEXED 1ASA 3 # COMPND 2 WITH PYRIDOXAL-5'-PHOSPHATE AND MALEATE 1ASA 4 # or # COMPND MOL_ID: 1; # COMPND 2 MOLECULE: ACTIN-LIKE PROTEIN 3; # COMPND 3 CHAIN: A; # COMPND 4 SYNONYM: ARP3; ACTIN-RELATED PROTEIN 3; ACTIN-2; # COMPND 5 OTHER_DETAILS: PART OF THE ARP2/3 COMPLEX; # COMPND 6 MOL_ID: 2; # COMPND 7 MOLECULE: ACTIN-LIKE PROTEIN 2; # COMPND 8 CHAIN: B; # COMPND 9 SYNONYM: ARP2; ACTIN-RELATED PROTEIN 2; # COMPND 10 OTHER_DETAILS: PART OF THE ARP2/3 COMPLEX; # or # COMPND MOL_ID: 1; # COMPND 2 MOLECULE: PHOSPHATE SYSTEM POSITIVE REGULATORY PROTEIN # COMPND 3 PHO4; # COMPND 4 CHAIN: A, B; # COMPND 5 FRAGMENT: DNA BINDING DOMAIN; # COMPND 6 SYNONYM: BHLH; # COMPND 7 ENGINEERED: YES; # COMPND 8 BIOLOGICAL_UNIT: DIMER; while ($line && $line!~/^COMPND /o && $line!~/^REMARK /o) {$line=;} if (!$line || $line!~/^COMPND /) { if ($v>=2) {print("\n\nWarning: no COMPND line found in $pdbfile; skipping pdb file\n");} next; } while ($line && $line=~/^COMPND /o && $line!~/^REMARK /o) { $line=~s/^(.{70}).*/$1/; if ($line=~/^COMPND\s+\d*\s+MOL_ID:\s*(\d+)/) { if ($molid>0) { &SetDescript(); } else {$molid=$1;} $descript=""; $synonym=""; } elsif ($line=~/^COMPND\s+\d*\s+MOLECULE:\s*(.*\S)/) {$descript=$1; $token="MOLECULE";} elsif ($line=~/^COMPND\s+\d*\s+CHAIN:\s*(.*\S)/) {$chain=$1; $token="CHAIN";} elsif ($line=~/^COMPND\s+\d*\s+SYNONYM:\s*(.*\S)/) {$synonym=$1;} elsif ($line=~/^COMPND\s+\d*\s+FRAGMENT:/) {$token="";} elsif ($line=~/^COMPND\s+\d*\s+EC:/) {$token="";} elsif ($line=~/^COMPND\s+\d*\s+ENGINEERED:/) {$token="";} elsif ($line=~/^COMPND\s+\d*\s+MUTATION:/) {$token="";} elsif ($line=~/^COMPND\s+\d*\s+BIOLOGICAL UNIT:/) {$token="";} elsif ($line=~/^COMPND\s+\d*\s+OTHER_DETAILS:/) {$token="";} else { $line=~/^COMPND\s+\d*\s+(.*\S)/; if ($token eq "MOLECULE") {$descript.=" ".$1;} elsif ($token eq "SYNONYM") {$synonym.=" ".$1;} elsif ($token eq "CHAIN") {$chain.=" ".$1;} } $line=; } &SetDescript(); if (!$line) {if ($v>=2) {print("\nFormat error in $pdbfile. Skipping file ...\n");} next;} # SOURCE (ESCHERICHIA COLI) 1ASA 5 # or # SOURCE MOL_ID: 1; # SOURCE 2 ORGANISM_SCIENTIFIC: BOS TAURUS; # SOURCE 3 ORGANISM_COMMON: BOVINE; # SOURCE 4 ORGAN: THYMUS; # SOURCE 5 MOL_ID: 2; # SOURCE 6 ORGANISM_SCIENTIFIC: BOS TAURUS; # SOURCE 7 ORGANISM_COMMON: BOVINE; # SOURCE 8 ORGAN: THYMUS; $molid=0; $token="ORGANISM"; # $organism="Synthetic?"; while ($line && $line!~/^SOURCE /o && $line!~/^REMARK /o) {$line=;} if (!$line) {if ($v>=2) {print("\nFormat error in $pdbfile. Skipping file ...\n");} next;} if ($v>=2 && $line!~/^SOURCE /) {print("\n\nWarning: no SOURCE line found in $pdbfile\n");} while ($line=~/^SOURCE /o && $line!~/^REMARK /o) { $line=~s/^(.{70}).*/$1/; if ($line=~/^SOURCE\s+\d*\s+MOL_ID:\s*(\d+)/) { if ($molid>0) { &SetOrganism(); } else {$molid=$1;} } elsif ($line=~/^SOURCE\s+\d*\s+ORGANISM_SCIENTIFIC:\s*(.*\S)/) {$organism=$1; $token="ORGANISM";} elsif ($line=~/^SOURCE\s+\d*\s+SYNTHETIC/) {if ($organism eq "") {$organism="Synthetic"; $token="";}} elsif ($line=~/^SOURCE\s+\d*\s+FRAGMENT:/) {$token="";} elsif ($line=~/^SOURCE\s+\d*\s+ORGANISM_COMMON:\s+(.*\S)/) {$organism_common=$1; $token="";} elsif ($line=~/^SOURCE\s+\d*\s+STRAIN:/) {$token="";} elsif ($line=~/^SOURCE\s+\d*\s+VARIANT:/) {$token="";} elsif ($line=~/^SOURCE\s+\d*\s+CELL_LINE:/) {$token="";} elsif ($line=~/^SOURCE\s+\d*\s+ATCC:/) {$token="";} elsif ($line=~/^SOURCE\s+\d*\s+ORGAN:/) {$token="";} elsif ($line=~/^SOURCE\s+\d*\s+TISSUE:/) {$token="";} elsif ($line=~/^SOURCE\s+\d*\s+CELL:/) {$token="";} elsif ($line=~/^SOURCE\s+\d*\s+ORGANELLE:/) {$token="";} elsif ($line=~/^SOURCE\s+\d*\s+SECRETION:/) {$token="";} elsif ($line=~/^SOURCE\s+\d*\s+CELLULAR_LOCATION:/) {$token="";} elsif ($line=~/^SOURCE\s+\d*\s+PLASMID:/) {$token="";} elsif ($line=~/^SOURCE\s+\d*\s+GENE:/) {$token="";} elsif ($line=~/^SOURCE\s+\d*\s+EXPRESSION_/) {$token="";} elsif ($line=~/^SOURCE\s+\d*\s+OTHER_DETAILS:/) {$token="";} else { $line=~/^SOURCE\s+\d*\s+(.