123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214 |
- MODISSubsets <-
- function(LoadDat, FileSep = NULL, Products, Bands, Size, SaveDir = ".", StartDate = FALSE, TimeSeriesLength = 0, Transect = FALSE)
- {
- if(SaveDir == '.') cat('Files downloaded will be written to ', getwd(), '.\n', sep = '')
- if(SaveDir != '.') cat('Files downloaded will be written to ', SaveDir, '.\n', sep = '')
- # Load data of locations; external data file, or an R object.
- if(!is.object(LoadDat) & !is.character(LoadDat)) stop("LoadDat must be an object in R or a file path character string.")
- if(is.object(LoadDat)) dat <- data.frame(LoadDat)
- if(is.character(LoadDat)){
- if(!file.exists(LoadDat)) stop("Character string input for LoadDat does not resemble an existing file path.")
- if(is.null(FileSep)) stop("To load a file as input, you must also specify its delimiter (FileSep).")
- dat <- read.delim(LoadDat, sep = FileSep)
- }
- #####
- # Check lat and long data frame columns are named "lat" and "long" as necessary.
- if(!any(names(dat) == "lat") | !any(names(dat) == "long")){
- stop("Could not find columns for latitude and/or longitude in your data set. Must be named 'lat' and 'long'.")
- }
- # Check lats and longs are valid.
- if(abs(dat$lat) > 90 || abs(dat$long) > 180) stop("Detected some lats or longs beyond the range of valid coordinates.")
- # Check for missing lat/long data
- if(any(is.na(dat$lat) != is.na(dat$long))) stop("There are locations with incomplete coordinates.")
- # Check to see if IDs have been given in data frame.
- ID <- ifelse(any(names(dat) == "ID"), TRUE, FALSE)
- # Check that the input data set contains dates, named end.date.
- if(!any(names(dat) == "end.date")) stop("Dates for time series must be included and named 'end.date'.")
- # Now that incomplete coordinates have been checked for, check also that each coordinate has date information.
- if(any(is.na(dat$lat) != is.na(dat$end.date))) stop("Not all coordinates have a corresponding date.")
- # Check SaveDir matches an existing directory.
- if(!file.exists(SaveDir)) stop("Input for SaveDir does not resemble an existing file path.")
- # Check StartDate is logial.
- if(!is.logical(StartDate)) stop("StartDate must be logical.")
- # Set of stop-if-nots to run if StartDate == TRUE.
- if(StartDate){
- # Check that the input data set contains start dates, named start.date.
- if(!any(names(dat) == "start.date")) stop("StartDate = TRUE, but 'start.date' not found in the data set.")
- # Check that each coordinate has start date information.
- if(any(is.na(dat$lat) != is.na(dat$start.date))) stop("Not all coordinates have a corresponding start date.")
- }
- if(!StartDate){
- # Check TimeSeriesLength is correctly inputted.
- if(!is.numeric(TimeSeriesLength)) stop("TimeSeriesLength should be numeric class.")
- if(length(TimeSeriesLength) != 1) stop("TimeSeriesLength must be one numeric element.")
- if(abs(TimeSeriesLength[1] - round(TimeSeriesLength[1])) > .Machine$double.eps^0.5){
- stop("TimeSeriesLength must be a positive integer.")
- }
- if(TimeSeriesLength < 0) stop("TimeSeriesLength must be a positive integer.")
- }
- #####
- # Remove any incomplete time series.
- if(StartDate) dat <- dat[!is.na(dat$lat) | !is.na(dat$long) | !is.na(dat$end.date) | !is.na(dat$start.date), ]
- if(!StartDate) dat <- dat[!is.na(dat$lat) | !is.na(dat$long) | !is.na(dat$end.date), ]
- # Find all unique time-series wanted, for each unique location.
- if(StartDate) lat.long <- dat[!duplicated(data.frame(dat$lat, dat$long, dat$end.date, dat$start.date)), ]
- if(!StartDate) lat.long <- dat[!duplicated(data.frame(dat$lat, dat$long, dat$end.date)), ]
- cat("Found", nrow(lat.long), "unique time-series to download.\n")
- ##### Year or posixt date format?
