11-water.Rmd 13 KB

  1. # Crop Water Relations {#Crop-Water-Relations}
  2. ## Crop water demand {#Crop-water-demand}
  3. Following \citet{sinclair1986waterand}, transpiration demand is modeled
  4. as a function of the current day's potential crop growth rate, estimated
  5. by the potential biomass accumulation associated with intercepted
  6. radiation ($\Delta Q_{r}$, see Equation \@ref(eq:BiomassProduction)),
  7. divided by the transpiration efficiency.
  8. \begin{equation}
  9. W_{d}=\frac{\Delta Q_{r}-R}{TE} (\#eq:soilWaterDemand)
  10. \end{equation}
  11. where $R$ is respiration rate and equal to zero in the current version
  12. of APSIM-Wheat, $TE$ is transpiration efficiency. $TE$ is related
  13. to the daylight averaged vapour pressure deficit ($VPD$, Equation \@ref(eq:VPD))
  14. and a multiple of CO\textsubscript{2} factor \citep{reyenga1999modelling}.
  15. \begin{equation}
  16. TE=f_{c,\,TE}\frac{f_{TE}}{VPD} (\#eq:TranspirationEfficiency)
  17. \end{equation}
  18. where $f_{c,\,TE}$ is the CO\textsubscript{2} factor for transpiration
  19. efficiency, which is a function of carbon dioxide concentration and
  20. is defined by parameters `x_co2_te_modifier` and `y_co2_te_modifier`
  21. in wheat.xml and linearly interpolated by APSIM (Fig. \@ref(fig:wdCO2TE)).
  22. $f_{c,\,TE}$ linearly increases from 1 to 1.37 when CO\textsubscript{2}
  23. concentration increases from 350 ppm to 700 ppm \citep{reyenga1999modelling}.
  24. $f_{TE}$ is the coefficient of transpiration efficiency, which values
  25. are defined in wheat.xml by parameters `transp_eff_cf` in
  26. wheat.xml for the different growth stages and are linearly interpolated
  27. by APSIM (Fig. \@ref(fig:wdCoefficientOfTE)).
  28. ```{r wdCO2TE,fig.cap='Relationship between factor of carbon dioxide for transpiration efficiency ($f_{c,\\, TE}$) and CO2 concentration.' }
  29. p <- wdVisXY(wheat_xml,
  30. "x_co2_te_modifier", "y_co2_te_modifier",
  31. xlab = "Carbon dioxide concentration",
  32. ylab = "Transpiration efficiency factor")
  33. print(p)
  34. ```
  35. ```{r wdCoefficientOfTE,fig.cap='Change in the coefficient of transpiration efficiency with growth stages.' }
  36. p <- wdVisXY(wheat_xml,
  37. "stage_code", "transp_eff_cf",
  38. xlab = "Stage",
  39. ylab = "Coefficient of \ntranspiration efficiency")
  40. print(p)
  41. ```
  42. $VPD$ is the vapour pressure deficit, which is estimated using the
  43. method proposed by \citet{tanner1983efficient} and only requires
  44. daily maximum and minimum temperatures.
  45. \begin{equation}
  46. VPD=f_{v}[6.1078\times\exp(\frac{17.269\times T_{max}}{237.3+T_{max}})-6.1078\times\exp(\frac{17.269\times T_{min}}{237.3+T_{min}})] (\#eq:VPD)
  47. \end{equation}
  48. In this method, it is assumed that the air is saturated at the minimum
  49. temperature. The saturated vapour pressure is calculated at both the
  50. maximum and minimum temperatures, and the default vapour pressure
  51. deficit for the day is taken as 75\% ($f_{v}$, defined by `svp_fract`
  52. in wheat.xml) of the difference between these two vapour pressures.
  53. Crop water demand is capped to below a given multiple of potential
  54. ET (taken as Priestly-Taylor Eo from the water balance module) as
  55. specified by \hyperlink{eo_crop_factor_default}{eo_crop_factor_default}
  56. in the wheat.xml file (default value 1.5). This limits water use to
  57. reasonable values on days with high VPD or in more arid environments.