*\S)/; if ($token eq "ORGANISM") {$organism.=$1;} } $line=; } &SetOrganism(); if (!$line) {if ($v>=2) {print("\nFormat error in $pdbfile. Skipping file ...\n");} next;} # KEYWDS KETOLISOMERASE, XYLOSE METABOLISM, GLUCOSE-FRUCTOSE # KEYWDS 2 INTERCONVERSION, HYDRIDE TRANSFER, ALPHA-BETA BARREL, # KEYWDS 3 METALLOENZYME, THERMOPHILE while ($line && $line!~/^KEYWDS /o && $line!~/^REMARK /o) {$line=;} if (!$line) {if ($v>=2) {print("\nFormat error in $pdbfile. Skipping file ...\n");} next;} while ($line=~/^KEYWDS /o) { $line=~s/^(.{70}).*/$1/; if ($line=~/^KEYWDS\s+\d*\s+(.*\S)/) {$keywds.=" ".$1;} $line=; } $keywds=~s/CRYSTAL STRUCTURE,?\s*//i; $keywds=~s/X-RAY STRUCTURE,?\s*//i; $keywds=~s/THREE-DIMENSIONAL STR.CTURE,?\s*//i; $keywds=~s/NMR,?\s*//i; if ($keywds) { $keywds=~s/\s+/ /g; $keywds=~s/^\s+/ /; $keywds=~s/\s*;?$/;/; @keywds=split(/[,;]\s+/,$keywds); } else {@keywds=();} # Include keywords up to 50 chars taken my @these_keywds=@keywds; if (@these_keywds) { # Remove keywords that are substring of description or organism for (my $k=0; $k<@these_keywds; $k++) { $keywds=$these_keywds[$k]; my $ddescript=$descript; my $kkeywds=$keywds; my $oorganism=$organism; $ddescript=~tr/a-zA-Z//cd; $kkeywds=~tr/a-zA-Z//cd; $oorganism=~tr/a-zA-Z//cd; if ($ddescript=~/$kkeywds/i) {splice(@these_keywds,$k,1); $k--;} elsif ($kkeywds=~/$ddescript/i) {splice(@these_keywds,$k,1); $k--;} elsif ($oorganism=~/$kkeywds/i) {splice(@these_keywds,$k,1); $k--;} } # Add keywords until length limitation is exceeded ($TOTLEN chars) if (@these_keywds) { $keywds=$these_keywds[0]; for (my $k=1; $k<@these_keywds && length($descript.$keywds.", ".$these_keywds[$k].$organism)<$TOTLEN; $k++) { $keywds.=", ".$these_keywds[$k]; } $keywds=~s/^(\S)/ $1/; # add space at first position } else {$keywds="";} } else {$keywds="";} foreach my $chain (keys(%descript)) {$descript{$chain}.=$keywds;} # Check date? if ($date) { while ($line && $line!~/^REVDAT 1/o && $line!~/^REMARK /o) {$line=;} if ($line=~/^REVDAT 1/) { if ($line=~/^.{16}(\w\w\w)-(\d\d)/) { my $thisdate=($months{$1}-1)/12+$2+100*($2<50); # print("This date: $thisdate date=$date\n$line"); if ($thisdate>$date) {next;} } elsif ($v>=2) { print("WARNING: no valid date in header: \n$line"); } } } # REMARK 2 RESOLUTION. 2.00 ANGSTROMS. while ($line && $line!~/^REMARK 2 /o && $line!~/^SEQRES /o) {$line=;} if (!$line) {if ($v>=2) {print("\nFormat error in $pdbfile. Skipping file ...\n");} next;} if ($v>=2 && $line!~/^REMARK 2 /) {print("\n\nWarning: no REMARK 2 line found in $pdbfile\n");} while ($line=~/^REMARK 2 /o && $line!~/^SEQRES /o) { if ($line=~/^REMARK 2\s+RESOLUTION\.\s+(\d+\.?\d*)/) {$resolution=$1; last;} $line=; } # REMARK 3 R VALUE (WORKING SET) : 0.216 # REMARK 3 FREE R VALUE : 0.251 while ($line && $line!~/^REMARK 3 /o && $line!~/^SEQRES /o) {$line=;} if (!$line) {if ($v>=2) {print("\nFormat error in $pdbfile. Skipping file ...\n");} next;} if ($v>=2 && $line!~/^REMARK 3 /) {print("\n\nWarning: no REMARK 3 line found in $pdbfile\n");} while ($line=~/^REMARK 3 /o && $line!~/^SEQRES /o) { if ($line=~/^REMARK 3\s+R VALUE\s+\(WORKING SET\)\s*:\s*(\d+\.?\d*)/o) {$rvalue=$1;} if ($line=~/^REMARK 3\s+FREE R VALUE\s*:\s*(\d+\.?\d*)/o) {$free_rvalue=$1;} $line=; } # Record current position in PDBFILE my $file_pos = tell(PDBFILE); # Search for hetero groups BEFORE adding seqeunces => read pdb file twice :( while ($line && $line!~/^HET /o && $line!~/^ATOM /o) {$line=;} if (defined $line && $line=~/^HET /o) { while ($line) { # ----+----1----+----2----+----3 # HET DAC A 172 18 if ($line=~/^HET\s+(\S+) ..........\s*(\d+)/) { if ($2>=10 ) { my $this_het=$1; if ($het!~/$this_het/) { # don't list any hetgoup twice if ($het eq "") {$het=" HET: $1";} else {$het.=" $1";} } } } else { last; } $line=; } } if ($het ne "") {$het.