123456789101112131415 |
- FindID <-
- function(ID, Data)
- {
- if(!is.object(ID) | !is.object(Data)) stop("ID and Data inputs must both be objects currently in your R workspace.")
- if(!all(names(ID) %in% names(Data))) stop("ID is not a subset of Data. All names of ID must match with rows in Data.")
- match.set <- Data[ ,match(names(ID), names(Data))]
- row.matches <- apply(match.set, 1, match, ID)
- ifelse(length(which(!is.na(apply(row.matches, 2, sum)))) == 0,
- return(cat("No matches found.\n")),
- return(which(!is.na(apply(row.matches, 2, sum)))))
- }