//go to: cd /cluster/bioprogs/modeller9v5_RSR/modlib/modeller //gcc -shared -Wall -fPIC `/cluster/user/armin/bin/modeller9.10/bin/mod9.10 --cflags --libs` `pkg-config --cflags glib-2.0` -I/usr/include/python2.4 cuser_form54.c cuser_form54_wrap.c -o _cuser_form54.so -lm // new restraints with phylogenetic weight - python version 2.4, see also cuser_form59.c for python version 2.6 #include #include "modeller.h" #include "cuser_form54.h" #include #include #include static const float RT = 6.0; /* Decode parameters from Modeller parameter array */ inline static void get_param(const float pcsr[7], float *w, float *mean, float *stdev, float *w1, float *mean1, float *stdev1, float *phyloW) { *w = pcsr[0] + 1E-5; *mean = pcsr[1]; *stdev = pcsr[2]; *w1 = pcsr[3]+1E-5; *mean1 = pcsr[4]; *stdev1 = pcsr[5]; *phyloW = pcsr[6]; //*phyloW = 1.0; //check if sum w+w1 equals 1 float sum = *w + *w1; *w /= sum; *w1 /= sum; } float get_p(float stdev, float x, float delta) { return exp(-0.5 * delta * delta / (stdev*stdev)) / x; } /////////////////////// /* Evaluate the form */ /////////////////////// static int myform_eval(void *data, const float *feat, const int *iftyp, const int *modal, int n_feat, const float *pcsr, int n_pcsr, gboolean deriv, float *fderv, float *val) { float w, mean, stdev, w1, mean1, stdev1, phyloW; get_param(pcsr, &w, &mean, &stdev, &w1, &mean1, &stdev1, &phyloW); if (feat[0]<=0) {fprintf (stderr, "Error in cuser_form.c, myform_eval: negative argument of log!\n");return 1;} float logdist = log(feat[0]); float delta = logdist - mean; float delta1 = logdist - mean1; float arg = delta1*delta1/(2.*stdev1*stdev1) - delta*delta/(2.*stdev*stdev); float argBar = delta1/(stdev1*stdev1*feat[0]) - delta/(stdev*stdev*feat[0]); float com = w*stdev1/stdev * exp(arg); //printf("com=%f, arg=%f, argBar=%f, w=%f, feat=%f, logdist=%f, mean=%f, mean1=%f, stdev=%f, stdev1=%f\n", com, arg, argBar, w, feat[0], logdist, mean, mean1, stdev, stdev1); *val = RT * (-log(com + 1 - w) ) * phyloW; if (deriv) { fderv[0] = RT * ((-1) * (com * argBar) / (com + 1 - w)) * phyloW; } return 0; } // 1 /////////////////////////////////// /* Evaluate the minimum violation*/ /////////////////////////////////// static int myform_vmin(void *data, const float *feat, const int *iftyp, const int *modal, int n_feat, const float *pcsr, int n_pcsr, float *val) { float w, mean, stdev, w1, mean1, stdev1, phyloW; get_param(pcsr, &w, &mean, &stdev, &w1, &mean1, &stdev1, &phyloW); if (feat[0]<=0) { fprintf (stderr, "Error in cuser_form.c, negative argument of log!\n"); return 1; } float prec = 1.0/(stdev*stdev); float prec1 = 1.0/(stdev1*stdev1); float xmin = exp((mean1*prec1 - mean*prec)/(prec1 - prec)); *val = feat[0] - xmin; /* if (abs(logdist-mean) < abs(logdist-mean1)) { */ /* *val = logdist - mean; */ /* } */ /* else { */ /* *val = logdist - mean1; */ /* } */ return 0; } // 2 ///////////////////////////////// /* Evaluate the heavy violation*/ ///////////////////////////////// static int myform_vheavy(void *data, const float *feat, const int *iftyp, const int *modal, int n_feat, const float *pcsr, int n_pcsr, float *val) { float w, mean, stdev, w1, mean1, stdev1, phyloW; get_param(pcsr, &w, &mean, &stdev, &w1, &mean1, &stdev1, &phyloW); if (feat[0]<=0) { fprintf (stderr, "Error in cuser_form.c, negative argument of log!