03-phenology.Rmd 12 KB

  1. ```{r setup, echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE }
  2. library(knitr)
  3. source('Rcode/wdVisXY.R')
  4. source('Rcode/wdFunctions.R')
  5. opts_chunk$set(fig.align='center', fig.show='hold',
  6. cache=FALSE, echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE,
  7. dev = 'png',dpi=300,
  8. fig.pos='H',out.width="100%")
  9. options(replace.assign=TRUE,width=90)
  10. library(lattice)
  11. trellis_default <- trellis.par.get()
  12. trellis_default$fontsize$text <- 8
  13. trellis_default$fontsize$points <- 8
  14. trellis.par.set(trellis_default)
  15. library(XML)
  16. wheat_xml <- xmlInternalTreeParse('wheat.xml')
  17. ```
  18. # Phenology
  19. There are 11 phases in APSIM-Wheat module (Fig. \@ref(fig:PhenologWheatModule)).
  20. The timing of each phase (except from sowing to germination, which
  21. is driven by sowing depth and thermal time) is determined by the accumulation
  22. of thermal time ($TT$) adjusted for other factors which vary with
  23. the phase considered (e.g. vernalisation, photoperiod, N). The length
  24. of each phase is determined by a fixed thermal time (`thermal
  25. time target`), which is specified by tt_< phase_name>
  26. in wheat.xml. Most parameters of thermal time targets are cultivar-specific.
  27. ## Thermal time calculation\label{par:Thermal-time}
  28. The daily thermal time ($\Delta TT$) is calculated from the daily
  29. average of maximum and minimum crown temperatures, and is adjusted
  30. by genetic and environmental factors. Hence, the duration of phases
  31. between emergence and floral initiation is adjusted for photoperiod
  32. and vernalisation, using the cultivar-specific parameters `photoperiod
  33. factor` ($f_{D}$, Equation \@ref(eq:PhotoperiodFactor)) and `vernalisation
  34. factor` ($f_{V}$, Equation \@ref(eq:VernalisationFactor)). Other environmental
  35. factors include soil water stress ($f_{W,\,pheno}$, Equation \@ref(eq:SoilWaterStress)),
  36. nitrogen stress ($f_{N,\,pheno}$, Equation \@ref(eq:NitrogenStress))
  37. and phosphorus stress ($f_{P,\,pheno}$, Section @ref(Phosphorus-stress))
  38. in all phases except from Sowing to Emergence (See details below),
  39. but they are all parametrized to have to effect in the current released
  40. APSIM-Wheat. All factors are bound from 0 to 1.
  41. ```{r PhenologWheatModule, fig.cap="Phenology in the APSIM_Wheat module. Targets are expressed in adjusted thermal time and are cultivar-specific parameters. The values given for the reference genotype Hartog."}
  42. knitr::include_graphics("figure/wdWheatPhenology.png")
  43. ```
  44. Crown temperatures are simulated according to the original routines
  45. in CERES-Wheat and correspond to air temperatures for non-freezing
  46. temperatures. The maximum and minimum crown temperatures
  47. ($T_{cmax}$ and $T_{cmin}$) are calculated according to the maximum
  48. and minimum air temperature ($T_{max}$ and $T_{min}$), respectively.
  49. \begin{equation}
  50. T_{cmax}=\begin{cases}
  51. 2+T_{max}(0.4+0.0018(H_{snow}-15)^{2}) & \quad T_{max}<0\\
  52. T_{max} & \quad T_{max}\geq0
  53. \end{cases} (\#eq:CrownMaxTemperature)
  54. \end{equation}
  55. \begin{equation}
  56. T_{cmin}=\begin{cases}
  57. 2+T_{min}(0.4+0.0018(H_{snow}-15)^{2}) & \quad T_{min}<0\\
  58. T_{min} & \quad T_{min}\geq0
  59. \end{cases} (\#eq:CrownMinTemperature)
  60. \end{equation}
  61. where $H_{snow}$ is the snow depth (cm). The default value of $H_{snow}$
  62. is set to zero in the source codes (Fig. \@ref(fig:wdCrownTemperature)).