  58. ## Potential and actual extractable soil water
  59. Potential and actual extractable soil water is the sum of root water
  60. contents available to the crop from each profile layer occupied by
  61. roots. If roots are only partially through a layer available soil
  62. water is scaled to the portion that contains roots. Potential extractable
  63. soil water ($\text{ESW}_{p}$) is the difference between drained
  64. upper limit soil water content (DUL) and lower limit of plant-extractable
  65. soil water (LL) for each soil layer. The actual extractable soil water
  66. ($esw_{a}$) is the difference between the soil water content (SW)
  67. and lower limit of plant-extractable soil water (LL) for each soil
  68. layer.
  69. \begin{equation}
  70. \begin{array}{c}
  71. \text{ESW}_{p}(i)=\text{DUL}(i)-\text{LL}(i)\\
  72. \text{ESW}a(i)=\text{SW}(i)-\text{LL}(i)\\
  73. \text{ESW}_{p}=\sum_{i=1}^{I}[\text{DUL}(i)-\text{LL}(i)]\\
  74. \text{ESW}_{a}=\sum_{i=1}^{I}[\text{SW}(i)-\text{LL}(i)]
  75. \end{array} (\#eq:SoilWaterESW)
  76. \end{equation}
  77. where $i$ indicates soil layers (where roots are present), and $I$
  78. indicates the deepest soil water of root presented. Similar variables
  79. are calculated for the entire soil profile (i.e. roots may not occupy
  80. all the layers).
  81. \begin{equation}
  82. \begin{array}{c}
  83. \text{PAWC}=\sum_{i}^{N_{s}}[\text{DUL}(i)-\text{LL}(i)]\\
  84. \text{ESW}=\sum_{i}^{N_{s}}[\text{SW}(i)-\text{LL}(i)]
  85. \end{array}
  86. \end{equation}
  87. where $i$ indicates soil layers, $N_{s}$ indicates the number of
  88. soil layers, and PAWC is the plant available water capacity.
  89. ## Crop water supply, i.e. potential soil water uptake
  90. The APSIM-Wheat module can be coupled to either the SWIM2 module (see
  91. module documentation) or the SOILWAT2 module (default). When the APSIM-Wheat
  92. module is coupled to APSIM-SOILWAT2, potential soil water uptake (or
  93. water supply, $W_{s}$) is calculated using the approach first advocated
  94. by Monteith (1986). Crop water supply is considered as the sum of
  95. potential root water uptake from each profile layer occupied by root.
  96. If roots are only partially through a layer available soil water is
  97. scaled to the portion that contains roots. The potential rate of extraction
  98. in a layer is calculated using a rate constant (KL) as actual extractable
  99. soil water. The KL defines the fraction of available water able to
  100. be extracted per day. The KL factor is empirically derived, incorporating
  101. both plant and soil factors which limit rate of water uptake. Root
  102. water extraction values (KL) must be defined for each combination
  103. of crop species and soil type.
  104. \begin{equation}
  105. \begin{array}{c}
  106. \begin{array}{cc}
  107. W_{s}(i) & =\text{KL}(i)[\text{SW}(i)-\text{LL}(i)]\qquad\qquad if\,i\leq I-1\\
  108. & =\frac{D_{r}(i)}{D_{s}(i)}\text{KL}(i)[\text{SW}(i)-\text{LL}(i)]\qquad\qquad if\,i=I
  109. \end{array}\\
  110. W_{s}=\sum_{i=1}^{I}W_{s}(i)
  111. \end{array} (\#eq:WaterSupply)
  112. \end{equation}
  113. where $i$ is the soil layer, $I$ is the deepest soil layer where
  114. roots are present, $W_{s}(i)$ is the water supply available from
  115. layer $i$, $W_{s}$ is the crop water supply, $\text{SW}(i)$ is
  116. the soil water content in layer $i$, $\text{LL}(i)$ is the lower
  117. limit of plant-extractable soil water in layer $i$, $\text{KL}(i)$
  118. is the root water extraction values in layer $i$, $D_{r}(i)$ is
  119. the root depth within the soil layer ($i$) where roots are present,
  120. and $D_{s}(i)$ is the thickness of this layer $i$.
