MODISextent-class.Rd 708 B

  1. % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
  2. % Please edit documentation in R/aaa-classes.R
  3. \name{MODISextent-class}
  4. \alias{MODISextent-class}
  5. \title{Class MODISextent}
  6. \description{
  7. An object of class \code{MODISextent}, typically created through
  8. \code{\link{getTile}}.
  9. }
  10. \section{Slots}{
  11. \describe{
  12. \item{\code{tile}}{MODIS tile ID as \code{character}.}
  13. \item{\code{tileH}}{MODIS horizontal tile ID as \code{integer}.}
  14. \item{\code{tileV}}{MODIS vertical tile ID as \code{integer}.}
  15. \item{\code{extent}}{Extent information, see \code{\link{getTile}}.}
  16. \item{\code{system}}{Sensor system as \code{character}.}
  17. \item{\code{target}}{If applicable, a \code{list} with additional target information.}
  18. }}