- Year <- FALSE
- posix.compatible <- try(as.POSIXlt(lat.long$end.date), silent = TRUE)
- if(any(class(lat.long$end.date) == "POSIXt") | all(class(posix.compatible) != "try-error")) POSIXt <- TRUE
- if(all(is.numeric(lat.long$end.date) & nchar(lat.long$end.date) == 4) &
- any(class(posix.compatible) == "try-error")) Year <- TRUE
- if(!Year & !POSIXt) stop("Date information in LoadDat is not recognised as years or as POSIXt format.")
- if(Year & POSIXt) stop("Date information in LoadDat is recognised as both year and POSIXt formats.")
- # Take date information for each time-series, in 'year' or 'posixt', and turn them into MODIS date codes (Julian).
- if(Year){
- if(StartDate){
- start.year.fail <- any(!is.numeric(lat.long$start.date) | nchar(lat.long$start.date) != 4)
- if(start.year.fail) stop("end.date identified as year dates, but start.date does not match.")
- start.date <- strptime(paste(lat.long$start.date, "-01-01", sep = ""), "%Y-%m-%d")
- }
- if(!StartDate) start.date <- strptime(paste(lat.long$end.date - TimeSeriesLength, "-01-01", sep = ""), "%Y-%m-%d")
- # Put start and end dates in POSIXlt format.
- end.date <- strptime(paste(lat.long$end.date, "-12-31", sep = ""), "%Y-%m-%d")
- start.day <- start.date$yday
- start.day[nchar(start.day) == 2] <- paste(0, start.day[nchar(start.day) == 2], sep = "")
- start.day[nchar(start.day) == 1] <- paste(0, 0, start.day[nchar(start.day) == 1], sep = "")
- end.day <- end.date$yday
- end.day[nchar(end.day) == 2] <- paste(0, end.day[nchar(end.day) == 2], sep = "")
- end.day[nchar(end.day) == 1] <- paste(0, 0, end.day[nchar(end.day) == 1], sep = "")
- # Write dates into format compatible with MODIS date IDs (Julian format: YYYYDDD).
- MODIS.start <- paste("A", substr(start.date, 1, 4), start.day, sep = "")
- MODIS.end <- paste("A", substr(end.date, 1, 4), end.day, sep = "")
- }
- if(POSIXt){
- end.date <- strptime(lat.long$end.date, "%Y-%m-%d")
- if(StartDate){
- start.posix.fail <- any(class(try(as.POSIXlt(lat.long$end.date), silent = TRUE)) == "try-error")
- if(start.posix.fail) stop("end.date identified as POSIXt dates, but start.date does not match.")
- start.date <- strptime(lat.long$start.date, "%Y-%m-%d")
- }
- if(!StartDate) start.date <- strptime(paste((end.date$year + 1900) - TimeSeriesLength, "-01-01", sep = ""), "%Y-%m-%d")
- start.day <- start.date$yday
- start.day[nchar(start.day) == 2] <- paste(0, start.day[nchar(start.day) == 2], sep = "")
- start.day[nchar(start.day) == 1] <- paste(0, 0, start.day[nchar(start.day) == 1], sep = "")
- end.day <- end.date$yday
- end.day[nchar(end.day) == 2] <- paste(0, end.day[nchar(end.day) == 2], sep = "")
- end.day[nchar(end.day) == 1] <- paste(0, 0, end.day[nchar(end.day) == 1], sep = "")
- MODIS.start <- paste("A", substr(start.date, 1, 4), start.day, sep = "")
- MODIS.end <- paste("A", substr(end.date, 1, 4), end.day, sep = "")
- }
- #####
- # Create IDs for each time series.
- fmt <- '%.5f'
- if(ID){
- ## Check that all author-given IDs will be unique for each unique time-series, and check that they won't cause issues with product information
- n.unique <- length(unique(lat.long$ID)) == nrow(lat.long)
- if(n.unique){
- if(any(grepl("___", lat.long$ID))) stop("IDs can not contain '___'")
- names(lat.long)[names(lat.long) == "ID"] <- "SubsetID"
- lat.long <- data.frame(lat.long, Status = rep(NA, nrow(lat.long)))
- } else {
- cat("Number of unique IDs does not match number of unique time series. Creating new ID field.")
