# Leaf and node appearance and crop leaf area In the current version of APSIM-Wheat, wheat plants are assumed to be uniclum (i.e. with a single stem), meaning that tillering is not simulated \textit{per se}. While a node corresponds to a phytomer on the main stem, it actually represents all the phytomers that appear simultaneously on different tillers (i.e. cohort of leaves) in the real world. ## Node number ### Potential node appearance rate At emergence (Fig. \@ref(fig:PhenologWheatModule)), a number of initial leaves are specified by `leaf_no_at_emerg,` with a default value of 2. The initial number of nodes is the same as the initial number of leaves. During the tiller formation phase (i.e. up to 'Harvest rips', Fig. \@ref(fig:PhenologWheatModule)), nodes appear at a thermal time interval (the equivalent of a phyllochron for leaf appearance, $P_{n}$) that depends on the node number of the main stem ($n_{d}$, i.e. total number of nodes of the plant) at days after sowing ($d,$ days). \begin{equation} P_{n}=h_{P}(n_{d}) (\#eq:phyllochron) \end{equation} where the function $h_{P}(n_{d})$ is defined by parameters `x_node_no_app` and `y_node_app_rate` in wheat.xml and is linearly interpolated by APSIM. In the current version of APSIM-Wheat, $P_{n}$ is set to 95 $^{\circ}\text{C}$ d, meaning that the 'node phyllochron' is supposed to be constant (Fig. \@ref(fig:wdPhyllochron)). No effect from water and N stress on leaf appearance is accounted for. ```{r wdPhyllochron,fig.cap="Relationship function ($h_{p}(n_{d})$) between 'node phyllochron' ($P_{n}$) and the node number at main stem ($n_{d}$)." } p <- wdVisXY(wheat_xml, "x_node_no_app", "y_node_app_rate", xlab = "Node number at main stem", ylab = expression(paste("'Node Phyllochron", ~"("*degree*"Cd)'"))) print(p) ``` ### Potential node number (daily increase) The potential daily increase in the node number of this unique stem ($\Delta n_{d,\,p}$) is calculated by the daily thermal time (Fig. \@ref(fig:wdThermalTime)) and the 'node phyllochron', and occurs during the tiller formation phase (Fig. \@ref(fig:PhenologWheatModule)). \begin{equation} \Delta n_{d,\,p}=\frac{\Delta TT_{d}}{P_{n}} (\#eq:PotentialNodeNumber) \end{equation} where $\Delta TT_{d}$ is the thermal time ($^{\circ}\text{C}$d) at day $d$ (Fig. \@ref(fig:wdThermalTime) and Equation \@ref(eq:thermaltime)). ## Leaf number ### Potential leaf number (daily increase) In the current version of APSIM-Wheat, all leaves appeared from a main and unique stem. The potential leaf number of each node is defined by a function ($h_{l}(n_{d})$) of node ($n_{d}$) number of day $d$ (or 'node position'; $n_{d}$) (Fig. \@ref(fig:wdTillerNumberByNode) and Equation \@ref(eq:LeafExpansionStress)). $h_{l}(n_{d})$ is specified by parameters `x_node_no_leaf` and `y_leaves_per_node` in wheat.xml and linearly interpolated by APSIM. At day $d$, the leaf number of the current node $n_{d}$ nodes ($N_{n,\,d,\,p}$) is determined by the potential leaf number $d-1$ for the past $n_{d-1}$ nodes ($N_{n,\,d-1}$) and environmental stresses. \begin{equation} N_{d,\,p}=\min[N_{n,\,d-1},\;h_{l}(n_{d-1})]+[h_{l}(n_{d-1}+\Delta n_{d,\,p})-h_{l}(n_{d-1})]\times f_{S,\,expan} (\#eq:PotentialNodeNumberDaily) \end{equation} where $n_{d-1}$ is the node number at $d-1$ days after sowing, $\Delta n_{d,\,p}$ is the potential daily increase of node number (Equation \@ref(eq:PotentialNodeNumber)), $f_{S,\,expan}$ is the environmental stresses for canopy expansion. \begin{equation} f_{S,\,expan}=\min\{[\min(f_{N,\,expan},\;f_{p,\,expan})]^{2},\;f_{w,\,expan}\} (\#eq:LeafExpansionStress) \end{equation} where $f_{N,\,expan}$, $f_{p,\,expan}$ and $f_{w,\,expan}$ are the nitrogen, phosphorus and soil water stress for canopy expansion, respectively, which is explained in Section @ref(Phosphorus-stress) and Equation \@ref(eq:WaterStressLeafExpansion), respectively. The potential daily increase in leaf number for the whole plant is calculated based on the potential increase for the current node and the potential increase in node number ($\Delta n_{d,\,p}$, Equation \@ref(eq:PotentialNodeNumber)) as follows. \begin{equation} \Delta N_{d,\,p}=N_{n,\,d}\times\Delta n_{d,\,p} \end{equation} ```{r wdTillerNumberByNode,fig.cap='Number of leaves per node as a function of the number of nodes on the main stem and unique stem considered in APSIM-Wheat ($n_{d}$). This relation corresponds the function $h_{l}(n_{d})$.' } p <- wdVisXY(wheat_xml, "x_node_no_leaf", "y_leaves_per_node", xlab = "Node number on the main stem", ylab = "Number of leaves per node") print(p) ``` ### Actual leaf number (daily increase) The increase in actual leaf number ($\Delta N_{d,\ LAI}$) is calculated in relation to the fraction between the actual and stressed increase of leaf area index, as follow: \begin{equation} \Delta N_{d,\,LAI}=\Delta N_{d,\,p}\times h_{LAI}(\frac{\Delta\text{LAI}_{d}}{\Delta\text{LAI}_{d,\,s}}) (\#eq:ActualLeafNumber) \end{equation} where $h_{LAI}$ is a function between the fraction of leaf area index and the fraction of leaf number which is defined by parameters \hyperlink{x_lai_ratio}{x_lai_ratio} and \hyperlink{y_leaf_no_frac}{y_leaf_no_frac} in the wheat.xml and linearly interpolated by APSIM (Fig. \@ref(fig:wdLAINodeNumber)). ```{r wdLAINodeNumber,fig.cap='Relationship between fraction of leaf area index and fraction of leaf number.' } p <- wdVisXY(wheat_xml, "x_lai_ratio", "y_leaf_no_frac", xlab = 'Fraction of leaf area index', ylab = 'Fraction of leaf number') print(p) ```