123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223 |
- MODISTransects <-
- function(LoadData, FileSep = NULL, Product, Bands, Size, SaveDir = ".", StartDate = FALSE, TimeSeriesLength = 0)
- {
- # Define:
- # Data are gridded in equal-area tiles in a sinusoidal projection. Each tile consists of a 1200x1200 km data
- # array of pixels at a finer resolution (see http://modis-land.gsfc.nasa.gov/MODLAND_grid.html).
- LONG_EQTR_M = 111.2 * 1000
- if(!is.object(LoadData) & !is.character(LoadData)){
- stop("Data is incorrectly specified. Must either be the name of an object in R, or a file path character string.")
- }
- # Load data of locations; external data file, or an R object.
- if(is.object(LoadData)) dat <- data.frame(LoadData)
- if(is.character(LoadData)){
- if(!file.exists(LoadData)) stop("Character string input for LoadData does not resemble an existing file path.")
- if(is.null(FileSep)) stop("Data is a file path, the files delimiter (FileSep) also needed.")
- dat <- read.delim(LoadData, sep = FileSep)
- }
- # Check input dataset has variables named as necessary.
- if(!any(names(dat) == "transect") | !any(names(dat) == "start.lat") |
- !any(names(dat) == "end.lat") | !any(names(dat) == "start.long") |
- !any(names(dat) == "end.long") | !any(names(dat) == "end.date")){
- stop("Could not find some information that is necessary. May either be missing or incorrectly named.
- See ?MODISTransects for help on data requirements. If data file is loaded, make sure FileSep is sensible.")
- }
- # Check SaveDir matches an existing directory.
- if(!file.exists(SaveDir)) stop("Character string input for SaveDir argument does not resemble an existing file path.")
- # Check argument inputs are sensible.
- # If the Product input does not match any product codes in the list output from GetProducts(), stop with error.
- if(!any(Product == GetProducts())) stop("Product entered does not match any available products; see ?GetProducts.")
- # If the Bands input does not match with the Product input, stop with error.
- band.test <- lapply(Bands, function(x) !any(x == GetBands(Product)))
- if(any(band.test == TRUE)) stop("A Band does not match Product; see ?GetBands for bands within each product.")
- # If Size is not two dimensions or are not integers (greater than expected after rounding, with tolerance around
- # computing precision), stop with error.
- if(!is.numeric(Size)) stop("Size should be numeric class. Two integers.")
- if(length(Size) != 2) stop("Size input must be a vector of integers, with two elements.")
- if(abs(Size[1] - round(Size[1])) > .Machine$double.eps^0.5 | abs(Size[2] - round(Size[2])) > .Machine$double.eps^0.5){
- stop("Size input must be integers.")
- }
- if(!is.logical(StartDate)) stop("StartDate must be logical.")
- # Year or posixt date format?
- Year <- FALSE
- char.compatible <- as.character(dat$end.date)
- if(!is.character(char.compatible) | all(is.na(char.compatible)) & any(nchar(char.compatible) != 4)) POSIXt <- TRUE
- posix.compatible <- try(as.POSIXlt(dat$end.date), silent=TRUE)
- if(class(posix.compatible) == "try-error") Year <- TRUE
- if(!Year & !POSIXt) stop("Dates in LoadDat not recognised as years or as POSIXt format.")
- if(Year & POSIXt) stop("Dates in LoadDat recognised as both year and POSIXt formats.")
- # Check the start dates are valid.
- if(StartDate){
- if(Year){
- char.compatible <- as.character(dat$start.date)
- if(!is.character(char.compatible) | all(is.na(char.compatible))){
- stop("Year date format detected, but start.date are not compatible with numeric class.")
- }
- if(any(nchar(dat$start.date) != 4)) stop("start.date is not matching year format.")
- } else {
- posix.compatible <- try(as.POSIXlt(dat$start.date), silent = TRUE)
- if(class(posix.compatible) == "try-error") stop("start.date are not all in standard POSIXt format. See ?POSIXt.")
- }
- }
- # Check latitude and longitude inputs are valid coordinate data.
- # Check for missing lat/long data
- if(any(is.na(dat$start.lat) != is.na(dat$start.long) | is.na(dat$start.lat) != is.na(dat$end.lat) |
- is.na(dat$start.lat) != is.na(dat$end.long) | is.na(dat$start.lat) != is.na(dat$end.date))) {
- stop("Not equal amount of lats, longs, and dates: there must be locations with incomplete time-series information.")
