MODISTimeSeries <- function(Dir, Band, Simplify = FALSE) { # DEFINE NUM_METADATA_COLS <- 10 WHICH_ID <- 6 if(!file.exists(Dir)) stop("Character string input for Dir argument does not resemble an existing file path.") file.set <- list.files(path = Dir, pattern = ".asc") file.ids <- sapply(file.path(Dir, file.set), function(x) any(grepl(pattern = Band, x = read.csv(file = x, header = FALSE, = TRUE)[ ,WHICH_ID])) ) file.set <- file.set[file.ids] if(length(file.set) < 1) stop("No downloaded files found in the requested directory for the requested data band.") data.collector <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(file.set)) ts.row.names <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(file.set)) ts.col.names <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(file.set)) nrow.recorder <- ncol.recorder <- numeric(length = length(file.set)) for(i in 1:length(file.set)){ data.file <- read.csv(file.path(Dir, file.set[i]), header = FALSE, = TRUE) names(data.file) <- c("nrow", "ncol", "xll", "yll", "pixelsize", "", "product.code", "", "where", "", 1:(ncol(data.file) - NUM_METADATA_COLS)) data.file <- data.file[grepl(pattern = Band, x = data.file$, ] data.collector[[i]] <- as.matrix(data.file[ ,(NUM_METADATA_COLS+1):ncol(data.file)]) nrow.recorder[i] <- nrow(as.matrix(data.file[ ,(NUM_METADATA_COLS+1):ncol(data.file)])) ncol.recorder[i] <- ncol(as.matrix(data.file[ ,(NUM_METADATA_COLS+1):ncol(data.file)])) ts.col.names[[i]] <- paste(unique(data.file$where), "_pixel", 1:ncol.recorder[i], sep = "") ts.row.names[[i]] <- data.file$ colnames(data.collector[[i]]) <- ts.col.names[[i]] rownames(data.collector[[i]]) <- ts.row.names[[i]] } if(!Simplify) return(data.collector) if(!all(sapply(data.collector, nrow) == sapply(data.collector, nrow)[1])){ cat('Simplify == TRUE, but not all tiles have the same number of rows so cannot be\n', 'simplified into one matrix. Returning data as an array instead.\n', sep = '') return(data.collector) } else { res <- matrix(nrow = max(nrow.recorder), ncol = sum(ncol.recorder)) rownames(res) <- ts.row.names[[which(nrow.recorder == max(nrow.recorder))[1]]] colnames(res) <- unlist(ts.col.names) for(j in 1:length(data.collector)){ res[1:nrow.recorder[j],(sum(1, ncol.recorder[1:j]) - ncol.recorder[j]):sum(ncol.recorder[1:j])] <- as.matrix(data.collector[[j]]) } return(res) } }