123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233 |
- EndCoordinates <-
- function(LoadDat, FileSep = NULL, Distance = 1000, Angle = 90, AngleUnits = 'radians'|'degrees', Dir = ".",
- FileName = "Transect Coordinates")
- {
- if(!is.object(LoadDat) & !is.character(LoadDat)) stop("Data must be the name of an object in R, or a file path.")
- if(is.object(LoadDat)) x <- data.frame(LoadDat)
- if(is.character(LoadDat)){
- if(!file.exists(LoadDat)) stop("Character string input for LoadDat argument does not resemble an existing file path.")
- if(is.null(FileSep)) stop("Data is a file path. Must also specify its delimiter (FileSep).")
- x <- read.delim(LoadDat, sep = FileSep)
- }
- if(!file.exists(Dir)) stop("Character string input for Dir argument does not resemble an existing file path.")
- if(AngleUnits == 'radians' & Angle > (2 * pi)) stop('Not sensible radian values. Did you mean degrees?')
- if(AngleUnits == 'degrees' & Angle > 360) stop('Not sensible degrees values. Check input.')
- if(AngleUnits == 'radians') angle.rad <- Angle
- if(AngleUnits == 'degrees') angle.rad <- Angle / (180 / pi)
- lat.rad <- x$start.lat / (180 / pi)
- delta.lat.metres <- round(Distance * cos(angle.rad))
- delta.long.metres <- round(Distance * sin(angle.rad))
- delta.lat.degrees <- delta.lat.metres / (111.2 * 1000)
- delta.long.degrees <- delta.long.metres / ((111.2 * 1000) * cos(lat.rad))
- end.lat <- x$start.lat + delta.lat.degrees
- end.long <- x$start.long + delta.long.degrees
- x <- cbind(x, end.lat, end.long)
- write.csv(x, file = paste(Dir, "/", FileName, Distance, "m", Angle, AngleUnits, Sys.Date(), ".csv", sep = ""),
- row.names = FALSE)
- }