=";";} # Rewind the current position in PDBFILE back before SEQRES records seek (PDBFILE,$file_pos,0); # SEQRES 1 396 MET PHE GLU ASN ILE THR ALA ALA PRO ALA ASP PRO ILE 1ASA 60 # SEQRES 1 A 366 SER ARG MET PRO SER PRO PRO MET PRO VAL PRO PRO ALA @seqres=(); my $newchain="@"; # make sure that sequence is not printed before first chain has been read my $newlength; # compare previous to current chain to find out when one chain is finished while ($line && $line!~/^SEQRES /o) {$line=;} if (!defined $line) { if ($v>=2) {print("\n\nWarning: no SEQRES line found in $pdbfile. Skipping file ...\n");} close (PDBFILE); next; } while ($line=~/^SEQRES /o) { if (length($line) >= 20) { $chain = $newchain; $newchain = substr($line, 10, 2); $newchain =~ /\s*(\S*)/; #if newchain=" " -> "" $newchain = $1; $length = $newlength; $newlength = substr($line, 13, 4); $seqres = substr($line, 19, 51); $seqres =~ s/\s*$//; # Compare previous to current chain to find out when one chain is finished if ($chain ne $newchain && $chain ne "@") { if (scalar(@seqres)!=$length) { if ($v>=2) {printf("\nWarning: in $pdbfile, line $., sequence length=$length, counted residues = %i\n",scalar(@seqres));} } &AddSequence(); @seqres=(); } push(@seqres,split(/\s+/,$seqres)); } else { print("\nError: found invalid SEQRES record in $pdbfile, line $. : line=$line"); } $line=; } $chain=$newchain; $length=$newlength; &AddSequence(); close (PDBFILE); } # end foreach $pdbfile ############################################################################################ # Print all sequences open (NEWSEQFILE,">$newseqfile") || die ("ERROR: cannot open $newseqfile for writing: $!\n"); for (my $nc=0; $nc<@sequences; $nc++) { if ($equiv_pdbs[$nc] ne "") { $sequences[$nc]=~s/^(.*)/$1 PDB:$equiv_pdbs[$nc]/; # Add list of equivalent pdb codes } printf(NEWSEQFILE "%s",$sequences[$nc]); } close(NEWSEQFILE); foreach my $word (keys(%words)) {print("$word ");} print("\n"); print("Written $nchains chains to $newseqfile\n"); exit; ################################################################################## # Set description when a new MOL_ID line is found, or at the end of COMPND records ################################################################################## sub SetDescript() { my $i; # print("chain=$chain\n"); if ($chain eq "NULL;") {$chain="";} $chain[$molid]=$chain; $molid=$1; if ($descript=~/^DNA[ ;]/) {$het=" HET: DNA";} # Cut description down to max. $DESCLEN letters $descript=~s/\s*;\s*$//; if (length($descript)>$DESCLEN) { $descript=~s/(.{$DESCLEN}\S*).*/$1.../; # remove everything after first comma } # Add synonyms with a maximum of 16 letters to description if ($synonym ne "") { @synonyms=split(/;\s+/,$synonym); for ($i=0; $i16) { splice(@synonyms,$i,1); } else { $synonyms[$i]=~s/;\s*//; $token="SYNONYM"; } } } # Choose shortname (<=16 characters) from synonyms unshift(@synonyms,$descript); for ($i=0; $i=scalar(@synonyms)) {$i=0;} $descript=$synonyms[$i]; $descript=~s/^\s*//; $descript=~s/\s*$//; splice(@synonyms,$i,1); for $synonym (@synonyms) {$descript.=", ".$synonym;} if ($descript ne "") { $descript=~s/\s+/ /g; $descript=~s/^\s+//g; $descript=~s/\s*;*\s*$//; # remove ';' } $descript.=";"; # append a semicolon ';' if ($chain ne "") { $chain=~s/\s*;\s*$//; @chains=split(/[,; ]\s*/,$chain); foreach $chain (@chains) { $descript{$chain}=$descript; # printf("chain='$chain' description='$descript'\n"); } } else { $descript{$chain}=$descript; # printf("chain='$chain' description='$descript'\n"); } } ################################################################################## # Set organism when a new MOL_ID line is found, or at the end of SOURCE records ################################################################################## sub SetOrganism() { if ($organism eq "" && $organism_common ne "") {$organism=$organism_common;} if (!exists $chain[$molid]) {$molid=1-$molid;} $chain=$chain[$molid]; $molid=$1; $organism=~tr/$//d; $organism=~s/^\s*([^;:]*).