123456789101112131415161718192021 |
- \name{GetDates}
- \alias{GetDates}
- \title{Get list of available dates for requested time-series}
- \description{Internal function that uses the MODIS SOAP Web Service to retrieve a list of all dates when the requested data, specified by MODIS product and a location, are available for download.}
- \usage{GetDates(Lat, Long, Product)}
- \arguments{
- \item{Lat}{Numeric; a decimal degrees latitude in WGS-1984 coordinate system.}
- \item{Long}{Numeric; a decimal degrees longitude in WGS-1984 coordinate system.}
- \item{Product}{Character string; a product code to request subsets from. The MODIS product table shows all available products and their respective product titles (see references).}
- }
- \value{A character vector; each element representing a time-step (in MODIS date format) where data is available.}
- \references{
- \url{https://daacmodis.ornl.gov/cgi-bin/MODIS/GLBVIZ_1_Glb/modis_subset_order_global_col5.pl}
- }
- \author{Sean Tuck}
- \seealso{\code{\link[MODISTools:MODISSubsets]{MODISSubsets}}}
- \examples{
- \dontrun{ # dontrun() used because running the example requires internet access.
- GetDates(Lat=51.41363, Long=-0.64875, Product="MOD13Q1")}
- }