- }
- if(abs(dat$start.lat) > 90 || abs(dat$start.long) > 180 || abs(dat$end.lat) > 90 || abs(dat$end.long) > 180){
- stop("Detected some lats or longs beyond the range of valid coordinates.")
- }
- if(StartDate){
- if(!any(names(dat) == "start.date")) stop("StartDate == TRUE, but start.date not detected. See ?MODISTransects.")
- if(any(is.na(dat$start.lat) != is.na(dat$start.date))) stop("Not all coordinates have a corresponding start date.")
- }
- # Work out actual width of each pixel in the MODIS projection.
- cell.size.dates <- GetDates(Lat = LoadData$start.lat[1], Long = LoadData$start.long[1], Product = Product)[1:2]
- cell.size <- as.numeric(unname(
- GetSubset(Lat = LoadData$start.lat[1], Long = LoadData$start.long[1], Product = Product, Band = Bands[1],
- StartDate = cell.size.dates[1], EndDate = cell.size.dates[2], KmAboveBelow = 0, KmLeftRight = 0)$pixelsize[[1]]
- ))
- # Find all unique transects to download pixels for.
- t.dat <- dat[!duplicated(dat$transect), ]
- cat("Found", nrow(t.dat), "transects. Downloading time-series sets for each transect...\n")
- # Loop that reiterates download for each transect.
- for(i in 1:nrow(t.dat)){
- # Find the distance, in decimal degrees between the start and end of the transect.
- delta.lat <- t.dat$end.lat[i] - t.dat$start.lat[i]
- delta.long <- round(t.dat$end.long[i] - t.dat$start.long[i], digits = 5)
- # Work out how far in metres is the latitudinal difference between start and end locations.
- lat.metres <- delta.lat * LONG_EQTR_M
- # Determine the curvature angle from the latitude to calculate distance between one longitude at transect location.
- lat.rad <- median(c(t.dat$start.lat[i], t.dat$end.lat[i])) * (pi / 180)
- # Work out how far in metres is the longitudinal difference between start and end locations.
- long.metres <- delta.long * (LONG_EQTR_M * cos(lat.rad))
- # Work out the actual length of the transect.
- transect <- sqrt((lat.metres^2) + (long.metres^2))
- # Work out how many points can be equally spaced (i.e. how many pixels) between the start and end coordinates.
- num.points <- transect / cell.size
- # Work out the lat and long distances of the equally spaced points.
- lat.increment <- round(delta.lat / num.points, digits = 5)
- long.increment <- round(delta.long / num.points, digits = 5)
- lat <- t.dat$start.lat[i]
- long <- round(t.dat$start.long[i], digits = 5)
- # Take the start lat & long and interpolate new lat & long, using lat & long increments, until the end lat & long.
- # Produces vector of lats and long for all pixels along transect for time-series information in MODISSubsets.
- if(lat.increment > 0){
- if(long.increment > 0){
- while(lat[length(lat)] <= (t.dat$end.lat[i] - lat.increment) & long[length(long)] <=
- (round(t.dat$end.long[i], digits=5) - long.increment)){
- lat <- c(lat, round(lat[length(lat)] + lat.increment, digits = 5))
- long <- c(long, round(long[length(long)] + long.increment, digits = 5))
- }
- } else {
- while(lat[length(lat)] <= (t.dat$end.lat[i] - lat.increment) & long[length(long)] >=
- (round(t.dat$end.long[i], digits=5) - long.increment)){
- lat <- c(lat, round(lat[length(lat)] + lat.increment, digits = 5))
- long <- c(long, round(long[length(long)] + long.increment, digits = 5))
- }
- }
- } else {
- if(long.increment > 0){
- while(lat[length(lat)] >= (t.dat$end.lat[i] - lat.increment) & long[length(long)] <=
- (round(t.dat$end.long[i], digits=5) - long.increment)){
- lat <- c(lat, round(lat[length(lat)] + lat.increment, digits = 5))
- long <- c(long, round(long[length(long)] + long.increment, digits = 5))
- }
- } else {
- while(lat[length(lat)] >= (t.dat$end.lat[i] - lat.increment) & long[length(long)] >=
- (round(t.dat$end.long[i], digits=5) - long.increment)){
- lat <- c(lat, round(lat[length(lat)] + lat.increment, digits = 5))
- long <- c(long, round(long[length(long)] + long.increment, digits = 5))
- }
- }
- } # End of if statements that correctly interpolate points along transect line.
