BatchDownload <- function(lat.long,,, MODIS.start, MODIS.end, Bands, Products, Size, StartDate, Transect, SaveDir) { # DEFINE NCOL_SERVER_RES <- 10 # Split band names into sets for different products. which.bands <- lapply(Products, function(x) which(Bands %in% GetBands(x))) # Loop set up to make request and write a subset file for each location. for(i in 1:nrow(lat.long)) { # Retrieve the list of date codes to be requested and organise them in batches of time series's of length 10. dates <- lapply(Products, function(x) GetDates(lat.long$lat[i], lat.long$long[i], x)) # Check that time-series fall within date range of MODIS data. if(any(($year + 1900) < 2000 & ($year + 1900) < 2000)){ stop("Time-series found that falls entirely outside the range of available MODIS dates.") } if(any(($year + 1900) > max(unlist(dates)) & ($year + 1900) > max(unlist(dates)))){ stop("Time-series found that falls entirely outside the range of available MODIS dates.") } if(any(($year + 1900) < 2000) | any(($year + 1900) > max(unlist(dates)))){ stop("Some dates have been found that are beyond the range of MODIS observations available for download.") } if(any(($year + 1900) < 2000) | any(($year + 1900) > max(unlist(dates)))){ warning("Dates found beyond range of MODIS observations. Downloading from earliest date.", immediate. = TRUE) } ##### Initialise objects that will store downloaded data. # Find the start date and end date specific for each subset. start.dates <- lapply(dates, function(x) which(x >= MODIS.start[i])) end.dates <- lapply(dates, function(x) which(x >= MODIS.end[i])) # Extract the string of time-steps by snipping end.dates off the end. date.res <- mapply(function(x, y) x[which(!x %in% y)], x = start.dates, y = end.dates, SIMPLIFY = FALSE) allProblemDates <- c() # will store any empty dates that come up, so they can be returned to the user subsets <- mapply(function(x, y) rep(NA, length = (length(x) * length(y))), x = which.bands, y = date.res, SIMPLIFY = FALSE) subsets.length <- length(unlist(subsets)) ##### cat("Getting subset for location ", i, " of ", nrow(lat.long), "...\n", sep = "") for(prod in 1:length(Products)){ # Organise relevant MODIS dates into batches of 10. Web service getsubset function will only take 10 at a time. # Fill up any remaining rows in the final column to avoid data recycling. ifelse((length(date.res[[prod]]) %% NCOL_SERVER_RES) == 0, date.list <- matrix(dates[[prod]][date.res[[prod]]], nrow = NCOL_SERVER_RES), date.list <- matrix(c(dates[[prod]][date.res[[prod]]], rep(NA, NCOL_SERVER_RES - (length(date.res[[prod]]) %% NCOL_SERVER_RES))), nrow = NCOL_SERVER_RES)) # Set bands for this product. bands <- Bands[which.bands[[prod]]] # Loop subset request for each band specified, storing each run into subsets object. for(n in 1:length(bands)){ if(ncol(date.list) > 1){ # Above statement stops (ncol(date.list)-1)=0 occurring in the loop (i.e. ask for the 0th column of dates). for(x in 1:(ncol(date.list) - 1)){ # getsubset function return object of ModisData class, with a subset slot that only allows 10 elements # (i.e. 10 dates), looped until all requested dates have been retrieved. # Retrieve the batch of MODIS data and store in result result <- try(GetSubset(lat.long$lat[i], lat.long$long[i], Products[prod], bands[n], date.list[1,x], date.list[NCOL_SERVER_RES,x], Size[1], Size[2])) if(!is.list(result)) stop("Downloading from the web service is currently not working. Please try again later.") if(length(strsplit(as.character(result$subset[[1]][1]), ",")[[1]]) == 5){ stop("Downloading from the web service is currently not working. Please try again later.") } busy <- FALSE if(class(result) != "try-error"){ busy <- grepl("Server is busy handling other requests", result$subset[1]) if(busy) cat("The server is busy handling other requests...