  63. For more detail information about Equation \@ref(eq:CrownMaxTemperature)
  64. and Equation \@ref(eq:CrownMinTemperature), please see the function\textbf{
  65. }\texttt{CWVernalPhase::vernalisation} in the APSIM code.
  66. ```{r wdCrownTemperature,fig.cap='Crown temperature ($T_{c}$) in response to air temperature ($T$) for different snow depth ($H_{snow}$) in APSIM-Wheat. In the released APSIM version, $H_{snow}$ equals zero cm.' }
  67. p <- wdCrownTemperature()
  68. print(p)
  69. ```
  70. The daily crown mean temperature ($T_{c}$) is calculated by the maximum
  71. ($T_{cmax}$) and minimum ($T_{cmin}$) crown temperature.
  72. \begin{equation}
  73. T_{c}=\frac{T_{cmax}+T_{cmin}}{2}
  74. \end{equation}
  75. Daily thermal time ($\Delta TT$) is calculated based on daily mean
  76. crown temperature, using three cardinal temperatures (Fig. \@ref(fig:wdThermalTime)).
  77. The default values of the cardinal temperatures and relative thermal
  78. time are specified by x_temp (0, 26, 34) and y_tt (0, 26, 0), respectively,
  79. in the wheat.xml (Fig. \@ref(fig:wdThermalTime)). Other crop modules
  80. in APSIM calculate thermal time every 3 hours.
  81. \begin{equation}
  82. \Delta TT=\begin{cases}
  83. T_{c} & \quad0<T_{c}\leq26\\
  84. \frac{26}{8}(34-T_{c}) & \quad26<T_{c}\leq34\\
  85. 0 & \quad T_{c}\leq0\;\text{or}\;T_{c}>34
  86. \end{cases} (\#eq:thermaltime)
  87. \end{equation}
  88. ```{r wdThermalTime,fig.cap='Daily thermal time ($\\Delta TT$) in response to daily crown temperature ($T_{c}$) in APSIM-Wheat.' }
  89. p <- wdVisXY(wheat_xml,
  90. "x_temp", "y_tt",
  91. xlab = expression(paste("Crown Temperature", ~"("*degree*"C)")),
  92. ylab = expression(paste("Thermal Time", ~"("*degree*"Cd)")))
  93. print(p)
  94. ```
  95. For each phenological stage, the daily thermal time ($TT^{\prime}$)
  96. is summed from the start of phase and can be reduced by photoperiod
  97. ($f_{D}$, Equation \@ref(eq:PhotoperiodFactor)) and vernalisation factor
  98. ($f_{V}$, Equation \@ref(eq:VernalisationFactor)) and also dependent on
  99. environmental factors (photoperiod and temperature). The environmental
  100. factors include soil water stress ($f_{W,\,pheno}$, Equation \@ref(eq:SoilWaterStress)),
  101. nitrogen stress ($f_{N,\,pheno}$, Equation \@ref(eq:NitrogenStress)) and
  102. phosphorus stress ($f_{P,\,pheno}$, Section @ref(Phosphorus-stress)).
  103. The next phenological stage occurs when this adjusted thermal time
  104. ($TT^{\prime}$ in Equation \@ref(eq:CumThermalTime)) reaches the `target
  105. thermal time` for the stage considered Fig. \@ref(fig:PhenologWheatModule).
  106. \begin{equation}
  107. TT^{\prime}=\sum[\Delta TT\times\min(f_{D},\;f_{V})\times\min(f_{W,\,pheno},\:f_{N,\,pheno},\;f_{P,\,pheno})] (\#eq:CumThermalTime)
  108. \end{equation}
  109. In the current released version, soil water, nitrogen and phosphorus
  110. stresses have no effect on phenological development (i.e. parameters
  111. $f_{W,\,pheno}=f_{P,\,pheno}=1$ Equation \@ref(eq:SoilWaterStress), and
  112. $f_{N,\,pheno}$ has values typically above 1 Equation \@ref(eq:NitrogenStress)).