  121. ## Actual soil water uptake
  122. The actual rate of water uptake is the lesser of the potential soil
  123. water supply ($W_{s}$, Equation \@ref(eq:WaterSupply)) and the soil water
  124. demand ($W_{d}$, Equation \@ref(eq:soilWaterDemand)), which is determining
  125. whether biomass production is limited by radiation or water uptake
  126. (Equation \@ref(eq:actualBiomassProduction))
  127. \begin{equation}
  128. W_{u}=\min(W_{d},\,W_{s}) (\#eq:WaterUpdate)
  129. \end{equation}
  130. If the potential soil water supply (accessible by the roots) exceeds
  131. the crop water demand, then the actual soil water uptake ($W_{u}$)
  132. is removed from the occupied layers in proportion to the values of
  133. potential root water uptake in each layer. If the computed soil water
  134. supply from the profile is less than the demand then, and the actual
  135. root water uptake from a layer is equal to the computed potential
  136. uptake. If there are not soil water supply and demand, soil water
  137. update equals to zero.
  138. \begin{equation}
  139. \begin{array}{c}
  140. \Delta W_{s}(i)=-W_{s}(i)\times\frac{W_{d}}{W_{s}}\qquad if\;W_{s}<W_{d}\\
  141. \Delta W_{s}(i)=-W_{s}(i)\qquad if\;W_{s}>W_{d}\\
  142. \Delta W_{s}(i)=0\qquad if\;W_{s}=W_{d}=0
  143. \end{array}
  144. \end{equation}
  145. where $\Delta W_{s}(i)$ is the daily change in soil water content
  146. at layer $i$ (where roots are present), and $W_{s}(i)$ is the water
  147. supply available from layer $i$ (Equation \@ref(eq:WaterSupply)) .
  148. ## Soil water stresses affecting plant growth
  149. Soil water deficit factors are calculated to simulate the effects
  150. of water stress on different plant growth-and-development processes.
  151. Three water deficit factors are calculated which correspond to four
  152. plant processes, each having different sensitivity to water stress
  153. i.e. photosynthesis, leaf expansion, and phenology.
  154. Each of these factors is capped between 0 and 1, where the value of
  155. 0 corresponds to a complete stress, while 1 corresponds to no stress.
  156. Leaf expansion is considered more sensitive to stress than photosynthesis,
  157. while soil water has no impact on crop phenology in the current APSIM-Wheat
  158. version.
  159. ### Phenology
  160. Soil water stress of phenology is determined by the soil water deficiency.
  161. \begin{equation}
  162. f_{W,\,pheno}=h_{w,\,pheno}(\frac{esw_{a}}{esw_{p}}) (\#eq:SoilWaterStress)
  163. \end{equation}
  164. where $esw_{a}$ is the actual extractable soil water in root layers,
  165. $esw_{p}$ is the potential extractable soil water in root layers.
  166. $h_{w,\,pheno}$ is a function of soil water available ratio and soil
  167. water stress, which is defined by parameters `x_sw_avail_ratio`
  168. and `y_swdef_pheno` (default value 1) in wheat.xml and linearly
  169. interpolated by APSIM. In the current version of APSIM-Wheat module,
  170. no soil water stress for phenology is applied (Fig. \@ref(fig:wdSoilWaterStressPhenology)).
  171. The soil water stress of phenology for flowering (`x_sw_avail_ratio_flowering`
  172. and `y_swdef_pheno_flowering`) and grain filling (`x_sw_avail_ratio_start_grain_fill`
  173. and `y_swdef_pheno_start_grain_fill`) phases are calculated
  174. in the source code, but don't have influence on the phenology of wheat
  175. in the current APSIM-Wheat version (default value of 1).