*/$1/; if ($organism=~/^\S*\s*\(([\w ]*)/) {$organism=$1;} # bovine (Bos taurus) elsif ($organism=~/^([\w -]+)/) {$organism=$1;} # BACTERIOPHAGE T4 (MUTANT GENE DERIVED ...) elsif ($organism=~/^(\S+\s+\S+)/) {$organism=$1;} # maximum two words elsif ($organism=~/^(\S+)/) {$organism=$1;} $organism=~s/\s*$//g; if ($chain ne "") { $chain=~s/\s*;\s*$//; @chains=split(/[,; ]\s*/,$chain); foreach $chain (@chains) { $organism{$chain}=$organism; # printf("chain='%s' organism{chain}='%s'\n",$chain,$organism{$chain}); } } else { $organism{$chain}=$organism; # printf("chain='%s' organism{chain}='%s'\n",$chain,$organism{$chain}); } } ################################################################################## # Print out sequence of last chain read in ################################################################################## sub AddSequence() { my $seqres=""; my $pdbidchain; my $nc; # $nc= either next chain number OR, if identical seq exists with better resolution, index of this seq foreach my $aa (@seqres) {$seqres.=&Three2OneLetter($aa);} if ($v>=3) { printf("CHAIN ='%s'\n",$chain); printf("DESCRP='%s'\n",$descript{$chain}); printf("KEYWDS='$keywds'\n"); printf("ORGANI='%s'\n",$organism{$chain}); printf("SEQRES='%s'\n",$seqres); } if (length($seqres)<=20) {return 1;} # skip short protein/DNA chains (for DNA's ADGT &Three2OneLetter() returns "") if ($chain ne "") {$pdbidchain=$pdbid."_".$chain;} else {$pdbidchain=$pdbid;} # Check for nonredundancy if ($nr==1 && defined $nchains{$seqres} ) { $nc=$nchains{$seqres}; # $sequences[$nchains{$seqres}]=~/^(\S+)/; # print("Sequence $pdbid"."_$chain redundant with $1. Res now: $resolution Res before: $resolution[$nc]\n"); if ($resolution==0 || $resolution[$nc]<=$resolution) { # PDB identifier not yet contained in list of equivalent pdb ids? if ($equiv_pdbs[$nc]!~/$pdbid/ && $sequences[$nc]!~/^>$pdbid/) { $equiv_pdbs[$nc].=" $pdbidchain"; # Add new pdbid_chain to list $equiv_pdbs[$nc] if ($het ne "") {$equiv_pdbs[$nc].="*";} } return 1; } else { # Sequence redundant # => Throw out earlier sequence and keep this one # => Keep list $equiv_pdbs[$nc] from earlier sequence and append its pdbid $sequences[$nc]=~/>(\S+)/; $equiv_pdbs[$nc].=" $1"; if ($het ne "") {$equiv_pdbs[$nc].="*";} } } else { $nc=$nchains{$seqres}=$nchains; $nchains++; $equiv_pdbs[$nc]=""; } $resolution[$nc]=$resolution; # If descript{chain} does not exist, it was not specified seperately for each chain if (exists $descript{$chain}) {$descript=$descript{$chain}} $descript=~s/;*$//; # remove ; at the end # If organism{chain} does not exist, it was not specified seperately for each chain if (exists $organism{$chain}) { $organism=lc($organism{$chain}); } else { if($organism=~/\((.*)\)/) {$organism=$1;} $organism=lc($organism); } if ($v>=3) { printf("Accept:\n",$chain); printf("CHAIN ='%s'\n",$chain); printf("DESCRP='%s'\n",$descript); printf("KEYWDS='$keywds'\n"); printf("ORGANI='%s'\n",$organism); printf("SEQRES='%s'\n",$seqres); } # Correct upper/lower case $descript=" $descript "; $descript=~s/([a-zA-Z]{5,})/\L$1/g; # make everything longer than 5 word characters lower case $descript=~s/([\s]OF[\s])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\s]OR[\s])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\s]ON[\s])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\s]NO[\s])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\s]IN[\s])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\s]IS[\s])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\s]BY[\s])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\s]AT[\s])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\s]TO[\s])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([ -]ALL[ -])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([ -]AND[ -])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([ -]ARM[ -])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([ -]BOX[ -])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([ -]BOX[ -])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([ -]EGG[ -])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([ -]EYE[ -])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([ -]FOR[ -])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([ -]HAS[ -])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([ -]HEN[ -])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([ -]HOT[ -])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([ -]LOW[ -])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([ -]MOL[ -])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([ -]NON[ -])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([ -]ONE[ -])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\s]OUT[\s])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([ -]SEX[ -])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([ -]SIX[ -])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([ -]TEN[ -])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\s]THE[\s])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([ -]TWO[ -])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([ -]WAY[ -])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]ACID[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]ACYL[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]ALDO[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]ANTI[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]AUTO[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]AXIN[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]BASE[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]BEAN[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]BETA[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]BILE[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]BLUE[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]BONE[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]BOND[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]CELL[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]COAT[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]COIL[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]COLD[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]COLI[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]CORE[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]CRYO[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]DRUG[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]DUAL[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]DUCK[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]ENDO[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]FAST[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]FIVE[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]FOLD[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]FOOT[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]FORM[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]FOUR[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]FROM[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]FLAP[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]FREE[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]GENE[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]GOOD[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]HALF[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]HAND[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]HAVE[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]HEAD[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]HEAT[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]HEME[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]HEXA[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]HIGH[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]HOLO[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]IRON[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]KETO[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]KNOT[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]LATE[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]LENS[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]LIKE[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]LONG[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]LOOP[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]MAIN[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]MEAN[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]MINI[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]MITE[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]MODE[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]MONO[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]MUCH[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]NINE[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]NULL[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]ONLY[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]OPEN[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]PARA[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]PLUS[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]POST[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]POLY[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]PORE[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]PUMP[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]RICH[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]RING[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]ROLE[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]ROLL[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]SALT[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]SEMI[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]SITE[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]STEM[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]TAIL[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]TATA[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]TRAP[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]TUBE[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]TURN[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]TWIN[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]TYPE[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]WELL[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]WILD[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]WITH[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]WROM[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]ZETA[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]ZINC[\W])/\L$1/g; $descript=~s/DE NOVO/de novo/ig; $descript=~s/(\W)KDA(\W)/$1kDa$2/g; $descript=~s/(\S+[CBDFGJKLMNPQRTVWXZ]{4,}\S+)/\U$1/ig; $descript=~s/(\W)(\S[CBDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXZ]{4,}\W)/$1\U$2/ig; # no vowels for at least 4 letters -> abbreviation -> upper case $descript=~s/(\W)([CBDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXZ]{4,}\S\W)/$1\U$2/ig; # no vowels for at least 4 letters -> abbreviation -> upper case $descript=~s/(\w+ii+\w+)/\U$1/ig; $descript=~s/([\W]rossman[\W])/\u$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]nadph[\W])/\U$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]gapdh[\W])/\U$1/g; $descript=~s/([\W]f[\W])/\u$1/g; $descript=~s/(\W)(\w{0,3})RNP(\W)/$1\L$2\URNP$3/ig; $descript=~s/(\W)(\w{0,3})RNA(\W)/$1\L$2\URNA$3/ig; $descript=~s/(\W)(\w{0,3})DNA(\W)/$1\L$2\UDNA$3/ig; $descript=~s/RNASE(\W)/RNAse$1/ig; $descript=~s/DNASE(\W)/DNAse$1/ig; $descript=~s/barnase/barnase/ig; $descript=~s/atpase(\W)/ATPase$1/ig; $descript=~s/gtpase(\W)/GTPase$1/ig; # Write amino acid three letter symbols with one capital letter foreach my $aa ("Ala","Cys","Asp","Glu","Phe","Gly","His","Ile","Lys","Leu","Met","Asn","Pro","Gln","Arg","Ser","Thr","Val","Trp","Tyr","MSe") { $descript=~s/$aa([ -;:.+])/$aa$1/ig; } # Write ions as chemical elements foreach my $ion ("Zn","Mg","Na","Ka","Ca","Fe","Cu","Se","Al","Mn") { $descript=~s/([ -:;])$ion([ -;:.+])/$1$ion$2/ig; $descript=~s/([ -:;])$ion([ -;:.