\name{EndCoordinatesExample} \alias{EndCoordinatesExample} \docType{data} \title{Example dataset for EndCoordinates()} \description{A dataset consisting of a set of arbitrary locations with a corresponding set of arbitrary start and end time-series dates and IDs. This file can be used in the example for the MODIS EndCoordinates function.} \usage{data(EndCoordinatesExample)} \format{ A data frame with 4 observation on the following 5 variables. \describe{ \item{start.lat}{A numeric vector; decimal degrees latitudes in WGS-1984 coordinate system.} \item{start.long}{A numeric vector; decimal degrees longitudes in WGS-1984 coordinate system.} \item{start.date}{A numeric vector; listing the date to begin the time-series for each corresponding locations. Used during MODISTransects.} \item{end.date}{A numeric vector; listing the date to end the time-series for each corresponding locations. Used during MODISTransects.} \item{ID}{A numeric vector; a unique ID code for each unique location.} } } \source{Locations were arbitrarily drawn from the grounds of Silwood Park Campus, Imperial College London.} \seealso{\code{\link[MODISTools:MODISSubsets]{MODISSubsets}}} \keyword{datasets}