07-leaf-area-development.Rmd 5.5 KB

  1. # Leaf and node appearance and crop leaf area
  2. In the current version of APSIM-Wheat, wheat plants are assumed to
  3. be uniclum (i.e. with a single stem), meaning that tillering is not
  4. simulated \textit{per se}. While a node corresponds to a phytomer
  5. on the main stem, it actually represents all the phytomers that appear
  6. simultaneously on different tillers (i.e. cohort of leaves) in the
  7. real world.
  8. ## Node number
  9. ### Potential node appearance rate
  10. At emergence (Fig. \@ref(fig:PhenologWheatModule)), a number of initial
  11. leaves are specified by `leaf_no_at_emerg,` with a default
  12. value of 2. The initial number of nodes is the same as the initial
  13. number of leaves.
  14. During the tiller formation phase (i.e. up to 'Harvest rips', Fig. \@ref(fig:PhenologWheatModule)),
  15. nodes appear at a thermal time interval (the equivalent of a phyllochron
  16. for leaf appearance, $P_{n}$) that depends on the node number of
  17. the main stem ($n_{d}$, i.e. total number of nodes of the plant)
  18. at days after sowing ($d,$ days).
  19. \begin{equation}
  20. P_{n}=h_{P}(n_{d}) (\#eq:phyllochron)
  21. \end{equation}
  22. where the function $h_{P}(n_{d})$ is defined by parameters `x_node_no_app`
  23. and `y_node_app_rate` in wheat.xml and is linearly interpolated
  24. by APSIM. In the current version of APSIM-Wheat, $P_{n}$ is set to
  25. 95 $^{\circ}\text{C}$ d, meaning that the 'node phyllochron' is supposed
  26. to be constant (Fig. \@ref(fig:wdPhyllochron)). No effect from water
  27. and N stress on leaf appearance is accounted for.
  28. ```{r wdPhyllochron,fig.cap="Relationship function ($h_{p}(n_{d})$) between 'node phyllochron' ($P_{n}$) and the node number at main stem ($n_{d}$)." }
  29. p <- wdVisXY(wheat_xml,
  30. "x_node_no_app", "y_node_app_rate",
  31. xlab = "Node number at main stem",
  32. ylab = expression(paste("'Node Phyllochron", ~"("*degree*"Cd)'")))
  33. print(p)
  34. ```
  35. ### Potential node number (daily increase)
  36. The potential daily increase in the node number of this unique stem
  37. ($\Delta n_{d,\,p}$) is calculated by the daily thermal time (Fig. \@ref(fig:wdThermalTime))
  38. and the 'node phyllochron', and occurs during the tiller formation
  39. phase (Fig. \@ref(fig:PhenologWheatModule)).
  40. \begin{equation}
  41. \Delta n_{d,\,p}=\frac{\Delta TT_{d}}{P_{n}} (\#eq:PotentialNodeNumber)
  42. \end{equation}
  43. where $\Delta TT_{d}$ is the thermal time ($^{\circ}\text{C}$d)
  44. at day $d$ (Fig. \@ref(fig:wdThermalTime) and Equation \@ref(eq:thermaltime)).
  45. ## Leaf number
  46. ### Potential leaf number (daily increase)
  47. In the current version of APSIM-Wheat, all leaves appeared from a
  48. main and unique stem. The potential leaf number of each node is defined
  49. by a function ($h_{l}(n_{d})$) of node ($n_{d}$) number of day $d$
  50. (or 'node position'; $n_{d}$) (Fig. \@ref(fig:wdTillerNumberByNode)
  51. and Equation \@ref(eq:LeafExpansionStress)). $h_{l}(n_{d})$ is specified
  52. by parameters `x_node_no_leaf` and `y_leaves_per_node`
  53. in wheat.xml and linearly interpolated by APSIM.
  54. At day $d$, the leaf number of the current node $n_{d}$ nodes ($N_{n,\,d,\,p}$)
  55. is determined by the potential leaf number $d-1$ for the past $n_{d-1}$
  56. nodes ($N_{n,\,d-1}$) and environmental stresses.
  57. \begin{equation}
  58. N_{d,\,p}=\min[N_{n,\,d-1},\;h_{l}(n_{d-1})]+[h_{l}(n_{d-1}+\Delta n_{d,\,p})-h_{l}(n_{d-1})]\times f_{S,\,expan} (\#eq:PotentialNodeNumberDaily)
  59. \end{equation}
  60. where $n_{d-1}$ is the node number at $d-1$ days after sowing, $\Delta n_{d,\,p}$
  61. is the potential daily increase of node number (Equation \@ref(eq:PotentialNodeNumber)),
  62. $f_{S,\,expan}$ is the environmental stresses for canopy expansion.
  63. \begin{equation}
  64. f_{S,\,expan}=\min\{[\min(f_{N,\,expan},\;f_{p,\,expan})]^{2},\;f_{w,\,expan}\} (\#eq:LeafExpansionStress)
  65. \end{equation}
  66. where $f_{N,\,expan}$, $f_{p,\,expan}$ and $f_{w,\,expan}$ are
  67. the nitrogen, phosphorus and soil water stress for canopy expansion,
  68. respectively, which is explained in Section @ref(Phosphorus-stress)
  69. and Equation \@ref(eq:WaterStressLeafExpansion), respectively.
  70. The potential daily increase in leaf number for the whole plant is
  71. calculated based on the potential increase for the current node and
  72. the potential increase in node number ($\Delta n_{d,\,p}$, Equation \@ref(eq:PotentialNodeNumber))
  73. as follows.
  74. \begin{equation}
  75. \Delta N_{d,\,p}=N_{n,\,d}\times\Delta n_{d,\,p}
  76. \end{equation}
  77. ```{r wdTillerNumberByNode,fig.cap='Number of leaves per node as a function of the number of nodes on the main stem and unique stem considered in APSIM-Wheat ($n_{d}$). This relation corresponds the function $h_{l}(n_{d})$.' }
  78. p <- wdVisXY(wheat_xml,
  79. "x_node_no_leaf", "y_leaves_per_node",
  80. xlab = "Node number on the main stem",
  81. ylab = "Number of leaves per node")
  82. print(p)
  83. ```
  84. ### Actual leaf number (daily increase)
  85. The increase in actual leaf number ($\Delta N_{d,\ LAI}$) is calculated
  86. in relation to the fraction between the actual and stressed increase
  87. of leaf area index, as follow:
  88. \begin{equation}
  89. \Delta N_{d,\,LAI}=\Delta N_{d,\,p}\times h_{LAI}(\frac{\Delta\text{LAI}_{d}}{\Delta\text{LAI}_{d,\,s}}) (\#eq:ActualLeafNumber)
  90. \end{equation}
  91. where $h_{LAI}$ is a function between the fraction of leaf area index
  92. and the fraction of leaf number which is defined by parameters \hyperlink{x_lai_ratio}{x_lai_ratio}
  93. and \hyperlink{y_leaf_no_frac}{y_leaf_no_frac} in the wheat.xml
  94. and linearly interpolated by APSIM (Fig. \@ref(fig:wdLAINodeNumber)).
  95. ```{r wdLAINodeNumber,fig.cap='Relationship between fraction of leaf area index and fraction of leaf number.' }
  96. p <- wdVisXY(wheat_xml,
  97. "x_lai_ratio", "y_leaf_no_frac",
  98. xlab = 'Fraction of leaf area index',
  99. ylab = 'Fraction of leaf number')
  100. print(p)
  101. ```