  113. So, Equation \@ref(eq:CumThermalTime) is reduced to
  114. \begin{equation}
  115. TT^{\prime}=\sum[\Delta TT\times\min(f_{D},\;f_{V})] (\#eq:CumThermalTime2)
  116. \end{equation}
  117. In the output variables of wheat module, $TT^{\prime}$ from the start
  118. of each phase is named as `ttafter< phasename> `.
  119. For example, the output variable `ttaftersowing` is not the actual
  120. thermal time after sowing, but the thermal time adjusted for genetic
  121. and environmental factors.
  122. ## Sowing-germination phase
  123. The seed germination is determined by soil water availability in the
  124. seeded layer (specified by `pesw_germ` with default value
  125. 0 mm). The crop will die if germination has not occurred before a
  126. certain period, defined by `days_germ_limit` in wheat.xml,
  127. which has a default value of 40 d.
  128. ## Germination-emergence phase
  129. The germination to emergence phase includes an effect of the depth
  130. of sowing ($D_{seed}$) on the thermal time target. The phase is comprised
  131. of an initial period of fixed thermal time during which shoot elongation
  132. is slow (the lag phase, $T_{lag}$)
  133. and a linear period, where the rate of shoot elongation ($r_{e}$,
  134. C d mm$^{-1}$) towards the soil surface is linearly related to air
  135. temperature. Then, the period of emergence ($T_{emer}$) is calculated
  136. by
  137. \begin{equation}
  138. T_{emer}=T_{lag}+r_{e}D_{seed} (\#eq:Emergence)
  139. \end{equation}
  140. The crop will die if emergence has not occurred before a certain period,
  141. defined by `tt_emerg_limit` in wheat.xml, which has a default
  142. value of 300$^{\circ}\text{C}$ d.
  143. Most studies on seedling germination have simply recorded the accumulated
  144. thermal time between germination and 50\% emergence from a given sowing
  145. depth. For the purposes of model parametrization the value of $T_{lag}$
  146. (`shoot_lag`) has been assumed to be around 40 $^{\circ}\text{C}$
  147. d, while $r_{e}$ (`shoot_rate`) has been derived from studies
  148. where thermal time to emergence was measured and where sowing depth
  149. was known and it is set to 1.5 $^{\circ}\text{C}$ d per mm. This
  150. means that at a sowing depth of 40 mm emergence occurs 100$^{\circ}\text{C}$
  151. d after germination ($40+1.5\times40$).
  152. There is the capability of increasing the time taken to reach emergence
  153. due to a dry soil layer in which the seed is germinating, through
  154. the relationship between `fasw_emerg` and `rel_emerg_rate`.
  155. Currently this effect is turned off
  156. in the Wheat.xml file.
  157. ## Photoperiod impact on phenology
  158. Photoperiod is calculated from day of year and latitude using standard
  159. astronomical equations accounting for civil twilight using the parameter
  160. twilight, which is assumed to be -6$^{\circ}$ (civil twilight) in
  161. wheat.xml. Twilight is defined as the interval between sunrise or
  162. sunset and the time when the true center of the sun is 6$^{\circ}$
  163. below the horizon. Other crop modules of APSIM have used -2.2$^{\circ}$
  164. as twilight parameters. In APSIM, the photoperiod affects phenology
  165. between emergence and floral initiation (Fig. \@ref(fig:PhenologWheatModule)).
  166. During this period, thermal time is affected by a photoperiod factor
  167. ($f_{D}$ in Equation \@ref(eq:CumThermalTime) and Equation \@ref(eq:CumThermalTime2))
  168. that is calculated by
  169. \begin{equation}
  170. f_{D}=1-0.002R_{p}(20-L_{P})^{2} (\#eq:PhotoperiodFactor)
  171. \end{equation}
  172. where $L_{P}$ is the day length (h), $R_{P}$ is the sensitivities
  173. to photoperiod which is cultivar-specific and is specified by `photop_sens`
  174. in wheat.xml. The default value of $R_{P}$ is 3 (Fig. \@ref(fig:wdPhotoperiod)).
