123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265 |
- # * Author: Bangyou Zheng ([email protected])
- # * Created: 04:04 PM Tuesday, 21 May 2013
- # * Copyright: AS IS
- # *
- # Crown temperature
- wdCrownTemperature <- function()
- {
- library(lattice)
- h_snow <- seq(0, 10, by=2)
- res <- NULL
- for (i in 1:length(h_snow))
- {
- x <- -10:0
- y <- 2+x*(0.4+0.0018*(h_snow[i]-15)^2)
- x <- c(x,0:10)
- y <- c(y,0:10)
- r <- NULL
- r$x <- x
- r$y <- y
- r$h <- h_snow[i]
- r <- as.data.frame(r)
- res <- rbind(res,r)
- }
- res <- as.data.frame(res)
- key <- list(lines = list(col = length(h_snow):1,lty = length(h_snow):1),
- text = list(lab = as.character(rev(h_snow))),
- corner = c(1,0))
- p <- xyplot(y ~ x, groups = h, data = res, type = "l", key = key, col = 1:length(h_snow),
- lty = 1:length(h_snow),
- xlab = expression(paste("Air Temperature", ~"("*degree*"C)")),
- ylab = expression(paste("Crown Temperature", ~"("*degree*"C)")))
- p
- }
- # Photoperiod
- wdPhotoPeriod <- function()
- {
- library(lattice)
- ps <- c(0,0.5,1,2,3,4,5)
- res <- NULL
- for (i in 1:length(ps))
- {
- x <- 0:20
- y <- 1-0.002*ps[i]*(20-x)*(20-x)
- r <- NULL
- r$x <- x
- r$y <- y
- r$ps <- ps[i]
- r <- as.data.frame(r)
- res <- rbind(res,r)
- }
- res <- as.data.frame(res)
- res$y[res$y<0] <- 0
- key <- list(lines = list(col = 1:length(ps),lty = 1:length(ps)),
- text = list(lab = as.character(ps)),
- corner = c(1,0))
- p <- xyplot(y ~ x, groups = ps, data = res, type = "l", key = key, col = 1:length(ps),
- lty = 1:length(ps),
- xlab = "Day length (h)",
- ylab = expression(Photoperiod~factor~(f[p])))
- p
- }
- # Vernalisation
- wdVernalisation <- function()
- {
- library(lattice)
- minT <- seq(-10, 15, 0.2)
- maxT <- seq(0, 40, 0.2)
- gridt <- expand.grid(mint = minT, maxt = maxT)
- gridt <- gridt[gridt$maxt - gridt$mint > 3 & gridt$maxt > 0 & gridt$mint < 15,]
- cmint <- gridt$mint
- cmint[cmint<0] <- 2 + cmint[cmint<0] * (0.4 + 0.0018 * 15 * 15)
- gridt$crownt <- (cmint + gridt$maxt) / 2
- gridt$v = pmin(1.4 - 0.0778 * gridt$crownt,
- 0.5 + 13.44 * (13.44 * gridt$crownt) / ((gridt$maxt - gridt$mint + 3)^2 ))
- gridt$v[gridt$v<0] <- 0
- # key <- list(lines = list(col = 1:length(ps),lty = 1:length(ps)),
- # text = list(lab = as.character(ps)),
- # corner = c(1,0))
- p <- levelplot(gridt$v ~ gridt$maxt + gridt$mint,
- colorkey = T,
- cuts = 10,
- xlim = c(0,40),
- ylim = c(-10,15),
- xlab = expression(paste("Maximum Temperature", ~"("*degree*"C)")),
- ylab = expression(paste("Minimum Temperature", ~"("*degree*"C)")),
- region = TRUE,
- contour =TRUE,
- col.regions = rev(heat.colors(20))
- )
- p
- }
- # devernalisation
- wdDevernalisation <- function()
- {
- library(lattice)
- x <- 30:50
- y <- 0.5*(x - 30)
- p <- xyplot(y ~ x, type = "l",
- xlab = expression(paste("Maximum Temperature", ~"("*degree*"C)")),
- ylab = expression(Devernalization~(~Delta~V)))
- p
- }
- # Vernalisation factor
- wdVernalisationFactor <- function()
- {
- library(lattice)
- rs <- c(-0.055,0,0.5,1,1.5,2,3,4,5)
- res <- NULL
- for (i in 1:length(rs))
- {
- x <- 0:50
- y <- 1-(0.0054545 * rs[i] + 0.0003) * (50-x)
- r <- NULL
- r$x <- x
- r$y <- y
