123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142 |
- % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
- % Please edit documentation in R/MODISoptions.R
- \name{MODISoptions}
- \alias{MODISoptions}
- \title{Set or Retrieve Permanent MODIS Package Options}
- \usage{
- MODISoptions(localArcPath, outDirPath, pixelSize, outProj, resamplingType,
- dataFormat, gdalPath, MODISserverOrder, dlmethod, stubbornness, wait, quiet,
- systemwide = FALSE, save = TRUE, checkTools = TRUE)
- }
- \arguments{
- \item{localArcPath}{\code{character}, defaults to
- \code{file.path(tempdir(), "MODIS_ARC")}. Target folder for downloaded MODIS
- HDF files.}
- \item{outDirPath}{\code{character}, defaults to
- \code{file.path(tempdir(), "MODIS_ARC/PROCESSED")}. Target folder for results
- of \code{\link{runGdal}} and \code{\link{runMrt}}.}
- \item{pixelSize}{Output pixel size (in target reference system units) passed
- to \code{\link{runGdal}} and \code{\link{runMrt}}, defaults to \code{"asIn"}.}
- \item{outProj}{Target reference system passed to \code{\link{runGdal}} and
- \code{\link{runMrt}}. \code{\link{runGdal}} requires a valid
- \code{\link{CRS}}. As for \code{\link{runMrt}}, please consult the MRT manual.
- Since the two pocessing methods do not have common methods, it is suggested
- to stick with the default settings (see Details).}
- \item{resamplingType}{Defaults to \code{"NN"} (Nearest Neightbour). MRT and
- GDAL both support \code{c('NN', 'CC', 'BIL')}. In addition, GDAL supports
- \code{cubicspline} and \code{lanczos} and, from \code{GDAL >= 1.10.0} onwards,
- also \code{mode} and \code{average}.}
- \item{dataFormat}{\code{character}, defaults to \code{"GTiff"}. One of
- \code{getOption("MODIS_gdalOutDriver")} (column 'name').}
- \item{gdalPath}{\code{character}. Path to gdal bin directory and more
- relevant for Windows users. Use \code{MODIS:::checkTools("GDAL")} to try to
- detect it automatically.}
- \item{MODISserverOrder}{\code{character}. Possible options are \code{"LAADS"}
- (default) and \code{"LPDAAC"} (see 'dlmethod' and 'Details'). If only one
- server is selected, all efforts to download data from the second server
- available are inhibited.}
- \item{dlmethod}{\code{character}, defaults to \code{auto}. See 'method' in
- \code{\link{download.file}}. On Unix (also Mac?), it is suggested to use
- \code{"wget"} or, if installed, \code{"aria2"}. In order to download MODIS
- files from LPDAAC, please note that either wget (default) or curl must be
- installed and made available through the PATH environmental variable.}
- \item{stubbornness}{\code{numeric}. The number of retries after the target
- server has refused a connection. Higher values increase the chance of getting
- the file, but also lead to hanging functions if the server is down.}
- \item{wait}{\code{numeric} waiting time (in seconds) inserted after each
- internal online download call via \code{\link{download.file}} or
- \code{\link{getURL}}. Reduces the chance of FTP connection errors that
- frequently occur after many requests.}
- \item{quiet}{\code{logical} passed eg to \code{\link{download.file}} which is
- called from inside \code{\link{getHdf}}.}
- \item{systemwide}{A \code{logical} determining whether changes made to
- \code{\link{MODISoptions}} are to be applied system or user-wide (default),
- see 'Details'.}
- \item{save}{\code{logical}. If \code{TRUE} (default), settings are permanent.}
- \item{checkTools}{\code{logical}, defaults to \code{TRUE}. Check if external
- tools (i.e., GDAL and MRT) are installed and reachable through R.}
- }
- \value{
- An invisible \code{list} of \strong{MODIS} options. In addition, the most
- relevant of these options are printed to the console. Use
- \code{\link{capture.output}} to prevent this behavior.
- }
- \description{
- Set or retrieve persistant \strong{MODIS} package options (per user or
- systemwide). Changes here will persist through sessions and updates.
- }
- \details{
- These settings are easy to change and take effect immediately! However,
- please mind that the \href{https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/policies.html}{CRAN Repository Policy}
- does not permit automated write access to the user's file system exempt for
- \code{\link{tempdir}}. Therefore, changes made to \code{\link{MODISoptions}}
- remain temporally limited to the current \strong{\code{R}} session unless write
- access is explicitly granted by the user in interactive mode, in which case a
- permanent settings file is created in \code{file.path("~/.MODIS_Opts.R")}
- (user-wide) or \code{file.path(R.home(component = "etc"), '.MODIS_Opts.R')}
- (system-wide, write access provided).
- Due to similar reasons, 'localArcPath' and 'outDirPath' default to
- \strong{\code{R}}'s \code{\link{tempdir}} and should be changed immediately
- after loading the package in order to make downloaded files permanently
- available. You may also specify a shared network drive if you have a central
- MODIS data server.
- If you change default values, consider that your settings have to be valid
- for any MODIS product, layer and area!
- It is not recommended to use
- \itemize{
- \item{a coordinate reference system that is not applicable globally as
- default for 'outProj',}
- \item{or a fixed 'pixelSize' for different products,}
- \item{or a 'resamplingType' that is not \code{"NN"}.}
- }
- On Windows, you have to set 'gdalPath' to the location of GDAL executables
- (i.e., the '.../GDAL../bin' directory). On Unix-alikes, this should not be
- required unless you want to specify a non-default GDAL installation.
- On an unixoid OS, it is suggested to use \code{dlmethod = 'wget'} because it
- is a reliable tool and, after the change of the 'LP DAAC' datapool from FTP
- to HTTP (May 2013), \code{dlmethod = 'auto'} seems not to work properly. On
- Windows, on the other hand, \code{dlmethod = 'auto'} seems to work fine.
- Please note that in order to download MODIS files from LPDAAC, you are
- required to register for an Earthdata Login Profile
- (\url{https://urs.earthdata.nasa.gov/users/new}) and create a read-only
- .netrc file in your home directory containing the Earthdata server address as
- well as your login credentials. An automated solution for the creation of a
- workable .netrc file is provided through \code{\link{lpdaacLogin}}.
- }
- \examples{
- \dontrun{
- ## get options
- MODISoptions()
- ## set options
- lap = "/another/path/to/MODIS_ARC" # 'localArcPath'
- odp = file.path(lap, "PROCESSED") # 'outDirPath'
- MODISoptions(localArcPath = lap, outDirPath = odp)
- }
- }
- \author{
- Matteo Mattiuzzi, Steven Mosher and Florian Detsch
- }