123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184 |
- ConvertToDD <-
- function(XY, FileSep = NULL, LatColName, LongColName)
- {
- if(!is.object(XY) & !is.character(XY)) stop("XY must be an object in R or a file path character string.")
- if(is.object(XY)) XY<- data.frame(XY)
- if(is.character(XY)){
- if(!file.exists(XY)) stop("Character string input for XY argument does not resemble an existing file path.")
- if(is.null(FileSep)) stop("To load a file as input, you must also specify its delimiter (FileSep).")
- XY<- read.delim(XY, sep = FileSep)
- }
- DMS.lat <- as.character(XY[ ,which(names(XY) == LatColName)])
- DMS.long <- as.character(XY[ ,which(names(XY) == LongColName)])
- which.format.lat <- gregexpr("([^0-9.][0-9])", DMS.lat)
- which.format.long <- gregexpr("([^0-9.][0-9])", DMS.long)
- DM.or.DMS.lat <- rep(NA, nrow(XY))
- DM.or.DMS.long <- rep(NA, nrow(XY))
- for(i in 1:nrow(XY)){
- DM.or.DMS.lat[i] <- length(which.format.lat[[i]])
- DM.or.DMS.long[i] <- length(which.format.long[[i]])
- }
- if(any(DM.or.DMS.lat != DM.or.DMS.long)){
- stop("A coordinate has been recognised with inconsistent formatting between lat and long.
- Check for erroneous non-numeric characters. See the help page for advice on correct formats.")
- }
- if(any(DM.or.DMS.lat != 1 & DM.or.DMS.lat != 2)){
- stop("A coordinate has been found that does not match the required format for degrees minutes seconds or degrees minutes.
- Check for erroneous non-numeric characters. See the help page for advice on correct formats.")
- }
- DD.lat <- rep(NA, nrow(XY))
- DD.long <- rep(NA, nrow(XY))
- D.lat <- rep(NA, nrow(XY))
- D.long <- rep(NA, nrow(XY))
- M.lat <- rep(NA, nrow(XY))
- M.long <- rep(NA, nrow(XY))
- S.lat <- rep(NA, nrow(XY))
- S.long <- rep(NA, nrow(XY))
- D.point.lat <- regexpr("[^0-9][0-9]{1,2}[^0-9]", DMS.lat)
- D.point.long <- regexpr("[^0-9][0-9]{1,2}[^0-9]", DMS.long)
- for(i in 1:nrow(XY)){
- # For degrees minutes seconds coordinates.
- if(DM.or.DMS.lat[i] == 2){
- # Latitude
- D.lat[i] <- as.numeric(substr(DMS.lat[i], 1, D.point.lat[i]-1))
- M.lat[i] <- as.numeric(substr(DMS.lat[i], D.point.lat[i]+1, D.point.lat[i]+attr(D.point.lat, "match.length")[i]-2))
- if(substr(DMS.lat[i], nchar(DMS.lat[i]), nchar(DMS.lat[i])) == 'N'){
- S.lat[i] <- as.numeric(substr(DMS.lat[i], D.point.lat[i]+attr(D.point.lat, "match.length")[i], nchar(DMS.lat[i])-2))
- } else {
- if(substr(DMS.lat[i], nchar(DMS.lat[i]), nchar(DMS.lat[i])) == 'S'){
- D.lat[i] <- -D.lat[i]
- S.lat[i] <- as.numeric(substr(DMS.lat[i], D.point.lat[i]+attr(D.point.lat, "match.length")[i], nchar(DMS.lat[i])-2))
- } else {
- S.lat[i] <- as.numeric(substr(DMS.lat[i], D.point.lat[i]+attr(D.point.lat, "match.length")[i], nchar(DMS.lat[i])-1))
- }
- }
- # Calculate latitude decimal degrees.
- if(D.lat[i] >= 0){
- DD.lat[i] <- D.lat[i] + (M.lat[i] / 60) + (S.lat[i] / 3600)
- } else {
- DD.lat[i] <- -(S.lat[i] / 3600) - (M.lat[i] / 60) + D.lat[i]
- }
- if(substr(DMS.lat[i], nchar(DMS.lat[i]), nchar(DMS.lat[i])) == 'S' & D.lat[i] == 0){
- DD.lat[i] <- -DD.lat[i]
- }
- # Longitude
- D.long[i] <- as.numeric(substr(DMS.long[i], 1, D.point.long[i]-1))
- M.long[i] <- as.numeric(substr(DMS.long[i], D.point.long[i]+1, D.point.long[i]+attr(D.point.long, "match.length")[i]-2))
- if(substr(DMS.long[i], nchar(DMS.long[i]), nchar(DMS.long[i])) == 'E'){
- S.long[i] <- as.numeric(substr(DMS.long[i], D.point.long[i]+attr(D.point.long, "match.length")[i], nchar(DMS.long[i])-2))
- } else {
- if(substr(DMS.long[i], nchar(DMS.long[i]), nchar(DMS.long[i])) == 'W'){
- S.long[i] <- as.numeric(substr(DMS.long[i], D.point.long[i]+attr(D.point.long, "match.length")[i], nchar(DMS.long[i])-2))
- D.long[i] <- -D.long[i]
- } else {
- S.long[i] <- as.numeric(substr(DMS.long[i], D.point.long[i]+attr(D.point.long, "match.length")[i], nchar(DMS.long[i])-1))
- }
- }
- # Calculate longitude decimal degrees.