  176. ```{r wdSoilWaterStressPhenology,fig.cap='Relationship between soil water stress factor affecting phenology ($f_{W,\\, pheno}$) and the ratio of available soil water ($\\frac{esw_{a}}{esw_{p}}$).' }
  177. p <- wdVisXY(wheat_xml,
  178. "x_sw_avail_ratio", "y_swdef_pheno ",
  179. xlab = "Ratio of available soil water",
  180. ylab = "Soil water stress \nof phenology")
  181. print(p)
  182. ```
  183. ### Photosynthesis
  184. Soil water stress of biomass accumulation ($f_{w,\,photo}$) is calculated
  185. as follows.
  186. \begin{equation}
  187. f_{w,\,photo}=\frac{W_{u}}{W_{d}} (\#eq:swstressphoto)
  188. \end{equation}
  189. where $W_{u}$ is the total daily water uptake from root system (Equation \@ref(eq:WaterUpdate)),
  190. $W_{d}$ is the soil water demand of `Leaf` and `Head`
  191. parts (Equation \@ref(eq:soilWaterDemand)).
  192. Finally, the potential biomass production (radiation-limited$\Delta Q$)
  193. can limit by water uptake ($f_{w,\,photo}<1$, i.e. when $W_{u}<W_{d}$),
  194. or not (when $f_{w,\,photo}=1$, i.e. when $W_{u}=W_{d}$)
  195. \begin{equation}
  196. \Delta Q_{w}=\Delta Q_{r}f_{w,\,photo}=\Delta Q_{r}\frac{W_{u}}{W_{d}} (\#eq:WaterStressBiomassProduction)
  197. \end{equation}
  198. $f_{w,photo}$ also affect the senescence of the leaves.
  199. ### Leaf expansion
  200. Soil water stress of leaf expansion is determined by the deficit of
  201. soil water.
  202. \begin{equation}
  203. f_{W,\,expan}=h_{w,\,expan}(\frac{W_{u}}{W_{d}}) (\#eq:WaterStressLeafExpansion)
  204. \end{equation}
  205. where $W_{u}$ is the crop water uptake (Equation \@ref(eq:WaterUpdate)),
  206. $W_{d}$ is the crop water demand (Equation \@ref(eq:soilWaterDemand)).
  207. $h_{w,\,expan}$ is a function of soil water content and stress, and
  208. is defined by parameters `x_sw_demand_ratio` and `y_swdef_leaf`
  209. in the wheat.xml, which is linearly interpolated by APSIM (Fig. \@ref(fig:wdWaterStress4LeafExpansion)).
  210. ```{r wdWaterStress4LeafExpansion,fig.cap='Relationship between the soil water stress factor affecting expansion ($f_{W,\\, expan}$) and supply:demand ratio ($\\frac{W_{e}}{W_{d}}$).' }
  211. p <- wdVisXY(wheat_xml,
  212. "x_sw_demand_ratio", "y_swdef_leaf",
  213. xlab = "Soil water supply:demand ratio",
  214. ylab = "Soil water stress of expansion")
  215. print(p)
  216. ```
  217. ## KL factor
  218. APSIM 7.5 introduces a modifying factor on KL (rate of maximum daily
  219. water uptake per day) where there is an excess of chloride concentration
  220. (Cl), exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP), or electrical conductivity
  221. (EC) properties in the soil \citep{hochman2007simulating}. The KL
  222. modifier is optional and triggered by setting the ModifyKL parameter
  223. to `yes`.
  224. When the KL modifier is activated, KL values are modified for each
  225. layer, by factors (concerning Cl, ESP, EC; Fig. \@ref(fig:wdKLFactoring))
  226. applied to default KL values. The modifiers are calculated using one
  227. of the limiting factors in order of preference (Cl, ESP, EC), i.e.
  228. KL is modified only if there are no soil parameters for Cl. The parameters
  229. in the wheat.xml that control this mechanism are ClA, CLB, ESPA, ESPB,
  230. ECA, ECB (slope and intercept of linear relationship for Cl, ESP and
  231. EC).
  232. ```{r wdKLFactoring,fig.height=6,fig.cap='The KL factor in response to chloride concentration (Cl mg kg$^{-1}$, Exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP, \\%) and soil electrical conductivity (EC, dS m$^{-1}$.' }
  233. p <- wdKLFactoring(wheat_xml)
  234. print(p)
  235. ```