\n"); return 1; } float prec = 1.0/(stdev*stdev); float prec1 = 1.0/(stdev1*stdev1); float xmin = exp((mean1*prec1 - mean*prec)/(prec1-prec)); *val = feat[0] - xmin; //search global minimum /* if (get_p(stdev, logdist, logdist-mean) < get_p(stdev1, logdist, logdist - mean1)) { */ /* *val = logdist - mean1; */ /* } */ /* else { */ /* *val = logdist - mean; */ /* } */ //float max = w*get_p(stdev,x,x-mean) + w1*get_p(stdev1,x,x-mean1); return 0; } // 3 //////////////////////////////////////////// /* Evaluate the relative minimum violation*/ //////////////////////////////////////////// static int myform_rvmin(void *data, const float *feat, const int *iftyp, const int *modal, int n_feat, const float *pcsr, int n_pcsr, float *val) { float w, mean, stdev, w1, mean1, stdev1, phyloW; get_param(pcsr, &w, &mean, &stdev, &w1, &mean1, &stdev1, &phyloW); if (feat[0]<=0) { fprintf (stderr, "Error in cuser_form.c, negative argument of log!\n"); return 1; } float logdist = log(feat[0]); if (abs(logdist-mean) < abs(logdist-mean1)) { *val = (logdist - mean)/stdev; } else { *val = (logdist - mean1)/stdev1; } return 0; } // 4 ////////////////////////////////////////// /* Evaluate the relative heavy violation*/ ////////////////////////////////////////// static int myform_rvheavy(void *data, const float *feat, const int *iftyp, const int *modal, int n_feat, const float *pcsr, int n_pcsr, float *val) { float w, mean, stdev, w1, mean1, stdev1, phyloW; get_param(pcsr, &w, &mean, &stdev, &w1, &mean1, &stdev1, &phyloW); if (feat[0]<=0) { fprintf (stderr, "Error in cuser_form.c, negative argument of log!\n"); return 1; } float logdist = log(feat[0]); if (get_p(stdev, logdist, logdist-mean) < get_p(stdev1, logdist, logdist - mean1)) { *val = (logdist - mean1)/stdev1; } else { *val = (logdist - mean)/stdev; } return 0; } ////////////////////////////////////// /* Evaluate the minimum feature mean*/ ////////////////////////////////////// static int myform_minmean(void *data, const float *feat, const int *iftyp, const int *modal, int n_feat, const float *pcsr, int n_pcsr, float *val) { float w, mean, stdev, w1, mean1, stdev1, phyloW; get_param(pcsr, &w, &mean, &stdev, &w1, &mean1, &stdev1, &phyloW); if (feat[0]<=0) { fprintf (stderr, "Error in cuser_form.c, negative argument of log!\n"); return 1; } //search nearest minimum float prec = 1/(stdev*stdev); float prec1 = 1/(stdev1*stdev1); float x = exp( (mean1*prec1 - mean*prec) / (prec1 - prec) ); *val = x; return 0; } //////////////////////////////////// /* Evaluate the heavy feature mean*/ //////////////////////////////////// static int myform_heavymean(void *data, const float *feat, const int *iftyp, const int *modal, int n_feat, const float *pcsr, int n_pcsr, float *val) { float w, mean, stdev, w1, mean1, stdev1, phyloW; get_param(pcsr, &w, &mean, &stdev, &w1, &mean1, &stdev1, &phyloW); if (feat[0]<=0) { fprintf (stderr, "Error in cuser_form.c, negative argument of log!\n"); return 1; } //search global minimum float prec = 1/(stdev*stdev); float prec1 = 1/(stdev1*stdev1); float x = exp( (mean1*prec1 - mean*prec) / (prec1 - prec) ); *val = x; return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* Create the new form, and return its identifier */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////// int myform_create(void) { return mod_user_form_new(myform_eval, NULL, myform_vmin, NULL, myform_vheavy, NULL, myform_rvmin, NULL, myform_rvheavy, NULL, myform_minmean, NULL, myform_heavymean, NULL); }