- if(D.long[i] >= 0){
- DD.long[i] <- D.long[i] + (M.long[i] / 60) + (S.long[i] / 3600)
- } else {
- DD.long[i] <- -(S.long[i] / 3600) - (M.long[i] / 60) + D.long[i]
- }
- if(substr(DMS.long[i], nchar(DMS.long[i]), nchar(DMS.long[i])) == 'W' & D.long[i] == 0){
- DD.long[i] <- -DD.long[i]
- }
- }
- # For degrees minutes coordinates.
- if(DM.or.DMS.lat[i] == 1){
- # Latitude
- D.lat[i] <- as.numeric(substr(DMS.lat[i], 1, D.point.lat[i]-1))
- if(substr(DMS.lat[i], nchar(DMS.lat[i]), nchar(DMS.lat[i])) == 'N'){
- M.lat[i] <- as.numeric(substr(DMS.lat[i], D.point.lat[i]+1, nchar(DMS.lat[i])-2))
- } else {
- if(substr(DMS.lat[i], nchar(DMS.lat[i]), nchar(DMS.lat[i])) == 'S'){
- M.lat[i] <- as.numeric(substr(DMS.lat[i], D.point.lat[i]+1, nchar(DMS.lat[i])-2))
- D.lat[i] <- -D.lat[i]
- } else {
- M.lat[i] <- as.numeric(substr(DMS.lat[i], D.point.lat[i]+1, nchar(DMS.lat[i])-1))
- }
- }
- # Calculate latitude decimal degrees.
- if(D.lat[i] >= 0){
- DD.lat[i] <- D.lat[i] + (M.lat[i] /60)
- } else {
- DD.lat[i] <- -(M.lat[i] / 60) + D.lat[i]
- }
- if(substr(DMS.lat[i], nchar(DMS.lat[i]), nchar(DMS.lat[i])) == 'S' & D.lat[i] == 0){
- DD.lat[i]<- -DD.lat[i]
- }
- # Longitude
- D.long[i] <- as.numeric(substr(DMS.long[i], 1, D.point.long[i]-1))
- if(substr(DMS.long[i], nchar(DMS.long[i]), nchar(DMS.long[i])) == 'E'){
- M.long[i] <- as.numeric(substr(DMS.long[i], D.point.long[i]+1, nchar(DMS.long[i])-2))
- } else {
- if(substr(DMS.long[i], nchar(DMS.long[i]), nchar(DMS.long[i])) == 'W'){
- M.long[i] <- as.numeric(substr(DMS.long[i], D.point.long[i]+1, nchar(DMS.long[i])-2))
- D.long[i] <- -D.long[i]
- } else {
- M.long[i] <- as.numeric(substr(DMS.long[i], D.point.long[i]+1, nchar(DMS.long[i])-1))
- }
- }
- # Calculate longitude decimal degrees.
- if(D.long[i] >= 0){
- DD.long[i] <- (D.long[i]) + ((M.long[i])/60)
- } else {
- DD.long[i] <- -((M.long[i])/60) + (D.long[i])
- }
- if(substr(DMS.long[i], nchar(DMS.long[i]), nchar(DMS.long[i])) == 'W' & D.long[i] == 0){
- DD.long[i] <- -DD.long[i]
- }
- }
- }
- # Checks that lat answers are going to be sensible before returning result.
- if(any(abs(D.lat) > 90)){
- cat("Invalid degrees of latitude entries:", "\n", XY[which(abs(D.lat) > 90), ], "\n")
- stop("Range of valid degrees is from -90 to 90.")
- }
- if(any(M.lat < 0 & M.lat > 60)){
- cat("Invalid minutes entries:", "\n", XY[which(M.lat > 0 & M.lat < 60), ], "\n")
- stop("Range of valid minutes is from 0 to 60.")
- }
- if(any(DM.or.DMS.lat == 2)){
- if(any(S.lat[which(DM.or.DMS.lat == 2)] < 0 & S.lat[which(DM.or.DMS.lat == 2)] > 60)){
- cat("Invalid seconds entries:", "\n",
- XY[which(S.lat[which(DM.or.DMS.lat == 2)] > 0 & S.lat[which(DM.or.DMS.lat == 2)] < 60), ], "\n")
- stop("Range of valid seconds is from 0 to 60.")
- }
- }
- # Checks that long answers are going to be sensible before returning result.
- if(any(abs(D.long) > 180)){
- cat("Invalid degrees of longitude entries:", "\n", XY[which(abs(D.long) > 180), ], "\n")
- stop("Range of valid degrees longitude is from -180 to 180.")
- }
- if(any(M.long < 0 & M.long > 60)){
- cat("Invalid minutes entries:", "\n", XY[which(M.long > 0 & M.long < 60), ], "\n")
- stop("Range of valid minutes is from 0 to 60.")
- }
- if(any(DM.or.DMS.lat == 2)){
- if(any(S.long[which(DM.or.DMS.lat == 2)] < 0 & S.long[which(DM.or.DMS.lat == 2)] > 60)){
- cat("Invalid seconds entries:", "\n",
- XY[which(S.long[which(DM.or.DMS.lat == 2)] > 0 & S.long[which(DM.or.DMS.lat == 2)] < 60), ], "\n")
- stop("Range of valid seconds is from 0 to 60.")
- }
- }
- # Final checks that -90 <= decimal lat <= 90 and -180 <= decimal long <= 180, and then return the result.
- lat.res.check <- all(abs(DD.lat) <= 90)
- long.res.check <- all(abs(DD.long) <= 180)
- if(!lat.res.check & !long.res.check){
- stop("It appears an invalid answer has been calculated. Check for values just beyond the valid ranges of lat and long.")
- } else {
- return(cbind(DD.lat, DD.long))
- }
- }