- ID <- paste("Lat", sprintf(fmt, lat.long$lat), "Lon", sprintf(fmt, lat.long$long), "Start", start.date, "End", end.date, sep = "")
- lat.long <- data.frame(SubsetID = ID, lat.long, Status = rep(NA, nrow(lat.long)))
- }
- } else {
- ID <- paste("Lat", sprintf(fmt, lat.long$lat), "Lon", sprintf(fmt, lat.long$long), "Start", start.date, "End", end.date, sep = "")
- lat.long <- data.frame(SubsetID = ID, lat.long, Status = rep(NA, nrow(lat.long)))
- }
- #####
- # If the Products input does not match any product codes in the list output from GetProducts(), stop with error.
- if(!all(Products %in% GetProducts())) stop("Not every Products input matches available products (?GetProducts).")
- # If the Bands input does not match with the Products input, stop with error.
- avail.bands <- unlist(lapply(Products, function(x) GetBands(x)))
- band.test <- any(lapply(Bands, function(x) any(x %in% avail.bands)) == FALSE)
- if(band.test) stop("At least one Bands input does not match the product names entered (?GetBands).")
- # If Size is not two dimensions or not integers, stop with error.
- if(!is.numeric(Size)) stop("Size should be numeric class. Two integers.")
- if(length(Size) != 2) stop("Size input must be a vector of integers, with two elements.")
- if(abs(Size[1] - round(Size[1])) > .Machine$double.eps^0.5 | abs(Size[2] - round(Size[2])) > .Machine$double.eps^0.5){
- stop("Size input must be integers.")
- }
- #####
- ##### Retrieve data subsets for each time-series of a set of product bands, saving data for each time series into ASCII files.
- lat.long <- BatchDownload(lat.long = lat.long, start.date = start.date, end.date = end.date, MODIS.start = MODIS.start, MODIS.end = MODIS.end,
- Bands = Bands, Products = Products, Size = Size, StartDate = StartDate, Transect = Transect, SaveDir = SaveDir)
- # Run a second round of downloads for any time-series that incompletely downloaded, and overwrite originals.
- success.check <- lat.long$Status != "Successful download"
- if(any(success.check)){
- cat("Some subsets that were downloaded were incomplete. Retrying download again for these time-series...\n")
- lat.long[success.check, ] <- BatchDownload(lat.long = lat.long[success.check, ], start.date = start.date, end.date = end.date,
- MODIS.start = MODIS.start, MODIS.end = MODIS.end, Bands = Bands, Products = Products,
- Size = Size, StartDate = StartDate, Transect = Transect, SaveDir = SaveDir)
- success.check <- lat.long$Status != "Successful download"
- if(any(success.check)) cat("Incomplete downloads were re-tried but incomplete downloads remain. See subset download file.\n")
- }
- #####
- ##### Write a summary file with IDs and unique time-series information.
- date <- as.POSIXlt(Sys.time())
- file.date <- paste(as.Date(date),
- paste(paste0("h", date$hour), paste0("m", date$min), paste0("s", round(date$sec, digits=0)), sep = "-"),
- sep = "_")
- if(!Transect){
- write.table(lat.long, file = file.path(SaveDir, paste0("SubsetDownload_", file.date, ".csv")),
- col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, sep = ",")
- }
- if(Transect){
- DirList <- list.files(path = SaveDir)
- w.transect <- regexpr("Point", dat$ID[1])
- transect.id <- substr(dat$ID[1], 1, w.transect - 1)
- if(!any(DirList == file.path(SaveDir, paste0(transect.id, "_SubsetDownload_", file.date, ".csv")))){
- write.table(lat.long, file = file.path(SaveDir, paste0(transect.id, "_SubsetDownload_", file.date, ".csv")),
- col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, sep = ",")
- } else {
- write.table(lat.long, file = file.path(SaveDir, paste0(transect.id, "_SubsetDownload_", file.date, ".csv")),
- col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, sep = ",", append = TRUE)
- }
- }
- #####
- # Print message to confirm downloads are complete and to remind the user to check summary file for any missing data.
- if(!Transect) cat("Done! Check the subset download file for correct subset information and download messages.\n")
- }