\name{GetSubset} \alias{GetSubset} \title{Subset download using MODIS web service method.} \description{Internal function that uses the MODIS SOAP Web Service (see references) getsubset method to download a requested time-series subset of a MODIS product for a given area surrounding many locations. This function is used by the MODISSubsets function, which is the main subset download tool for the user.} \usage{GetSubset(Lat, Long, Product, Band, StartDate, EndDate, KmAboveBelow, KmLeftRight)} \arguments{ \item{Lat}{Numeric; a decimal degrees latitude in WGS-1984 coordinate system.} \item{Long}{Numeric; a decimal degrees longitude in WGS-1984 coordinate system.} \item{Product}{A character string; a product code to request the subset from. The MODIS product table shows all available products and their respective product titles (see references).} \item{Band}{A character string; a code or vector of codes to retrieve the desired data band(s) within the specified product to be requested. To get a list of the available bands in a product of interest use GetBands().} \item{StartDate}{Character; in MODIS date format, listing the date to begin the time-series for each corresponding location.} \item{EndDate}{Character; in MODIS date format, listing the date to end the time-series for each corresponding location.} \item{KmAboveBelow}{An integer; the distance, in kilometres, from the centre of the tile of pixels to the top and bottom of the tile. So, if KmAboveBelow=1, the total distance from top to bottom of the tile will be 2km.} \item{KmLeftRight}{An integer; the distance, in kilometres, from the centre of the tile of pixels to the left and right sides of the tile. So, if KmLeftRight=1, the total distance from side to side of the tile will be 2km.} } \value{A data frame containing: xll=The x coordinate, in the MODIS coordinate system, of the lower left corner of the pixel in which the location data falls. yll=The y coordinate, in the MODIS coordinate system, of the lower left corner of the pixel in which the location data falls. pixelsize=The actual calculated width of the pixels of interest, in metres. nrow=Corresponds to KmAboveBelow argument. ncol=Corresponds to KmLeftRight argument. band=Corresponds to band argument. scale=The number by which raw downloaded data values can be scaled by. Specific to each band. lat=Corresponds to the Lat argument. long=Corresponds to the Long argument. subset=The downloaded data, as a vector of character strings, with length number of time-steps requested, that include data attached to metadata. This data frame is then passed to MODISSubsets.} \references{ \url{https://daacmodis.ornl.gov/cgi-bin/MODIS/GLBVIZ_1_Glb/modis_subset_order_global_col5.pl} } \author{Sean Tuck} \seealso{\code{\link[MODISTools:MODISSubsets]{MODISSubsets}}} \examples{ \dontrun{ # dontrun() used because running the example requires internet access, # and takes over a minute to run. data(SubsetExample) GetSubset(Lat=SubsetExample[ ,1], Long=SubsetExample[ ,2], Product="MOD13Q1", Band="250m_16_days_EVI", StartDate="A2001001", EndDate="A2001025", KmAboveBelow=0, KmLeftRight=0)} }