ConvertExample.Rd 1.2 KB

  1. \name{ConvertExample}
  2. \alias{ConvertExample}
  3. \docType{data}
  4. \title{Example dataset for ConvertToDD}
  5. \description{A dataset consisting of a set of arbitrary locations in degrees minutes seconds (DMS) format that ConvertToDD can convert to decimal degrees format.}
  6. \usage{data(ConvertExample)}
  7. \format{
  8. A data frame with 4 observations on the following 2 variables.
  9. \describe{
  10. \item{\code{lat}}{A dataframe column containing latitude degrees minutes seconds (DDdMMmSS.SSSsN. ConvertToDD can take other formats and layouts in general.}
  11. \item{\code{long}}{A dataframe column containing longitude degrees minutes seconds (DDdMMmSS.SSSsW. ConvertToDD can take other formats and layouts in general.}
  12. }
  13. }
  14. \details{The various compatible layouts for each format are described at ?ConvertToDD (see also). If hemispheres are denoted using letters (N/S; E/W) then the same transformation (+ive -ive coordinates) will
  15. be carried out on all points. Therefore, in this case, if points within a dataset are in different hemispheres, they will be all be placed into one.}
  16. \source{Locations were arbitrarily drawn from the grounds of Silwood Park Campus, Imperial College London.}
  17. \seealso{\code{\link[MODISTools:ConvertToDD]{ConvertToDD}}}
  18. \keyword{datasets}