- r$rs <- rs[i]
- r <- as.data.frame(r)
- res <- rbind(res,r)
- }
- res <- as.data.frame(res)
- res$y[res$y<0] <- 0
- key <- list(lines = list(col = 1:length(rs),lty = 1:length(rs)),
- text = list(lab = as.character(rs)),
- corner = c(1,0))
- p <- xyplot(y ~ x, groups = rs, data = res, type = "l", key = key, col = 1:length(rs),
- lty = 1:length(rs),
- xlab = "Cumulated vernalization (V)",
- ylab = expression(Vernalization~factor~(f[v])))
- p
- }
- # Carbon dioxide factor
- wdCarbonDioxideFactor <- function()
- {
- library(lattice)
- tmean <- seq(from = 0, to = 30, by = 10)
- co2 <- seq(350, 700, 10)
- tmean.len <- length(tmean)
- tmean <- rep(tmean, each = length(co2))
- co2 <- rep(co2, times = tmean.len)
- c1 <- (163 - tmean) / (5 - 0.1 * tmean)
- fc <- (co2 - c1) * (350 + 2 * c1) / ((co2 + 2 * c1) * (350 - c1))
- pd <- cbind(tmean = tmean, co2 = co2, fc = fc)
- pd <- as.data.frame(pd)
- key <- list(lines = list(col = 1:tmean.len,lty = 1:tmean.len),
- text = list(lab = as.character(seq(from = 0, to = 30, by = 10 ))),
- corner = c(0,1))
- p <- xyplot(fc ~ co2, data = pd, groups = tmean, type = "l", lty = 1:tmean.len,
- xlab = 'Carbon dioxide concentration (ppm)',
- ylab = expression(Factor~of~cardon~dioxide~~(f[c])),
- key = key, col = 1:tmean.len
- )
- p
- }
- # Function for leaf/stem/pod nitrogen
- wdNitrogenConcentration <- function()
- {
- leaf <- wdVisXY(wheat_xml,
- "x_stage_code",
- c("y_n_conc_max_leaf",
- "y_n_conc_crit_leaf",
- "y_n_conc_min_leaf"),
- xlab = "Stage code",
- ylab = "Nitrogen concentration",
- keylab = c("maximum", "critical","minimum"),
- mtext = 'Leaf')
- stem <- wdVisXY(wheat_xml,
- "x_stage_code",
- c("y_n_conc_max_stem",
- "y_n_conc_crit_stem",
- "y_n_conc_min_stem"),
- xlab = "Stage code",
- ylab = "Nitrogen concentration",
- keylab = c("maximum", "critical","minimum"),
- mtext = 'Stem')
- pod <- wdVisXY(wheat_xml,
- "x_stage_code",
- c("y_n_conc_max_pod",
- "y_n_conc_crit_pod",
- "y_n_conc_min_pod"),
- xlab = "Stage code",
- ylab = "Nitrogen concentration",
- keylab = c("maximum", "critical","minimum"),
- mtext = 'Pod')
- return (list(leaf=leaf, stem=stem, pod=pod))
- }
- # stemGrowthStructuralFractionStage
- wdStemGrowthStructuralFraction <- function()
- {
- library(lattice)
- x <- c(0, 7, 7.01, 11)
- y <- c(.65, .65, 0.0, 0)
- p <- xyplot(y ~ x, type = "b",
- xlab = "Stage codes",
- ylab = "Fraction of structural biomass of stem" )
- p
- }
- # Plot kl factoring
- wdKLFactoring <- function(doc)
- {
- varKl <- function(doc, name, values, label = name)
- {
- getValue <- function(doc, name)
- {
- temp <- xpathApply(doc, paste("//", name, sep = ""))
- xvalue <- as.numeric(xmlValue(temp[[1]]))
- xvalue
- }
- res <- pmin(1, getValue(doc, sprintf('%sA', name)) *
- exp(getValue(doc, sprintf('%sB', name)) * values))
- res <- as.data.frame(list(var = label,
- x = values,
- y = res))
- return(res)
- }
- df <- rbind(varKl(doc, 'Cl', 0:1500, 'CL'),
- varKl(doc, 'ESP', 0:80),
- varKl(doc, 'EC', seq(0, 4, by = 0.1)))
- library(ggplot2)
- p <- ggplot(df) + geom_line(aes(x, y)) +
- facet_wrap(~var, ncol = 1, scales = 'free_x') +
- ylab('KL factor') + xlab('Variable values') +
- theme_bw()
- p
- }