- # Write vector of end dates & IDs of each transect point to be used for time-series information in MODISSubsets.
- end.date <- rep(t.dat$end.date[i], length(lat))
- ID <- paste("Transect", t.dat$transect[i], "Point", 1:length(lat), sep = "")
- # Organise time-series information, with new by-transect IDs for each pixel, for input into MODISSubsets call
- # with optional start date as well as end date.
- if(StartDate){
- start.date <- rep(t.dat$start.date[i], length(lat))
- t.subset <- data.frame(ID, lat, long, start.date, end.date)
- } else {
- t.subset <- data.frame(ID, lat, long, end.date)
- }
- #####
- # Do some error checking of pixels in transect before requesting data in MODISSubsets function call.
- xll <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = nrow(t.subset))
- yll <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = nrow(t.subset))
- date.for.xy <- GetDates(t.subset$lat[1], t.subset$long[1], Product)[1]
- for(n in 1:nrow(t.subset)){
- t.point <- GetSubset(t.subset$lat[n], t.subset$long[n], Product,
- Bands[1], date.for.xy, date.for.xy, 0, 0)
- xll[n] <- as.numeric(as.character(t.point$xll))
- yll[n] <- as.numeric(as.character(t.point$yll))
- }
- # Check which pixels have the same x or y as the previous pixel.
- check.equal.x <- signif(xll[1:length(xll) - 1], digits = 6) == signif(xll[2:length(xll)], digits = 6)
- check.equal.y <- signif(yll[1:length(yll) - 1], digits = 5) == signif(yll[2:length(yll)], digits = 5)
- # From remaining pixels, check if they are +/- 1 pixel width (i.e. adjacent pixel) away.
- check.new.x <- ifelse(xll[which(!check.equal.x)] < xll[which(!check.equal.x) + 1],
- round(xll[which(!check.equal.x)]) == round(xll[which(!check.equal.x) + 1] - cell.size),
- round(xll[which(!check.equal.x)]) == round(xll[which(!check.equal.x) + 1] + cell.size))
- check.new.y <- ifelse(yll[which(!check.equal.y)] < yll[which(!check.equal.y) + 1],
- round(yll[which(!check.equal.y)]) == round(yll[which(!check.equal.y) + 1] - cell.size),
- round(yll[which(!check.equal.y)]) == round(yll[which(!check.equal.y) + 1] + cell.size))
- if(!all(check.new.x) | !all(check.new.y)){
- # Check if unaccounted for distance between pixels can be attributed to rounding error or MODIS proj uncertainty.
- check.error.x <- ifelse(xll[which(!check.equal.x)] < xll[which(!check.equal.x) + 1],
- signif(xll[which(!check.equal.x) + 1] - xll[which(!check.equal.x)], digits = 3) == signif(cell.size, digits = 3),
- signif(xll[which(!check.equal.x) + 1] - xll[which(!check.equal.x)], digits = 3) == -signif(cell.size, digits = 3))
- check.error.y <- ifelse(yll[which(!check.equal.y)] < yll[which(!check.equal.y) + 1],
- signif(yll[which(!check.equal.y) + 1] - yll[which(!check.equal.y)], digits = 3) == signif(cell.size, digits = 3),
- signif(yll[which(!check.equal.y) + 1] - yll[which(!check.equal.y)], digits = 3) == -signif(cell.size, digits = 3))
- # If differences between pixel > expected from checks, abort and produce error stating there are gaps in transect.
- if(any(!check.error.x) | any(!check.error.y)) stop("Error: Gap in transect pixels")
- }
- # Run MODISSubsets to retrieve subset for this transect of pixels.
- MODISSubsets(LoadDat = t.subset, Products = Product, Bands = Bands, Size = Size, SaveDir = SaveDir,
- StartDate = StartDate, TimeSeriesLength = TimeSeriesLength, Transect = TRUE)
- } # End of loop that reiterates download for each transect.
- }