+])/$1$ion$2/ig; } $descript=~s/^\s*//; $descript=~s/\s*$//; $descript="\u$descript"; # first letter of description upper case $organism="\u$organism"; # first letter of organism upper case $organism=~s/ ([\w\d]{0,2})$/ \U$1/; # Influenza A virus $organism=~s/ (\w+\d+\w*)$/ \U$1/; # Influenza A virus if ($v>=2 && $organism eq "") {print("\n\nWarning: no organism found for chain $chain in $pdbfile\n");} my $foldid=""; if ($dalifamids{$pdbidchain}) {$foldid=" $dalifamids{$pdbidchain}".$foldid;} if ($scopfamids{$pdbidchain}) {$foldid=" $scopfamids{$pdbidchain}".$foldid;} my $res; if ($resolution>0) {$res=$resolution."A";} else {$res="NMR";} # Set sequence record $seqres=~s/(\S{1,100})/$1\n/g; # insert newlines after each 70 characters $sequences[$nc]=sprintf(">%-6.6s %s;%s %s {%s}%s\n",$pdbidchain,$descript,$het,$res,$organism,$foldid); $sequences[$nc].=sprintf("$seqres"); if($v>=3) {print($sequences[$nc]);} return 0; } sub ReadScopFile() { # Read dir.cla.scop.txt_1.65 if ($v>=2) {print("Reading $scopfile ... ");} open (SCOPFILE,"<$scopfile") || die ("ERROR: cannot open $scopfile: $!\n"); #d1dlwa_ 1dlw A: a.1.1.1 14982 cl=46456,cf=46457,sf=46458,fa=46459,dm=46460,sp=46461,px=14982 my $n=0; my $scopfamid; my $chain; my $pdbidchain; while($line=) { if ($line=~/^\S+\s+(\S\S\S\S)\s+(\S+)\s+(\w\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/) { $pdbid=$1; $chain=$2; $scopfamid=$3; $pdbidchain=$1; # printf("chain=$chain\n"); if ($chain!~/([A-Za-z\d]):/) { if ($scopfamids{$pdbidchain}) { $scopfamids{$pdbidchain}.=" ".$scopfamid; # printf("scopfamids($pdbidchain)=%s\n",$scopfamids{$pdbidchain}); } else { $scopfamids{$pdbidchain}="SCOP: ".$scopfamid; # printf("scopfamids($pdbidchain)=%s\n",$scopfamids{$pdbidchain}); } $n++; } else { my %chains=(); while ($chain=~/([A-Za-z\d]):/) { $chain=~s/([A-Za-z\d]):[^A-Za-z:]*//; if ($chains{$1}) {next;} if ($1 ne "") {$pdbidchain="$pdbid"."_$1";} $chains{$1}=1; if ($scopfamids{$pdbidchain}) { $scopfamids{$pdbidchain}.=" ".$scopfamid; # printf("scopfamids($pdbidchain)=%s\n",$scopfamids{$pdbidchain}); } else { $scopfamids{$pdbidchain}="SCOP: ".$scopfamid; # printf("scopfamids($pdbidchain)=%s\n",$scopfamids{$pdbidchain}); } $n++; } } } } close(SCOPFILE); print(" found $n domains in SCOP file $scopfile\n"); } sub ReadDaliFiles() { # Read FoldIndex.html if ($v>=2) {print("Reading $dalidir/FoldIndex.html ... ");} open (FOLDINEXFILE,"<$dalidir/FoldIndex.html") || die ("ERROR: cannot open $dalidir/FoldIndex.html: $!\n"); # 1cunA_2 ... # ___1lvfA_1 ... my $n=0; my $dalifamid; my %fold_for_repr; while($line=) { if ($line=~/(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s+_*(\S+)(_\d+)/) { $fold_for_repr{$2.$3}=$1; if ($3 eq "_0") { $dalifamid=$1; $pdbid=$2; $pdbid=~s/^(\S\S\S\S)(\S)/$1_$2/; $dalifamids{$pdbid}="DALI: ".$dalifamid; } $n++; } } close(FOLDINEXFILE); if ($v>=1) {print(" found $n representative domains in DALI's FoldIndex.html\n");} # Read domain_definitions.txt my $domainfile="$dalidir/domain_definitions.txt"; my $repr; if ($v>=2) {print("Reading $domainfile ... ");} open (DOMAINFILE,"<$domainfile") || die ("ERROR: cannot open $domainfile: $!\n"); # 1cunA/1-106 1cunA_1 1 ALPHA SPECTRIN $n=0; while($line=) { if ($line=~/^(\S+)\/\S+\s+(\S+)/) { if (!$fold_for_repr{$2}) { if ($v>=2) {print("WARNING: no fold for DALI representative $2 in $domainfile\n");} next; } $pdbid=$1; $repr=$2; $pdbid=~s/^(\S\S\S\S)(\S)/$1_$2/; if ($dalifamids{$pdbid}) { $dalifamids{$pdbid}.=" ".$fold_for_repr{$repr}; } else { $dalifamids{$pdbid}=" DALI: ".$fold_for_repr{$repr}; } $n++; } } close(DOMAINFILE); print(" found $n domains in DALI file $domainfile\n"); } ################################################################################## # Convert three-letter amino acid code into one-letter code ################################################################################## sub Three2OneLetter { my $res = $three2one{uc($_[0])}; if (defined $res) { return $res; } elsif ($_[0] =~ /^\s+$/) { return ""; } else { return "X"; } }