\n") } # Check data downloaded. If not, wait 30 secs and try again until successful or function times out. if(class(result) == "try-error" || || busy){ timer <- 1 while(timer <= 10){ cat("Connection to the MODIS Web Service failed: trying again in 30secs...attempt", timer, "\n") Sys.sleep(30) result <- try(GetSubset(lat.long$lat[i], lat.long$long[i], Products[prod], bands[n], date.list[1,x], date.list[NCOL_SERVER_RES,x], Size[1], Size[2])) if(!is.list(result)) stop("Downloading from the web service is currently not working. Please try again later.") if(length(strsplit(as.character(result$subset[[1]][1]), ",")[[1]]) == 5){ stop("Downloading from the web service is currently not working. Please try again later.") } timer <- timer + 1 ifelse(class(result) == "try-error" || || busy, next, break) } ifelse(class(result) == "try-error" || || busy, cat("Connection to the MODIS Web Service failed: timed out after 10 failed attempts...stopping download.\n"), break) stop(result) } # Store retrieved data in subsets. If more than 10 time-steps are requested, this runs until the final # column, which is downloaded after this loop. result <- with(result, paste(nrow, ncol, xll, yll, pixelsize, subset[[1]], sep = ',')) # Check whether result contains the expected number of dates. If not, find missing dates, add NA placemark, and print warning. if(length(result) < sum(![ ,x]))){ resultDates <- sapply(result, function(x) strsplit(x, ',')[[1]][8], USE.NAMES=FALSE) whichProblemDates <- which(!(date.list[ ,x] %in% resultDates)) problemDates <- date.list[whichProblemDates,x] allProblemDates <- c(allProblemDates,problemDates) result <- replace(rep(NA,sum(![ ,x]))), date.list[ ,x] %in% resultDates, result) warning("There is no data for some requested dates:\n", "Latitude = ",lat.long$lat[i],"\n", "Longitude = ",lat.long$long[i],"\n", "Product = ",Products[prod],"\n", "Band = ",Bands[n],"\n", "Dates = ",problemDates,"\n", call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE) } subsets[[prod]][(((n - 1) * length(date.res[[prod]])) + ((x * NCOL_SERVER_RES) - (NCOL_SERVER_RES - 1))): (((n - 1) * length(date.res[[prod]])) + (x * NCOL_SERVER_RES))] <- result } # End of loop that reiterates for multiple batches of time-steps if the time-series is > 10 time-steps long. } ##### # This will download the last column of dates left (either final column or only column if < 10 dates). result <- try(GetSubset(lat.long$lat[i], lat.long$long[i], Products[prod], bands[n], date.list[1,ncol(date.list)], date.list[max(which(![ ,ncol(date.list)]))),ncol(date.list)], Size[1], Size[2])) if(!is.list(result)) stop("Downloading from the web service is currently not working. Please try again later.") if(length(strsplit(as.character(result$subset[[1]][1]), ",")[[1]]) == 5){ stop("Downloading from the web service is currently not working. Please try again later.") } busy <- FALSE if(class(result) != "try-error"){ busy <- grepl("Server is busy handling other requests", result$subset[1]) if(busy) cat("The server is busy handling other requests...\n") } if(class(result) == "try-error" || || busy){ timer <- 1 while(timer <= 10){ cat("Connection to the MODIS Web Service failed: trying again in 30secs...attempt", timer, "\n") Sys.sleep(30) result <- try(GetSubset(lat.long$lat[i], lat.long$long[i], Products[prod], bands[n], date.list[1,ncol(date.list)], date.list[max(which(![ ,ncol(date.list)]))),ncol(date.list)], Size[1], Size[2])) if(!is.list(result)) stop("Downloading from the web service is currently not working. Please try again later.") if(length(strsplit(as.character(result$subset[[1]][1]), ",")[[1]]) == 5){ stop("Downloading from the web service is currently not working. Please try again later.") } timer <- timer + 1 ifelse(class(result) == "try-error" || || busy, next, break) } ifelse(class(result) == "try-error" || || busy, cat("Connection to the MODIS Web Service failed: timed out after 10 failed attempts...stopping download.