123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051 |
- \name{MODISTransects}
- \alias{MODISTransects}
- \title{MODIS Transect Subset Tool}
- \description{A function that downloads batches of MODIS data transects.
- }
- \usage{MODISTransects(LoadData, FileSep = NULL, Product, Bands, Size,
- SaveDir = ".", StartDate = FALSE, TimeSeriesLength = 0)
- }
- \arguments{
- \item{LoadData}{Input data: either the name of an object already in the workspace, or a file to be read in by specifying its file path as a character string. For data input requirements, see details. All arguments to be passed to MODISSubsets(); see ?MODISSubsets for more information.
- }
- \item{FileSep}{If LoadData is a character string that corresponds to a file path, choose the delimiter character for that file (e.g. "," for comma separated).
- }
- \item{Product}{Character string; code denoting which MODIS product to be requested.
- }
- \item{Bands}{Character vector; which bands of data within specified product are of interest.
- }
- \item{Size}{Numeric vector of two non-negative integers defining the dimensions of tile requested at each location. The first element identifies the distance from the centre to the bottom/top (in both directions), and the second element to the left/right (in both directions) in km. For example, Size = c(0,0) identifies the centre pixel only, whereas Size = c(1,1) identifies a tile of 2kmsq.
- }
- \item{SaveDir}{Character string; an optional argument to specify the subdirectory where downloaded ascii files should be saved: default SaveDir = "." saves the files to the working directory.
- }
- \item{StartDate}{Logical; indicate whether the input dataset contains information on the time-series start date. If StartDate = TRUE, start dates will be taken from the input data and will expect the data frame to have a column named start.date. Default is StartDate = FALSE, whereby the input data is assumed to have only time-series end date and the length of time-series recorded prior to that date is determined by another optional argument, TimeSeriesLength.
- }
- \item{TimeSeriesLength}{Non-negative integer; if StartDate = FALSE specified the length of time-series. Default TimeSeriesLength = 0, giving a time-series length of 1 year, taken from the beginning to the end of the year.
- }
- }
- \details{File input requirements are a transect ID, a start lat and long, and an end lat and long for each transect, and an end date (start date optional) for the requested time-series for each transect. These fields must be labelled with headers: "transect"; "start.lat"; "start.long"; "end.lat"; "end.long"; "start.date", and; "end.date" respectively.
- All data types requested must be of the same resolution (pixel size). See ?MODISSubsets for more details.
- The transects lengths requested must be longer than the requested pixel size. Therefore, each transect must contain more than 1 pixel.
- }
- \value{ASCII file written for each location, containing the specified time-series for each band of data requested. File name states the transect ID that the location is within, and a unique ID for that specific location.
- }
- \references{
- \url{https://daacmodis.ornl.gov/cgi-bin/MODIS/GLBVIZ_1_Glb/modis_subset_order_global_col5.pl}
- }
- \author{Sean Tuck}
- \seealso{\code{\link[MODISTools:MODISSubsets]{MODISSubsets}}}
- \examples{
- \dontrun{
- # dontrun() used because running the example requires internet access,
- # and takes over a minute to run.
- data(TransectExample)
- MODISTransects(LoadData = TransectExample, Product = "MOD13Q1",
- Bands = c("250m_16_days_EVI", "250m_16_days_pixel_reliability"),
- Size = c(0,0), StartDate = TRUE)
- }
- }