  175. ```{r wdPhotoperiod,fig.cap='Relationship between photoperiod factor ($f_{D}$) and day length ($L_{P}$) with different sensitivities to photoperiod ($R_{p}$). The default value of $R_{P}$ is 3.' }
  176. p <- wdPhotoPeriod()
  177. print(p)
  178. ```
  179. ## Vernalisation impact on phenology
  180. In APSIM, vernalisation effects phenology between emergence and floral
  181. initiation (Fig. \@ref(fig:PhenologWheatModule)). During this period,
  182. thermal time is affected by a vernalisation factor ($f_{V}$ in Equation \@ref(eq:CumThermalTime)
  183. and Equation \@ref(eq:CumThermalTime2)).
  184. Vernalisation is simulated from daily average crown temperature ($T_{c}$),
  185. daily maximum ($T_{max}$) and minimum ($T_{min}$) temperatures using
  186. the original CERES approach (Fig. \@ref(fig:wdVernalisation)).
  187. \begin{equation}
  188. \Delta V=\min(1.4-0.0778T_{c},\:0.5+13.44\frac{T_{c}}{(T_{max}-T_{min}+3)^{2}})\quad\text{when, }T_{max}<30\,^{\circ}\text{C}\:\text{and}\,T_{min}<15\,^{\circ}\text{C}
  189. \end{equation}
  190. ```{r wdVernalisation,fig.cap='Relationship between vernalisation ($\\Delta V$) and maximum ($T_{max}$) and minimum ($T_{min}$) temperature.' }
  191. p <- wdVernalisation()
  192. print(p)
  193. ```
  194. Devernalisation can occur if daily $T_{max}$ is above 30 $^{\circ}\text{C}$
  195. and the total vernalisation ($V$) is less than 10 (Fig. \@ref(fig:wdDevernalisation)).
  196. \begin{equation}
  197. \Delta V_{d}=\min(0.5(T_{max}-30),\:V)\quad\text{when, }T_{max}>30\,^{\circ}\text{C}\;\text{and}\;V<10
  198. \end{equation}
  199. ```{r wdDevernalisation,fig.cap='Relationship between devernalisation ($\\Delta V_{d}$) and maximum temperature ($T_{max}$) when the total vernalisation ($V$) is less than 10.' }
  200. p <- wdDevernalisation()
  201. print(p)
  202. ```
  203. The total vernalisation ($V$) is calculated by summing daily vernalisation
  204. and devernalisation from Germination to Floral initiation (Composite
  205. phase `Vernalisation` in Fig. \@ref(fig:PhenologWheatModule)).
  206. \begin{equation}
  207. V=\sum(\Delta V-\Delta V_{d})
  208. \end{equation}
  209. However, the vernalisation factor ($f_{v}$) is calculated just from
  210. Emergence to Floral initiation (Composite phases \textbf{eme2ej} in
  211. Fig. \ref{fig:PhenologWheatModule}).
  212. \begin{equation}
  213. f_{V}=1-(0.0054545R_{V}+0.0003)\times(50-V) (\#eq:VernalisationFactor)
  214. \end{equation}
  215. where $R_{V}$ is the sensitivities to vernalisation, which is cultivar-specific
  216. and is specified by `vern_sens` in wheat.xml. The default
  217. value of $R_{V}$ is 1.5 (Fig. \@ref(fig:wdVernalisationFactor))
  218. ```{r wdVernalisationFactor,fig.width=4,fig.height=4,fig.cap='Relationship between cumulated vernalisation ($V$) and vernalisation factor ($f_{V}$) and for different sensitivities to vernalisation ($R_{V}$). The default value of $R_{V}$ is 1.5.' }
  219. p <- wdVernalisationFactor()
  220. print(p)
  221. ```