\n"), break) stop(result) } # Check downloaded subset request contains data: if it contains the following message instead, abort function. if(regexpr("Server is busy handling other requests in queue", result$subset[[1]][1]) != -1){ stop("Server is busy handling other requests in queue. Please try your subset order later.") } # All MODIS data for a given product band now retrieved and stored in subsets. result <- with(result, paste(nrow, ncol, xll, yll, pixelsize, subset[[1]], sep = ',')) # Check whether result contains the expected number of dates. If not, find missing dates, add NA placemark, and print warning. if(length(result) < sum(![ ,ncol(date.list)]))){ resultDates <- sapply(result, function(x) strsplit(x, ',')[[1]][8], USE.NAMES=FALSE) whichProblemDates <- which(!(date.list[ ,ncol(date.list)] %in% resultDates)) problemDates <- date.list[whichProblemDates,ncol(date.list)] allProblemDates <- c(allProblemDates,problemDates) result <- replace(rep(NA,sum(![ ,ncol(date.list)]))), date.list[ ,ncol(date.list)] %in% resultDates, result) warning("There is no data for some requested dates:\n", "Latitude = ",lat.long$lat[i],"\n", "Longitude = ",lat.long$long[i],"\n", "Product = ",Products[prod],"\n", "Band = ",Bands[n],"\n", "Dates = ",problemDates,"\n", call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE) } subsets[[prod]][(((n - 1) * length(date.res[[prod]])) + (((ncol(date.list) - 1) * NCOL_SERVER_RES) + 1)): (((n - 1) * length(date.res[[prod]])) + length(date.res[[prod]]))] <- result # Check whether any dates in subset are empty and store their subset info for future use. whichBandN <- (((n-1)*length(date.res[[prod]]))+1) : (n*length(date.res[[prod]])) if(any(emptySubsets <- sapply(subsets[[prod]][whichBandN], function(x) grepl("character(0)",x,fixed=TRUE)))){ problemDates <- dates[[prod]][date.res[[prod]][which(emptySubsets)]] allProblemDates <- c(allProblemDates,problemDates) warning("There is no data for some requested dates:\n", "Latitude = ",lat.long$lat[i],"\n", "Longitude = ",lat.long$long[i],"\n", "Product = ",Products[prod],"\n", "Band = ",Bands[n],"\n", "Dates = ",problemDates,"\n", call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE) } } # End of loop for each band. } # End of loop for each product. subsets <-"c", subsets) ##### Check that there is no missing data in the download & log download status accordingly. if(length(subsets) != subsets.length | any({ lat.long$Status[i] <- paste("Some dates were missing:", paste(unique(allProblemDates),collapse="; ")) subsets <- subsets[!] } else { lat.long$Status[i] <- "Successful download" } if("," %in% substr(subsets, nchar(subsets), nchar(subsets))){ lat.long$Status[i] <- "Missing data in subset: try downloading again" cat("Missing information for time-series ", lat.long$SubsetID[i], ". See subset download file.\n", sep = "") } else { lat.long$Status[i] <- "Successful download" } ##### # Remove any empty subsets if(any(problemDates <- grep("character(0)", subsets, fixed=TRUE))){ allProblemDates <- c(allProblemDates,problemDates) subsets <- subsets[-problemDates] lat.long$Status[i] <- paste("Some dates were missing:", paste(unique(allProblemDates),collapse="; ")) } # Write an ascii file with all dates for each band at a given location into the working directory. prods <- paste(Products, collapse = "_") if(!Transect) write(subsets, file = file.path(SaveDir, paste(lat.long$SubsetID[i], "___", prods, ".asc", sep = "")), sep = "") if(Transect){ if(i == 1) write(subsets, file = file.path(SaveDir, paste(lat.long$SubsetID[i], "___", prods, ".asc", sep = "")), sep = "") if(i != 1) write(subsets, file = file.path(SaveDir, paste(lat.long$SubsetID[i], "___", prods, ".asc", sep = "")), sep = "", append = TRUE) } if(i == nrow(lat.long)) cat("Full subset download complete. Writing the subset download file...\n") } return(lat.long) }