123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233 |
- \name{daacmodis}
- \alias{daac}
- \alias{daacmodis}
- \alias{wsdl_loc}
- \docType{data}
- \title{
- Base URLs for MODIS downloads and the web service location
- }
- \description{
- These give the base URLs for MODIS downloads. Originally they were \url{http://daac.ornl.gov}
- and \url{http://daacmodis.ornl.gov}; recently they
- moved to \url{https://daac.ornl.gov}
- and \url{https://daacmodis.ornl.gov}.
- These variables
- will be initialized to values of \code{getOption("MODIStools.daac", default = "https://daac.ornl.gov")}
- and \code{getOption("MODIStools.daacmodis", default = "https://daacmodis.ornl.gov")} in case there is
- a future change.
- }
- \usage{
- daac
- daacmodis
- wsdl_loc
- }
- \format{
- The format is:
- chr "1"
- }
- \examples{
- daacmodis
- }